  • Report:  #808250

Complaint Review: South University Richmond VA. - richmond Virginia

Reported By:
Patricia - Richmond, Virginia, United States of America

South University Richmond VA.
2151 Old Brick Rd richmond, 23060 Virginia, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My problems with South University, Richmond, VA began with my first meeting with a Qualifications gal, Bobby, and a financial advisor, Kate.  I told both of them I was employed, had been for some time and that I did NOT want to graduate having a loan of $50,000 or more since I was 52 years old.  I explained to both of them that I would rather use that kind of money for a mortgage instead since I didnt own a home.  I explained to both of them that I was looking for a full time job, couldnt take too many classes so that I could work and have time for classes.  Bobby said In order for you to get your
Bachelors degree in 3-1/2 years, you would have to take 3 classes per semester.  Since this would over load me she said You have to take 2 classes each semester to get the free grants and this would make you graduate a little later.

Kate (financial advisor) informed me that I qualified for free grants which would make all my classes free expect for a small portion of about $3,000 which FASFA would finance.  She also informed me that my books would not be free so I would have to pay for them.  I agreed and signed up for 2 classes.  Before signing up for classes each semester,

I always told by Kate, Erica and/or Leigh that I was still unemployed and because of this I always asked if my classes were still free; for which, the response was Yes, your classes are free.  I was told my all classes were free by Kate, another financial advisor named Erica, and once by the class Register named Leigh. 

After attending South University for 1-1/2 years, I found out that I would have to take 5 classes per semester in order to graduate in 3-1/2 years.  This meant that with me taking only the 2 required courses for free grants, I would still have about another 5 years to go after already attending school for 1-1/2 years. 

This is a far greater amount of time than the little later Bobby informed me of.  Leigh said, Sorry if Bobby misrepresented

the requirement to graduate in 3-/12 years.   Weeks later, I received a noticed from FAFAS stating I had a student loan of $16,000 and I was devastated.

Since finding out the horrible news of being in debt to FAFAS for $16,000 when I was repeatedly told my classes were Free, Kate and Erica has denied ever saying anything about my classes being free.  Kate and Erica have denied ever knowing I was unemployed while in school when they are financial advisors and have verified my records of employment before.   The Dean of the school said he would get back with me about this but I have yet to hear from him.  South Universitys collections department has informed me that I did receive grants the amounts of $4,000, $3,000 and more but has yet to send me a break down of this enormous debt I did not know about until June of 2011. South University wants me to pay them for almost $800 which I would not owe had they not given me false information.   In addition, I am required to pay this amount before the university will release my transcript showing I have a GPA of 3.9 which may help me get a job.  South University in Richmond, Virginia has repeatedly given me false information to get me in school and to keep me there.  I remain unemployed, have stopped attending South University and now face having to file bankruptcy for a loan I told them I never could afford to begin with.

7 Updates & Rebuttals


A higher education than I thought

#2Author of original report

Thu, June 13, 2013


Dear Charoltte,

Thank you for your kind words.  Had I been as educated as you before I started SUO then I would not have had a need to attend.

Since I had never attended an accelerated school before, “Yes” I believed what I was told.  You can call me ignorant for believing SUO’s counselors and Dean of Finances if you wish but I trusted them. 

I went to SUO to become more educated and boy did I get an education in scams and how SUO lies to students to get them to attend and spend money.  Not only do I see this as a SUO scam upon me but all so as a SUO scam on our government to get money and stay in operation.   Since this education from SUO, I became more cautious about everything.



#3Author of original report

Thu, June 13, 2013

 I do not see a way to contact you through this website.  I am very interested in speaking with you.


Still no reponse from school officials

#4Author of original report

Thu, June 13, 2013

I am sorry to hear that you too have had to go through the same thing I had to with SUO.  I still have not received any response from the school dean as I was told over a year ago.  If there is anything I can do to help put a stop the SUO's unethical behavior and lies then please let me know.



Dear Irish Redhead,

I am sorry to hear that you too have had to go through the same thing I had to with SUO.  I still have not received any response from the school dean as I was told over a year ago.  If there is anything I can do to help put a stop the SUO's unethical behavior and lies then please let me know.


Irish redhead

I am a student there and have gone through the same stuff

#5General Comment

Tue, May 28, 2013

Being a student there since the school opened I. Richmond believe every word that this lady has stated.  I was lied to from day one by educational advisors, Candice who no longer works there due to her misreprisentation of policies and procedures. The worse part of it I am a disabled veteran and they have continually tried to take advantage of my benefits as well as not doing their job correctly when it comes to financial aid.  

This school is horrible all they care about is money and will do whatever it takes to get that money.  I personally know both people she is talking about and have had the same interactions with them.  I have had the VA repeatedly look I to their practices and they have been told to fix it or lose their VA certification.  I feel for this lady because the school is extremely over prices and the eduactors and curriculum is that of a technical institute and not of a Bachelor program.  

Feel free to email me wih any questions or concerns because I am about to pull out the big guns on their lack of quality of education and involving the VA, lawyers and the board of education and nursing.  This school is not worth the money they charge and I do not recommend this institution do any prospective student you do not get what you pay for and the lies, cop outs and blatant denial of faculty statements is common practice and the response from them is "we are a private institution we can do as we please"


Response: Did you get this settled yet

#6Author of original report

Thu, January 31, 2013

No, this has not been settled yet.  I am still waiting for South University to send me a break down of all the free grants I was told I was receiving each semister that covered the cost of the classes.  All I was ever told by SUO was "It is very expensive."  I would like very much to contact you but I do not see how to do that.


Glen Allen,
United States of America

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, January 21, 2013

I find this complaint hard to believe.  How did you not know you were taking out loans?  Did you not read anything you signed?  For a year and a half, you thought your education was free?  You can look at the tuition and your financial aid eligibility and do the math as well.  Did you really think that taking 2 classes/semester would allow to graduate in 3.5 years?  I doubt anyone told you that.  You have to take responsibilty for your own actions.  Tuition and academic information is very accessible.  You should be more cautious before signing things and use your brain before making such an investment.  Don't give up on your education. 


United States of America

#8Consumer Suggestion

Sat, December 22, 2012

Did you ever get this issue resolved?  I was told that filing for bankruptcy would be difficult if they are student loans.  I agree South University is a scam.  Contact me.

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