  • Report:  #43482

Complaint Review: Southwestern Bell SBC - Dallas Texas

Reported By:
- richardson, Texas,

Southwestern Bell SBC
P.O. Box 930170 Dallas, 75393 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I recently got phone service with Southwestern Bell. I have always thought they were a reputable company. I had never heard anything bad about them.

The plan that I signed up for -or should I say the plan that I was told I was signing up for- was supposed to consist of local service, call waiting, caller i.d., and 500 long distance minutes all for $35 per month. I understood that if I went over the 500 long distance minutes I would then be billed 5cents per minute. I also had my connection fee of $46.70 broken up into 6 monthly installments of around $8.

Well, the first month, I went over my 500 long distance minutes, so of course my bill was more than $35. I had no problem with that. I paid the bill, before the due date, no problems. Then, I get my bill for the second month of service. I noticed that this time, even though I had not gone over my 500 minutes, my bill was more than the $35 I had agreed to when I signed on.

Now, I uswed to work at MCI, so I know how to read a phone bill. I know about the taxes, the Federal Universal Service Fund, the inter/intra lata lines, and all those other hidden charges. Its not like I expected the phone bill to be an exact $35 each month, but I certainly didnt expect to be paying $85 (minus taxes). Especially when I hadnt gone over my long distance allotted minutes!

What the bill said I was being charged for, was $45.00 per month for "local service". Now, I remond you that when I signed on with SBC, I was told my plan included local service. I called customer service to try and clear things up.

When I got someone on the line, I explained my problem. She first tried telling me that it was not the local service that was causing the bill to be high, it was that I had gone over my 500 minutes. I told her no, it even shows on my bill that all long distance calls I had made were included in my plan. Long Distance was not the problem.

Then she tried saying, well maam, you have international calling which costs extra. I again told her, no it doesnt even say that anywhere on my bill, I never requested it, and that is not what im being charged for.

I grew tired of trying to explain my bill to this woman, so I requested that I speak to her manager. She then hung up on me. I called back, and before speaking to the employee who answered my call, I requested any available manager. I was promptly transferred.

Once again, I explained the situation. The manager told me that I was being billed for local calls. I informed her that local service is supposed to be included in my plan, so she then put me on hold while her computer pulled up my account info. When she came back online, she informed me that my $45 per month was not for local service, but for a dial tone. Never in my life have I heard of a phone company charging for a dial tone, let alone $45 for it!

So I asked her why this charge wasnt on my first bill, she couldnt answer that. So then I asked her why I was never informed that I would have to pay for my calling plan, plus a dial tone. She came back with a very rude "What, you thought you could just pick up a phone and dial! You need a dial tone to make a call, we shouldnt have to tell you that!"

It was then that I told her to just go ahead and disconnect my service. She told me not to pay this bill, because it would be combined with a final bill. I have yet to receive my final bill, but am not looking forward to it. I know there really is nothing I can do but suck it up and pay the bill, which is why I came here to warn as many people as I can.


richardson, Texas

5 Updates & Rebuttals


Dont sweat it Brian...You helped me and probably others!! thanks

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, October 01, 2003

Hey Brian!! Dont worry about Charles or anyone else who says you "plugged" a business. You did a GOOD thing by giving info and trying to help people (like you and I) who are in the same "boat". I am GLAD that you put in all the info you did. YOU helped me realize that I didnt need to put up with the crap that SBC dishes out and now I am happier (and richer) because I have a new phone co and more money because of it!! I hope others will take your advice and give up on the monopolitic companies like SBC. Companies like them DO NOT care about customer service or helping out customers who have been wrongly charged...they care about MONEY and how much more they can get from you!! You did a good thing...DON"T apologize for it!! THANKS BRIAN!!!


Shameless Plug and additional compliant

#3Consumer Suggestion

Fri, May 16, 2003

Charles - A plug is something that mentions a company name, phone number, website, etc. I was for sure going to say some things to you like mind your own business etc after reading your rebutal because my intent was not to advertise, but to tell my entire story. I was sure that I had not crossed those lines by mentioning any of the above items. After rereading my response I did notice that I put my "New" company name in the information. I have my company name on my brain now because of needing signs, business cards etc due to my new location. I can honestly say that it does appear that I am making a plug and i apologize to the readers for not taking the time to exclude my company reference in the writing. Here's another true story that happened a couple months ago at my house (without any plugs). I was in my house the first part of April and didn't have a dial tone. I immediately picked up my cell and called SBC. They did a line test and said I had no problems. I thought that was a strange comment since I couldn't dial out and they couldn't dial me. They asked if my phones were out. Yeah i have nine phones in my house and all of them decided to go out at the same time. They even asked me if I wanted a service tech to come out. I said joking, no i think I'd like to just keep paying the bill every month and not have any phones. Heck, I have a cell phone and SBC probably needs the money. She scheduled the appointment for two days later. Since my phones didn't work i decided to leave my house. came back a couple hours and they worked. I tried to call SBC at that time and they either said the wait was to long or they were closed. I don'recall so I emailed them to tell them I didn't need service. Two days later a phone man shows up at my door. Asked me if my phones were ok. I said yes and I emailed the company etc. At that time I didn't think about it and went on my way, but when my bill came I was charged $30. I called them and said I am called literally every other day by a telemarketer from SBC to try and change my long distance or get DSL which I already have. Why don't you call the customers to see if there is any change in the phones before you send a technician out? I mean if you get an answering machine that probably means that your phones work. They agreed with me and took the charge off. I still believe deregulation of everything is the best way to eliminate bad service and high prices. I would strongly recommend that everyone try a new company of their choice. I will not leave my name, address, company name or phone number so this is not a plug. It is a plug for deregulation. I again apologize for the misconception that I was advertising. I do see how it would be viewed as a plug. Please accept my apology. If anyone knows how I can remove items from previously written items submitted I would be glad to remove it. Thanks B


Shameless Plug

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, May 16, 2003

That rebubuttal actually sounded like a shameless plug instead of a complaint against SBC


everytime I go to upgrade or change my service its like pulling teeth.

#5Consumer Suggestion

Mon, May 12, 2003

I am 100% in agreement with the complaints about Southwestern Bell or SBC. For years I have owned a local real estate office and everytime I go to upgrade or change my service its like pulling teeth. One year I added 22 lines to a new office. Remember this is my business lines. I was told a date for installation and that I could have service not only at my new address but at my old one as well. I figured it would be safe to say that I could be completely moved in to my new 4500 sq. ft. office within the week. Heck it was only down the hall from where I currently leased space. Long story short I could not have service at both locations and my phones were cut off. The service that was scheduled did not get hooked up and it took over 30 days to get reconnected. As a small business owner I did not have the time, money or willingness to file suit for loss of business. My rent on the office was $6500 per month by itself. I lost thousands of dollars due to these phones not being hooked up. The above was in 2000-2001. Just in the past couple of months I opened an office in Plano, Texas. I was told it would cost around $60 to get the phone hooked up and have at least one working line. Six weeks later no phones but a close to $500 bill for service came to my address. Service was never given or received yet I get a bill. The installation for ONE line was over $160.00 and thats just to hook it up. Now keep in mind the jack is there and no work was done in my office. I called and cancelled service immediately and now my office of www.bemisrealty.com is without actual phones. I use my mobile, message center and my home lines to do my calls. I will be getting another business service soon. Since deregulation it is much easier to try different services. Deregulation in Texas has been great. I am so tired of SBC, COMCAST, A T & T and all the other local monoplies being in power that I have sought out a way to help them LOSE business. I became a rep for an international company that I can even do part time and get people better value services in electric, long distance and LOCAL PHONE service. For more information contact my bemis realty website. Lets make the local monoplies pay for their bad efforts of satisfying customers and taking billions from us in the process. Thanks


No Help From SWB

#6Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 13, 2003

You should read my report on this company. They have become a horrible business that is impossible to deal with. Everytime you call you are forced to endure their mandatory voice mail that is several minutes, they make appointments they fail to keep, they spend every second forcing you to listen to unwanted sales pitches, etc. I sent them a bill for my time they wasted and have decided, if it is reported negatively on my credit, so what ---- I have enough good credit I can weather it. That company is not getting another dime from me.

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