  • Report:  #1251834

Complaint Review: Stanley Pine - Westhampton Beach New York

Reported By:
mark51 - new york, New York, USA

Stanley Pine
County Road 31 Westhampton Beach, 11978 New York, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

My father Stanley Pine the manager of Hampton Hills Golf and Country Club in Westhampton, NY made a move against me I believe warrants a report. I was doing some work on the web for the top person at the club and my father interfered in a way that I want to make public. I'm not an attorney although I would consider it unethical interference.

I have been involved in many deals with the main person who controls the club. Mainly in real estate plus the members brought into Hampton Hills via web marketing.

I was providing web marketing services for the club that Stanley had nothing to do with and he interfered in a way that didn't put the club's interests first as would be his fiduciary duty. In my opinion he tanked my relationship with the main person who controls the club for his own personal agenda that had nothing to do with the benefit of the club. He just wanted to protect his friend that had nothing to do with the club.

Every deal I have done with the number one controller of the club related to the club plus other real estate deals we did went off without a hitch.

I'm going to explain briefly what I did for Hampton Hills on the web, mobile and social media. From here going forward lets just say my father Stanley I'll call by name and the other person we'll call number one because I don't want to include him in this mess.

At the end of the day this is between my father and me so I think everyone should just leave it between him and I. If he wants he can sue me.

I was advised there was a percentage of memberships available at Hampton Hills. After a couple lawsuits the club got into during the last 5 or 10 years that is public information and a lot of money spent on them, it was explained it would be beneficial to help sell a few memberships via the web. I laid out a strategy on how we could easily reach thousands of targeted people within close proximity to the club for a small investment using Google AdWords.

From my research there are tens of thousands of people within driving distance to the club that we could reach. I helped improve their overall digital foundation and then I created web and mobile advertising campaigns. I'm not going to go too deep into it but you can probably ask a good amount of the people who live within a ten or fifteen mile radius of the club if they saw the Hampton Hills ads. We did Westhampton Beach, Quogue, Southampton, Watermill and others.

My issue isn’t with the club, it’s with my father. The club is awesome. People love it and they have a great group of staff and members. I don’t want to take anything away from the club or it’s members because if you live in the area, it’s an amazing place to join. The vibe and people are awesome. If I lived in Westhampton and Stanley didn’t work there or he wasn’t my father I would join Hampton Hills.

OK, on to the negative parts. While I'm delivering the goods on the web like normal when I have an awesome business like this with sub par web marketing and potential, there was something negative going on in my life connected with my father. Very closely connected.

One of his close friends who I'm not going to mention here out of respect because we were once close started to make some questionable moves against me which I have public credible third party evidence to back it up.

I was extremely disappointed with my father's friend and I didn't understand why this person is in my opinion targeting me for this type of treatment out of the blue when all the past experiences I had with them were positive.

I don't take these reports lightly and I know there is a liability for me writing this no matter how accurate it is. No matter what happens in my life, I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel and one day I will be safe and secure. I’m not now, but one day I will be.

I’m not giving up, I want to live. I also don’t want to put myself in a civil liability situation but here I feel like I have no choice. If anyone wants to know more details I will tell you privately.

I told my father because it's his close friend that if his friend doesn't stop what he's doing I'm going to report the situation on the web as a way of protecting myself like I am right now with him. I felt my evidence was rock solid. He made it clear if that happens I'm finished at the club. I said with the business I'm helping facilitate I believe that would be against his fiduciary duties at the club to fire an independent contractor over a personal dispute that has nothing to do with the club.

Also, why is his close friend picking on me? Why didn’t Stanley intervene?

This is where I believe he stepped over the line. I want to remind whoever may be reading this that I'm talking about my father. Stanley Pine is my dad. It took me to my current age of almost 40 to let go of any hope of having a relationship with him. A son wants to tell his mom and dad about his life, make his parents proud and I'm no different. I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Stanley just doesn't like me no matter what I accomplish in life or for his businesses. I would say it's beyond doesn’t like me.

In addition to saying if I defended myself legally in any way I would be fired as an independent contractor from the club.

Also, why is his friend who I have had no issues with in my entire life besides good, mistreating me out of the blue? It seemed a little strange. I’ve known this person for more than 20 years and never had an issue with him until now.

I think this is a breach of his fiduciary duties for the club to put his own personal issues that have nothing to do with the club over the operations of the club which can be verified by Google Analytics and other means.

If anyone looks at the number of local people we reached for a minimal investment I think most people would agree it was a good deal on marketing.

Also, the way they run it at the club some people join instantly and others join the next year so we'll see how many new people join next year from the web marketing I brought to the table.

OK, so here is what Stanley did that to me constitues a rip off. Besides various warnings I received via telephone not to retaliate legally online to what was going on with his friend, I received a disturbing email.

The email had attachments with embarrassing events I told to my father asking for help about in the past 5 years give or take. You can see attached, he created screenshots of every time I reached out for him to help when I was describing instances of being attacked and harassed from a group I’m not going to mention by name.

He copied and pasted them to desktop and sent them to me in an email.

I'm hoping someone sees this report who works for the government, an attorney or someone who can help me defend myself because there is a lot I'm leaving out here. If anyone can help let me know. My info is all over the web in Google. I’m not hiding. I’m not saying my only issue is with Stanley because there is another group involved which I’m going to get into.

It’s the group I was telling him about which he sent me the screen shots back. Implying there was something wrong with me for being a victim.

Of course Stanley and his supporters will say I got out of line with him and number one at the club and that’s why I was fired. I say it’s because I was complaining about his friend. If you want to argue it in court, I have no issue with that.

I'm sure there are people who don't care, others who side with him and some who side with me. I'm looking for the ones who can help me because I need it.

Also, I'm focusing solely on Stanley and a group I’m not mentioning in this report. If any of Stanley’s people want to jump in and think this report this isn't warranted I think you guys should take it up in a court of law.

I’m also going to attach a fake Twitter profile on me that I don’t know who created just to show people a little of what I’m dealing with.

I have more evidence than the majority of people leaving negative reviews and complaints on the web.

I warned Stanley and others numerous times if this issue with his friend wasn’t resolved it was going to hit the web. When he sent me the email and tied my work with the club into the issue with his friend I feel like that was a rip off. Plus ultimately getting fired and losing a promised bonus for succeeding.

Deep down I blamed my father for the issue with his friend because of the way he reacted so when he sent me the email and tied the club into it I shifted my focus to him because I feel like neither his friend nor the other group whose names I’m not mentioning even though I have evidence on them and I know exactly who they are, would be able to do anything if they thought I had any semblance of a relationship with my father.

Here is where the story really gets unlucky for me. A good while ago I introduced two people and something bad happened between them almost a year later that I had nothing to do with. I’ve introduced dozens of people in my life and nothing like this ever happened before or after. Not even close.  

Fast forward a few years later and the person blamed me when deep down they know what they did was avoidable and wrong. On top of that he made a connection with another civilian who I know who has all the connections he needed to come after me hard core to make me pay for introducing him with the person who he liked so much until he didn’t. Blaming me for something he did which I had zero to do with.

When it was going well I didn’t hear a word or a thank you. When it went off the tracks it was my fault.

That coupled with the fact they believe that my father Stanley Pine hates me because everyone in this group who’s names I’m leaving out knows him personally. I know them and they know Stanley and me.

They assumed he wouldn't interfere if they come after me or they wouldn’t have done it. It turned out to be true because I told Stanley what was happening and not only didn’t he help, when I was fighting with his friend he used the emails when I was telling him as a bargaining chip to cover up my issue with his friend.

What he didn’t realize is, I’m not ashamed for being a victim. I was injected in the face in my sleep by people who broke into my apartment and a lot of other things happened to me and I don’t care who knows. I hope the whole world finds out so the people who did it are brought to justice.

Picture of my face attached. This has been confirmed by multiple doctors

Let me repeat.

I was injected in the face under my mouth or lips with a filler to disfigure my face. I told my father and mother and sent them pictures. My father made a jpg or picture out of the email I sent him and saved it to make me look stupid later when one of his friends was tormenting me. Picture attached of the email he sent me.

That's my dad. Have to love him. When he lost a lot of money when I was a teenager he took out credit cards in my name. I didn’t find out about until years later. That's another story. Even though it was a long time ago there has to be evidence becasue my first credit cards had bigger limits than normal.

When Google came out with Google Business View or Google Virtual Tours, I went around NYC with postcards and not only sold tours but picked up clients. I got the postcards from independent contractors or certified photographers. I have zero affiliation with Google. I just got the cards and walked around the city for months selling the interior virtual tours. Going into offices with no appointment talking to people at the front desk.

The money is a one time fee to the Google Certified Photographers and I just did it to meet people. Google doesn’t take any money, the photographer gets a one time fee. The interior Google virtual tours are amazing.

You can read about the program here:


This group who I didn't mention their names, not my father, had me followed around sent people in behind me to the new clients I gained and sabotaged most of the relationships. Not all, most. I'm not saying every single person. Some may have gotten rid of me on their own accord. They also sabotaged my relationships with the photographers. These guys are thorough, I’ll give them that.

In total I’d say I have had close to 100 clients and potential clients sabotaged. That may sound like a lot but I’m an outgoing person and I’ve been doing this for a while.

If you don't believe me then call me when you're in front of your computer and I'll show you what I'm working with on the web and you can tell me if I don’t enhance the way you look at the web a little, in one hour like any good consultant would. Plus I have had someone admit that it happened.

So I have my father sending me emails with screen shots of the most embarrassing emails I sent to him when I was violated on an Apple computer that I recommended he buy. I’m sure glad I recommended he buy the MacBook now.

His good friend is messing with me still and all of them recording my calls and trying to make me look bad.

It's like I'm a dog and they hit my cage with a stick and then record me barking. Couldn't describe it better than that. The old dog in the cage trick. These guys aren’t stupid. They know how to cover their tracks. I still have plenty of evidence although no millions to hire a lawyer yet. That’s why I had enough and I’m talking it to the web. I’m also working 7 days a week to get a break.

I contacted 100 lawyers or so to sue and keep this professional, but no attorney would take it because I need it on contingency.

This is one of the emails I got from Stanley after I was injected in the face and his friend was messing with me. Like I haven’t been through enough. Now my father shows me he had files on me. I'm leaving the evidence about his friend out of this.

Stanley’s email to me, and I quote:

Thinking & saying things that we might wish we didn't:

You will either move away from negative influences or be taken down by them.  

You're not doing yourself any benefit by lingering in the past.  I think it's destructive and not helpful, going forward.

Move away from unhealthy circumstances.

These things sound like what you'd read in a horoscope magazine - and make a lot of sense.

Attached was the email where I said I was injected in the face and being harassed 247 by the second group I mentioned. This report can turn into a book and I'm getting tired of writing.

He saw my face and knows I was injected with needles in my sleep when people broke into my apartment. He’s just messing with me because he’s ruthless. He also personally knows the people who I told him were behind it or commissioned the hit or whatever you call it. Not saying he was involved at all with the needle in my face, but he knows the people who I’m claiming are responsible.


He also saw the evidence I have on his friend. He knows most of what's going on.


In short I'm being harassed in multiple ways right now to this day by the group I’m not naming. Lawyers charge more money than I have. I have called anyone who's number I can get for help and visited anyone I could. The majority of my clients have been sabotaged and I'm working 7 days a week to keep my head above water.


I was injected in the face and I picked myself back up and kept going like nothing happened because I had no choice. What would you do?


The group I’m not mentioning keeps coming at me, I tell people and haven’t found any help yet. I'm writing this report because I want help. If anyone is reading this and has any ideas please let me know. Google me and you will get my number.


I believe that someone is going to read this and help me. I really do. I want my life back. Every single apartment I have lived in for the last 4 years has been broken into. Not to steal anything to harass me.


I'm not reporting anyone else besides Stanley. Leave this mess between Stanley and me.


If any attorneys for Stanley wants me to provide the evidence and more that I'm not mentioning here give me a call or send an email and I will gladly provide it. That goes for any of the websites I'm reporting him on as well.


Stanley and the other people at the club aren't stupid but I'm saying right now if you want to pretend the core of this report isn't true you're lying. You can destroy my name just like everything else that has been taken from me but know I have plenty of evidence on my side as well. I do not have a misdemeanor or felony on my record. I will provide my social security number to anyone who wants to verify it.


The group I’m not naming publically here has me followed around constantly. If I did anything wrong they would call the police in 1 second flat and have me arrested if they could.


Whatever anyone thinks they have to set me up is a joke because there is nothing. Just the slam my cage with a stick and I bark evidence.


I have a lot evidence and anyone can examine my face.


After everything I have endured if you take a stick and slam my cage I'm going to bark but that's all you have is me barking. The barking isn't even that loud. It's the bark of desperation and disbelief that Stanley and this other group would betray me like this. All I focus on is being productive and I warned Stanley 100 times to get his friend to stop or I was going to write this. Then he sent the email so I’m writing it about him.


I almost forgot. The good Dr. Laakso.




When I was working at one of the top real estate companies in New York City working 7 days a week my father suggested I see a doctor out of the blue. This is before all these web reviews became public like they are now. I also had no clue what kind of doctor it was.


I have no idea how Stanley came up with this doctor. She has a one star rating on Yelp.


I used to be good looking, I was doing well at the real estate company and I didn’t ask for help. Why was Stanley who isn’t a doctor not only recommending I see a doctor but of all the doctors in NYC this one?


The only reason I went along with it was to make my father happy. I thought I was seeing a regular therapist and it was no big deal. I didn’t know I was going for serious meds.


So if people want to try and discredit me and say there is something wrong with me you can see the doctor they are using to back up that claim. I have not been to any doctor since except the 10 I have worked for in a digital marketing capacity in NYC in the last two years and I have been through hell and back. I feel great under the circumstances. I look horrible but I feel good.


Another thing Stanley did was make me sign over two large checks from the real estate company and he took my money from another situation saying he would manage it for me. He gives me $560 a month, instead of letting me have the money I need to protect myself from predators.


I have people trying to set me up and he’s holding my money and sending $560 month. That way he can tell people, look I’m still helping him and control me. That is until now because I have had enough.


I'm still here working 7 days a week. I do still get the occasional client even with most of them being intercepted and I'm performing at a high level.


OK enough negativing for one day. Thank you for reading. Please help!

PS. I’m amazing at the web. There are a lot of companies and people who are. I’m one of them. Bye.

Report Attachments

41 Updates & Rebuttals


new york,
United States
I rode over 20,000 miles in a little more than a year on Citi Bike.

#2Author of original report

Thu, March 01, 2018

I am 100 percent sober and in excellent shape. Anyone who says different is a liar.

The full violation list when I was living in a building managed by Marin Management.

#3Author of original report

Sun, July 30, 2017

The people I dealt with while living in the building on East 68 St was Martin Hollander, Evan Hollander and Justin Hollander. 

We couldn't get along so I called the city to complain and they sided with me. They wrote up several violations on the apartment. 

Martin Hollander is a old friend of my father Stanley Pine. 


Report Attachments

This is my citi bike account since the last time i posted it

#4Author of original report

Sun, July 23, 2017

you can see by how many miles i ride i'm healthy. people try to sabotage my name the way they sabotage me every day in nyc. 

Report Attachments

This is my Citi Bike account since the last time I posted it.

#5Author of original report

Sat, July 01, 2017

People want to try and lie and say I'm up to unhealthy things. This is proof I'm not. I'd like to see the person who made those accusations ride this many miles in as short a time. 

Report Attachments

This is an update on my bike rental account in NYC

#6Author of original report

Tue, June 20, 2017

I'd like to see the person accusing me of doing bad things ride this many miles. 

Report Attachments

I'm being harassed 247 by the racist hate crime off the books workers of the FBI NYPD everyday.

#7Author of original report

Mon, May 22, 2017

My father Stanley Pine and his business partner Barry Beil do business with the pba? I'm not saying they have anything to do with it. I just don't understand why they won't help. I guess they don't belive me or don't care. The last time I called my mother Susan Pine I suspect, no way to tell for sure, she has me blocked because it goes straight to voicemail. Maybe it's a coincidence. The FBI NYPD are so crooked. They will do anything for money. Don't worry, it won't effect you because they for sure don't poison people in restaurants all the time. 

The Police and FBI are still trying to set me up as a child molester and drug dealer and they don't care who knows it. They also harass me every day.

#8Author of original report

Fri, May 19, 2017

I'm very proud of my father Stanley Pine from the garment center and Hampton Hills Golf for his recent interview.

He's talking about all the rich, famous and powerful people he mixes with. I'm happy for him. 

As for me, people I know paid members of the FBI and NYPD to set me up as a child molester and drug dealer. They harass me non stop every day. They will have dozens of their civilian workers cough in my face over and over all day non stop. 

Examples of how they try to set me up as a child molester.

I'll be sitting in the subway and two stops later a 12 year old darts through the door and try's to sit next to me with people taking pictures. This has happened dozens / hundreds of times. 

I'm sitting at a coffee shop. A car pulls up with a woman, man and 5 year old daughter. They place the daughter on the bench where I'm sitting. While I'm reaching for my phone / laptop charger to get up and move they start taking pictures. 

I'm walking down the street and someone bumps into me. I look and it's a man holding a baby. There are two or three people taking pictures with expensive cameras.

After it's done they walk up to me holding the cameras up high sneering at me. 

These scenarios have happened over and over again 100's of times if not 1000's at this point. 

I'm very happy for my father Stanley Pine and my mother Susan Pine. I'm glad everything is good for them.

My father and his business partner Barry Beil are doing business (having golf events) for the Police and at the same time the Police are torturing me every day in NYC. 

I'm not saying either of them is behind what's happening to me. That's NOT what I'm saying. I'm saying I told them both what's going on and they won't help or make a call for me.

Who knows maybe I'm a spolied brat who deserves to be tortured by law enforment every day and I should thank the dirty cops and FBI agents who orchestrate the harassment of me every day. 

One thing I learned they do is they have people inside a huge percentage of restaurants and for a fee they will give food poisoning to your enemies. Use this information at your own risk. If you get arrested you deserve it. I'm just saying in addition to setting up innocent people as child molesters, setting up people as drug dealers and just non stop harassing people. The Police and FBI poison people at New York restaurants for money. 

If you know a cop just ask her or him about the cointelpro / gang stalking program. 

With all this going on I'm 100 percent sober. No drinking, no drugs, no cigarettes, no nothing. I wouldn't give the crooked cops the satisfaction. Also, with what I'm going through you have to be sober at all times because they throw curveballs at me non stop. 


Someone mentioned I'm strung out or insinuated I'm on drugs. Look at my Citi Bike account.

#9Author of original report

Wed, May 03, 2017

I'd like to see the person who made that claim, whomever it is, ride this many miles in a few months time. 

Report Attachments

I'm going to sue whoever it was that just posted I'm strung out for slander. I have evidence I'm clean.

#10Author of original report

Sun, January 01, 2017

I'm going to attach a picture from my Citi Bike account below. I rode 867 miles in less than one month on NYC bicycles and it can be verified in the application. How many strung out or non strung out people have ridden that much this month?

Also, when I found out that people I know paid multiple PD's to sabotage me I started getting regular drug tests. Both urine and blood from several various hosptials in New York. They all came up negative. The reason is because I know when the police want to sabotage you, they will say your a drug addict, a criminal or mentally unstable. 

I deliver food in NYC and I'm on bike's 12 hours a day or more. How could I be doing drugs with that my physical work per day. Of course the police are trying to get me fired from my job because they are getting paid but it hasn't happened yet. Even if I do get fired I'm going to be clean for life because of what the police put me through. I need eyes in the back of my head dealing with these people. 

I'm not saying all but I am saying a percentage of law enforcement sets up innocent people as child molesters and poisons them. If you don't believe me I don't care. 

Report Attachments


New York,
What is wrong with you

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, November 11, 2016

This is the most incoherent garbage i have ever read, you belong in an instituition on medication.  What in the world would the FBI want with a strung out bum looking for attention.  Go back to the hole you crawled out of.  

The Police want to murder me with drugs.

#12Author of original report

Mon, October 31, 2016

People I know paid the FBI and Police to set me up, have me arrested and murder me. After spending years and tons of money they have not been able to arrest me because I have no criminal record, don't do anything illegal and a few other reasons. They have been able to stop my web marketing consulting business by scaring off all my clients and I'm now homeless and have been for 3 months or so.
I now suspect they want to murder me with drugs. It's the logical next step because they know I'm going to survive forever if they don't kill me, no matter how much they harass and sabotage me. If you think I'm paranoid, I have been injected with needless in my sleep multiple times. Once to disfigure my face which has been confirmed by doctors and the other time in the hand, not sure why they did that.
I am 100% totally sober. I don't drink at all, I don't do drugs at all, all I do is eat food. I have been knocked out with sleeping gas several times in public places with people taking pictures. I suspect it's to make me look like a heroine addict and then murder me and pretend that's what I was doing. They are pissed at me for exposing them publicly on Facebook & YouTube as well. Just trying to spread the word as much as possible because it's a nightmare. Also, I had drug tests at 5 major hospitals recently in New York City and Long Island as proof that I am 100% sober. They all came up 100% clean. After being harassed by law enforcement as much as I have, you start to learn their tricks and how they think. A percentage of them will murder innocent civilians for cash and not think twice about it.
I'm totally sober. I'm 40 years old with no criminal record and I'm under surveillance 24/7. I'm also sharp as a tack because if I wasn't, I'd be dead already.
Last thing. My father Stanley Pine, the manager of Hampton Hills Golf & Country Club in Westhampton, NY did an interview saying how he has played golf with a president of the US, a mayor, etc. I'm not saying he has anything to do with this, I'm just showing I'm in the mix with people who can pull something like this off. I grew up around a lot of other people with contacts like my father, especially inside law enforcement. People that could easily have law enforcement murder / sabotage people. I didn't create this situation, I'm a victim so anyone who has an issue with that statement is because it's true.

Mom if your reading this or if anyone knows my mother.

#13Author of original report

Sun, October 30, 2016

I'm on the street homeless being harassed 24/7. They torture me in several ways, for one they are trying to set me up as a child molester. Right now as I write this a underage girl walks close to the chair I'm sitting on. People can say I'm paranoid but I'm sitting outside a library that is closed to use the internet and there is no one here but me and now a underage girl. Anyway, mom if you can please help in any way because this is torture. 

They are trying to set me up as a child molester.

#14Author of original report

Sun, October 30, 2016

Whenever I go anywhere, there are young children and babies brought close to me with people taking pictures. I'll give two quick examples.

I'm sitting down at Starbucks charging my phone. A car pulls up in front. A man and woman with young daughter (probably less than 10 years old) enter and get on line. Within one minute the daughter sits close to me and the mother starts taking pictures. 

One more example. Today, I'm at Peninsula Library in Cedarhurst. I'm sitting down on my laptop. A man and young daughter sit down right next to me and the man start's taking pictures with me in the pics just like the other one. When I start to grab my stuff to get up he starts laughing and tormenting me to stay. 

I'm homeless.

#15Author of original report

Fri, October 28, 2016

I don't drink, don't do drugs or anything like that. I am homeless though. After reading everything that is going on with me here, I'm sure most people wouldn't be surprised. I'm doing everything I can to keep afloat and I'm not giving up ever. I want to live. I'm only 40 years young.

they are a bunch of ...

#16Author of original report

Thu, October 27, 2016

below when i say they are a bunch of ... i was referring to a group of people from Germany who tried to murder all the Jewish people led by Hitler. I just don't want anyone to get the wrong idea here. Thank you. 

FBI & Police are trying to set me up as a drug addict

#17Author of original report

Thu, October 27, 2016

They try to lure me to areas where there are drug sales going on so they can take pictures and then shoot me up with herion. I don't do drugs, I don't smoke cigarettes, I don't drink. 

Stanley Pine still throwing smoke screens.

#18Author of original report

Fri, October 21, 2016

Everything in this report is true. I'm the author. I have also shared all my personal information, phone number, etc with the owners of this website just in case an attorney requests it. Plus I'm easy to get ahold of. Stanley and others are not happy that this report is up exposing them. 

This is the lastest scam Stanley my father has thrown at me. 

Someone we both know said to conact your father. They are playing on the fact that I have been homeless for the last 2 or 3 months and its not fun. The person said your father wants to help you contact him. 

I said to myself, this sounds fishy but what do I have to lose. Maybe my father was sick in the hospital or something and decided he wanted to make amends for sabotaging me for no reason. 

He gets on the phone and starts asking me why should he help me. This is after I was instructed to contact him. Then they put me in a motel for the night and say call in the morning. 

In the morning, he screens my call and starts sending emails asking me what do I need and why should he help me?

This is after I was instructed to contact him out of the blue. 

These are the same types of games law enforcement: FBI, Police, etc. play with me. They sabotage me, run me into the ground and then throw situations I would never normally go for at me. 

I think Stanley is just trying to create a legal case to get the report down. As I stated several times previously, I'm more than happy to share evidence with any attorney and see him in court any day of the week. The evidence up on this report already shows this is for real and I have more.

Needless to say, I'm back on the street homeless. 

Martin Hollander Marin Management New York

#19Author of original report

Wed, July 27, 2016

Martin Hollander is friends with my father. They have been close for decades. I was living in one of Martin Hollander's apartment's that Marin Management in New York looks after. They were supposed to fix the front door although it never was fixed. I called the city and they wrote up a violation on the door. 

Not sure why Martin was fighting me on the door. All in all it was a total nightmare living on one of Marin Management's unit's. I mentioned to my father Stanley Pine if Martin doesn't live up to his word I'm going to report him and I did. All my father did was try to intimidate me and cover it up. 

Everyone mentioned in this report has all my contact info including the Rip Off Report operators, they have my contact too.

#20Author of original report

Wed, April 20, 2016

Everyone mentioned in this report has my contact info. Including address andphone number. If anyone would like me to share more evidence than what is already up here please let me know. That includes attorneys, etc. The Rip Off Report also has all my information as well. I stand behind everything I wrote here 100% and have evidence to back it up more than what is already posted. Thank you and have a good day. 

Friday Night Saturday Morning 4/8 4/9

#21Author of original report

Sun, April 10, 2016

I was coming home from Mohegan Sun on a bus and I fell asleep. I know for a fact people went through my stuff. Not to steal it for more sabotage. This is what I deal with on a daily basis. It's not enough for my father and his freinds because they had to help sabotage me further. 

I'm going to add in one more thing that I haven't mentioned publically but law enforcement knows it goes on and there have been mentions of things like this in the press every once in a blue moon. I can't leave my house without being followed and harassed. This has been going on for years. 

Of course I have pictures, videos, etc. but the people doing this, some of them police, etc. aren't stupid. So what do they do to deter me from filming? They have some of the people following me and harassing me bring there kids because they know I'm not going to film and take pictures. 

If you don't think this goes on believe me it goes on every day of my life. The people sabotaging me, tapping my phone, etc. have from my estimates a few thousand civilains in NY and around the same amount in Connecticut and a lot of them have kids. 

Some people reading this don't care, some think I'm mistaken and others believe me. 

Before you go dismissing me, remember one thing. I have been injected with needles multiple times in my sleep. I have had 100's of clients sabotaged. I'm under survailance 24/7. You don't think the ....bags doing this would have people bring their kids so I don't take as many pictures of what is going on? 

FBI NYC And New Haven

#22Author of original report

Sun, April 10, 2016

Just called FBI. They said I called 100's of times. I'm asking for help. I have been injected multiple times in my sleep, I have no criminal record and my phone is pen register or wire tapped. They are using the info to sabotage hundreds of my professional and personal contacts. Not sure who is doing it but someone is. Respectfully, I need help. It's my life. This has been going on across the country, I suspect a few Police officers have been paid to ... me over. I have evidence tying people who hate me to high ranking Police officers. I'm not a trouble maker, I'm a web entrepreneur who people are trying to kill. I have been through a lot but I keep a positive mindset which people didn't suspect I would. I'm going to get out of this and earn billions although I'd like a little help right now because enough is enough. Imagine your working 7 days a week selling fast food and every Friday a Police officer came and stole your check. 

Mail Intercepted

#23Author of original report

Mon, April 04, 2016

The best part of all this is the mail situation. They intercept my mail, hold it and just deliver it weeks late when they feel like it. Especially if it's a check. I contacted the postal police today and a few months back. Maybe I'll get lucky and someone will get busted for that. It's happening right now in New Haven and it happened in NYC. In NYC they just broke into the box. In New Haven I suspect because I live in a doorman building they are intercepting through the post office. If you don't think someone at the post office will hand over mail to the people on my situation, guess what? They do. I don't know if they have warants or what because they just take my mail and hold onto it for weeks. Dollar Shave Club, bills, checks from clients, etc. It's 360 degree harassment. Thanks everyone. Guess what? Still not giving up, still going to win and earn billions of dollars. 

Stanley and Susan Pine

#24Author of original report

Mon, April 04, 2016

My parents know a lot about what's going on right now and they sold me down the river. They can say I'm 39. That's great. When I was in my 20's and 30's and didn't need any help they made a point to be involved in my affairs in several ways. Now that I have been violated and am under attack they are gone. I just want the world to know because it's 100% true. Plenty of evidence I'd love to share with people plus what's posted up here. My father doesn't even pretend, my mother I have to say I'm disappointed to say the least.

This happens in America everyone. It may be rare but I have the evidence to prove everything I'm saying here. The evidence that is posted alone is pretty signifigant and I have lot's more. If this was the holocaust and a Jewish person needed to hide in your house or needed some food or something would you help her or him? I'm in a very similar situation and both my parents are going along with it like nothing is happening. I'm sure they have their side of the story and I have mine. We can have a debate and post it on YouTube and let the people decide. Obviously that's not going to happen. I just want the world to know what's going on and I also want help.

My phone is wiretapped or pen register. They have sabotaged 100's of my digital marketing clients at this point. I'd be on the street right now but I just closed a deal for a few grand. As usual the people sabotaging my life got to the person who was supposed to pay me. I talked my way into getting the money, I'll leave it at that. Plus as usual the people who tapped my phone and the people behind them steal all my contacts and sometimes use them for themselves if they are really good like a lot of my resources are. I know all the small and medium business stuff plus a lot of the enterprise. 

I'm not giving up even though Stanley and Susan Pine have sold me down the river and pretend like their son didn't get injected in the face and sabotaged by the police and others. NYPD and NHPD.

I'm going to create a movie, documentary and book about my life 100%

New Haven Police Department

#25Author of original report

Mon, April 04, 2016

Just had New Haven Police Department to my building / apartment last night for the first time. I have called them before but this was the first time I asked them to come by so I could file a report. They wouldn't let me file a report, although I am going to continue to work within the system to do the best I can to get help. 

Please share this report.

#26Author of original report

Sun, March 27, 2016

I suspect hundreds if not thousands of people have read this report since is has gone up. I need more eyeballs on this report. My parents Stanley and Susan Pine know exactly what's going on and niether of them care. I need someone in the press or journalist to get me the exposure I need to get justice. I'm being harassed non stop right now in New Haven, CT, the same deal as in NYC. One more time, please share this to anyone you can so I can get the spotlight on the people doing this to me and I can get my life back from these criminals. Thank you. 

I have posted plenty of evidence up on this report.

#27Author of original report

Mon, March 21, 2016

In addition I have plenty more that I am happy to share with anyone in a position to help me privately. I like when people come on to this report and start attacking me because it proves my case more in my opinion. I disclosed who I am, Stanley Pine from Hamtpon Hills Golf and Country Clubs son named Mark. Of course everyone posting on this report besides me is anonomous. When people say you need professional help, I'd love to know what they do for a living. Are you a doctor sir?

What medical school did you go to? I have an idea let's both take an IQ test and see how we compare. If you want we can video tape the whole thing for YouTube and this website. I'll act normal and like a gentleman like always and you can yell I need help when your not a doctor. If you want to remain anonomous you can wear a paper bag over your head with holes for your mouth and eyes. I'll just be me telling the truth with mounds of evidence that I have and some that is posted up on this site. I guess that's why your here though.

Because there is a lot of damning evidence against a lot of people and when this report goes totally viral people are going to have to answer some questions about their involvement in what they did to me. They way you write makes me wonder about your self control issues and I have a feeling most reading this will see that as well. I disclosed pictures of my face where I was injected, my hand that was injected, violations on my last apartment that are public on a government website and more. That isn't evidence? OK.


Dude, because.

#28General Comment

Mon, March 21, 2016

 Just because YOU THINK something is going on doesnt mean it is!!! Its VERY easy when dealing with a stressful situation to try and connect issues and find a common "villian". But Ive read your post and it REALLY sounds like you have gone batSh!t crazy!! MOVE OUT!!!! If these ppl are doing something to you, then disappear!!! Dont contact them!! Go someplace they WILL NOT find you!!! It either that or MAYBE realize that these ppl are NOT as bad as YOU are making them out to be!! MAYBE you are reading MORE into the situation because YOU WANT them to be the villian. Its easier when the bad guy is right in front of you. I aint saying that they are clean in all of this, but YOU spend more time in front of a computer then with your fellow humans. Humans ARE NOT a computer and DO NOT work the same way. 

YOU seek to blame THEM for EVERYTHING!!!!Then when THEY cry foul and dismiss YOUR ranting as of a madman, YOU ramp it ALL up!!! YOU need to STOP!!!!! Seek PROFESSIONAL HELP!!! Maybe talking with someone who isnt your friends will help you. Now in TYPICAL lunatic fashion YOU are going to attempt to use THIS post as a justification and blame THEM. Sorry buddy Im just a consumer who has read your posts and have found them to BE CRAZY!!!! I wont say your parents are guiltless here. But until you have been a parent YOU dont know what they have to deal with. A parent no matter HOW screwed up thier kid is, is going to try and get that child help.

I can tell you as a parent that THEY are torn up about all of this. Keep the crazy under your foil hat and TRY to fix the issue. Not everything you THINK is real. Each and every post YOU MAKE is just giving THEM ammo. Its VERY EASY to commit someone with the body of proof YOU HAVE POSTED!!!! Try and avoid this by getting help. Get the help yourself instead of forcing THIER hands. A psychologist would say that just by reading your posts there is evidence of delusional thinking and a persecution complex. THIS YOU HAVE WILLINGLY POSTED!!! For someone who uses a computer all day YOU seem to have forgotten how easy it is to pull up EVERYTHIING someone has done online.

I don't understand how my parents are letting this happen to me.

#29Author of original report

Mon, March 21, 2016

Starting the day with a little negativity and then back to work. I already started working and it's 6AM on Monday. I worked last night until I fell asleep, woke up and went right back to work. I have been getting harassed for years before I put up this report. The report is not the reason both my mother and father aren't helping me right now. I'm going to be 40 in less than 5 months. Please don't say, your 39 your an adult. I am under attack and there is mounds of evidence in my posession and public information. If you read this report, it doesn't cover half of what's going on right now. The extent of the harassment is beyond most peoples imagination. It never ceases to amaze me the lengths people are going to sabotage my life. I guess it makes sense because they are very thorough and the individuals behind it have a lot of money. There is a good amount of people involved. I don't understand how not one person reading this will reach out to me and help me. I guess history repeats itself. There is absolutely nowhere to go. The Police in NYC and New Haven, CT know exactly what's going on. I can care less about saying that because they hate me for no reason already. I have no criminal record and I don't do anything illegal. If I did it would have been a wrap already. If anyone is reading this, I need help. All my personal and business relationships have been shut down. Hundreds in total. Once it started happening, I became more and more outgoing and started to contact people more frequently than ever before. As I brought more people in to my digital marketing consulting services, they were instantly sabotaged. This has happened in at least 10 states because I cold call companies throughtout the US. Anyone who meets me can identify within minutes that I'm a good guy, sharp as a tack and able to help them on the web. Then when they are contacted via the professonal people who ruin people's lives for a living, the new clients run for the hills. This has been going on for years and right now in the US. I'm going to stop now, you can use your imagination about the rest. I want to be saved. The people doing this who are reading this can't use these claims against me as much as they would like to because they know how much evidence I have. Mom, dad, whoever, please help in anyway you can. If anyone has any sense of decency at least let me share my situation with you and then you can decide. I'm never giving up and I want to live. When people tear you to pieces with no concern at all that they can get caught by the Police you can not imagine they legnths they go to rip you to shreds. 24/7. I have been through hell and back. I've dealt with it pretty well but I have to get out from under this. I know the majority of the civilians who are behind it and I have enough evidence to expose them. I want my life back. I do not understand how I ended up with no one but two parents who would let this happen to me. It's amazing.

I'm now living in New Haven, Connecticut.

#30Author of original report

Sat, March 19, 2016

New Haven is a nice place. My situation here is unique, just like in NYC. In short a lot of the same things are going on here that went on in NYC. I leave it at that for now because you can read the rest of the info on this report. I sent an email to NHPD Internal Affairs, haven't heard back yet. I called the Police once, NHPD, so far and we'll see if I get any help from them. I'm not expecting much because of the power my enemies showed over the NYPD. If they can pull what they did with the NYPD, this is a much smaller city so I'm sure they have me targeted here. Actually, I'm a little more than sure. Once again, I'm 39 and have no criminal record. I don't do anything illegal. Thank you for reading and have a good day. 

Susan Pine Westhampton New York AKA MOM

#31Author of original report

Fri, March 18, 2016

I do not understand why my mother has me blocked from all communication. I'm 39, have no criminal record, don't drink or do drugs. If I lived in a state where bud was legal, that's a different story but I don't. If I had money for red wine that'a a different story but I don't. Not saying I'd do it or not, but it's a possibility. I have been injected in the hand and face in my sleep, that's fact and both my parents and hundreds if not thousands of others know it. I have been knocked out with gas like local anesthetic several times. I heard it causes brain damage after a while or I read it on the web. My mother saw my face and I told her what's going on. I don't understand how not one but two of my parents abandoned me like this when I'm under attack. I'm sharp as a tack and that has been verified under several situations where if I wasn't I would be finished. Alledgely, I suspect, there are police officers in both NYC and New Haven, CT where I live now that know exactly what's going on. I have had new clients sabotaged as recently as the last two weeks. Mom if your reading this I'm being harassed non stop and I wish I had anyone in my corner, not family members blocking me on their phones and acting like I'm dead. My father Stanley Pine is having Police golf events at Hampton Hills Golf and not only is he not helping by putting me in touch with Police, him and his friends are sabotaging me. One I can confidently mention that sabotaged me is Martin Hollander from Marin Management. I have emails, public record and recorded conversations so lawyers if you want copies let me know. I'm available for any attorney who questions any of this. I have evidence up on this report and I have evidence I have privately shared with Rip Off Report via email. Plus I have more evidence I'm sharing with attorneys trying to get help.

Mom this post is for you, I will never understand why it's OK for me to be trashed physically like this. By coincidence, someone told me the other day leave messages for your father and ask for help. I don't know who put this person up to it or if they thought of it themselves. Why would I call my father when he sent me numerous emails to drop dead. Those were his exact words. Drop dead. No suspect or allegedly, I believe he meant it. I guess my mother is just going along for the sociopathic ride. I don't think anyone thought I'd get this type of exposure on the web for the issue. I sent evidence that would blow your mind to the people who manage this website, so I challenge anyone to call attorneys and try to sue me. I invite it. The more attention on this situation the better.

Michael if your reading this, I hope everything is good with you, I guess your down with the program like everyone else and that's OK. I still wish you the best. If you want to reach out to me I'm easy to get ahold of. John you too, your a cool guy and I wish you the best. Liz say what's up to Socks for me. Taso, you already know, pass me a cigarette. Nana I miss you. To everyone else, know this, I'm never giving up, I'm going to earn millions no matter how many dirty cops they send after me. I don't do anyting illegal and I've made it though the worst NYC has to offer. You know what they say, if you can make it there. Mark Pine forever!!!! Never give up. Have a good weekend. Peace.


I wonder when law enforcement or someone is going to investigate some of this.

#32Author of original report

Tue, February 23, 2016

I suspect hundreds if not thousands of people have read this report already. The last I checked this is the United States of America not North Korea. I have been injected in the face and hand, that's fact. I have been sabotaged in numerous ways. I don't understand how this can fly under the radar. I don't think it will forever. I'm still dealing with constant harassment in one way or another. If anyone has any ideas I'm easy to get ahold of. ***-***-**** I get so many prank calls a day I can care less who has my number. Maybe one day it will be someone to help. 

The front door of my apartment living with Marin Management.

#33Author of original report

Fri, February 12, 2016

Martin Hollander, Evan Hollander and Justin Hollander are my fathers friends who own and or work at Marin Management. I fought with them via email and by phone for months to get my front door fixed. This is the same apartment that someone broke into and injected me in the hand. I'm not saying they had anything to do with it. All I'm saying is they or whichever Hollander who was involved with my building didn't do a very good job with the front door. They replaced 4 or 5 front doors in my 20 apartment building soon after I moved in and even though my front door was one of the worst if not the worst, they didn't replace mine. This is after I was told it would be replaced. There was a fire in the building before I moved in that alledgedly started in the apartment I moved into. I called the city to complain about the apartment and they wrote up several violations. 

Report Attachments

Calculated Attacks From Stanley

#34Author of original report

Mon, January 25, 2016

Here is a quick one because I have to get back to work. My father is wrapped up in a situaiton with me and one of his best friends. I was contacting him all weekend even though I knew he was going to tip the scales against me like he always does, I still don't give up hope that one day he will wake up. He doesn't respond all weekend. Then Stanley Pine pops up Monday morning when I'm trying to work and starts hurling insults at me to try and further distract me. Lies and insults. He is sitting in Hampton Hills Golf and Country Club sending me emails that make no sense that he knows make no sence. That is the type of stuff I have been dealing with from him for the past two and a half decades. It used to completely knock me off my game not it only partially does. When I was in my late teens and early twently and he would use his years of experience in life to distract me and sabotage me I had no way to process it. Now I'm older so I know. It still hurts because he is so twisted but I can handle it better. 

I'm just curious, how did you find this report?

#35Author of original report

Mon, January 25, 2016

I have been injected in the hand and face. I have been harassed non stop and sabotaged by the NYPD. I think there are a lot of similarities. Also, you jumped on this report before it showed up in Google or almost anywhere. Interesting. 

I am being harassed non stop in my apartment.

#36Author of original report

Thu, January 07, 2016

I live in a building that is managed by a close friend of my father. I am being harassed non stop by one of the neighbors. I'm not going to go into too much detail but some of the people involved in harassing me have paid the police to do whatever they want. The NYPD to be exact. The CCRB and Internal Affairs will not help. They only throw the occassional officer off the force just to make it seem like they police themselves. The real criminals or the higher up officers never get in trouble unless they do something really crazy. I'm sure most of you could care less about what I'm saying. Let me tell you when it happens to you and hopefully it never does, you will care because there is no where to go. The NYPD runs this city like the mafia could only dream and never did. If someone doesn't like you and has the connection to the NYPD which isn't hard to get if you have money, your life is over. At least they will poison you at a restaurant. Not kill, maybe just some food poisoning, etc. Plus there are a million other ways these professional murders know how to get at you. Call me and I'll explain further. Not sure exactly what Stanley's connection is to all this, but I know he's connected deeply to the police in Suffolk County, Hampton's, ect. I know the NYPD is harassing me and my father is connected on a high level with Suffolk police that could intervene in 1 second flat because they are all connected and he isn't. My father knows I was injected in the face and hand. All his cop buddies are too busy to make a phone call? Things that make you go, hmmm?

Non stop people coughing in my face everywhere I go.

#37Author of original report

Tue, January 05, 2016

If you ask the police or my father it's a big coincidence. Anytime I go to a restaurant or coffee shop people will just walk up to me and blatently cough in my face. This has been going on non stop since I moved back to New York City two years ago. I went to the police and they said it's totally legal. It's legal for people to chase me around the streets, cough in my face non stop and I'm going to leave out some of the rest. So basically these people are so sick in the head they just have derelicts cough in my face and smile at me while doing it non stop so I can't sit at Starbucks for 20 minutes without being harassed. Of course if you ask my father Stanley Pine he will just say I'm making it up. I'm sharp as a tack and that is why dozens of companies have hired me to run the web for them until people paid private detectives and the police to shut it down. You want motive, call me. 

The extent of the harassment and people torturing me non stop.

#38Author of original report

Mon, January 04, 2016

It wouldn't be a report if I didn't mention the air conditioning. My neighbor, for the last year or so, has strapped metal to the top of his or her air conditioning. It rings thoughtout my apartment 24-7 non stop The only time in the last year that it didn't sound like a car was parked in my living room was when someone from the building department was here. They turned it down that time for a half hour or so. The minute the building inspector left my apartment it went right back on. Currently it's January 4th, 2016 and 20 degrees outside. They have the air conditioning on and blaring into my apartment like usual. One time the police were in my apartment and they heard it and said it isn't that loud. I'd like to see what would happen if a neighbor of a police officer tried to pull this. That metal would be ripped off the top of that air conditioner in one second flat. I have video and pictures, one picture is attached right now. 

Report Attachments

Stanley Pine will drag anyone he can into helping with my demise.

#39Author of original report

Mon, January 04, 2016

Stanley and his friends know that people paid professionals to sabotage my business and ruin my life. There is no defense in a situation like this but to take it to the web. Now I am getting evicted from my apartment. The same apartment where I was injected in the hand and tortured for the last two years. I'm still going to work 80 hours a week and will figure out a way to get the rent. I'm working on finding an attorney now and I know everything is going to work out. Just wanted to mention one thing. Apparently the legal process isn't fast enough for these guys. My fathers friend from high school who manages the property had his attorney try and reject my adjournment. Everyone in New York City gets one adjournment, it's a know fact. They tried to reject mine. I still got it although it sped up the time for them to throw me onto the street. One again, I was injected in the hand and face. This is fact. I am being harassed non stop right now in my apartment and on the street. Any new clients I pick up are told not to do business with me via private detectives, etc. If there is any justice left in this world or if anyone has any ideas let me know. My name is mark and my info is all over the web. Attached is a picture of my hand after it was injected a few weeks ago. I took the picture in the hospital. 

Report Attachments

Now I have been injected in the hand as well as my face.

#40Author of original report

Mon, December 28, 2015

My father Stanley Pine is very nasty. He will not stop sabotaging me and verbally attacking me until I am dead. A few weeks ago someone got into my apartment when I was sleeping and injected me in the hand. Picture attached. Stanley will yell and scream that there is something wrong with me when I'm under attack. I went to the hosptial for proof. 

Stanley Pine At It Again

#41Author of original report

Sun, December 13, 2015

It just keeps getting better with my father Stanley Pine from Hampton Hills Golf and Country Club. I created some videos on YouTube about my situation with him and others to try to get help from attorneys and the authorities. 

I made a video about his connection to the Suffolk County Police Department SCPD that is public information and a few additional things that have happened between him and I. Apparently he didn't like my videos too much so he called a phone number in New York City to try and have me committed. This is the second time he has pulled something like this.

This first time was with Ulla Kristiina Laakso, MD. One of the worst reviewed doctors in NYC on Yelp.


I have the conversation recorded from New York Presbyterian Hospital or the mobile crisis unit. Not sure how it all works. They said my father Stanley Pine called them about me. I haven't spoken to my father in months. If Stanley doesn't like something I created a public video about why doesn't he sue me?

I have evidence of my father and his friends sabotaging me and now my father is calling lifenet when he should be calling a lawyer if he doesn't like a video I created. There is nothing he won't do to try and ruin my life. 

Report Attachments



#42General Comment

Mon, September 14, 2015

 WOW!!! YOU have issues!!! Odds are that 99% of what YOU are saying is IN YOUR HEAD!!!!YOU may even be having disagreements with these ppl. STILL doesnt make YOUR RANT the TRUTH!!!! Have YOU sought therapy for this issue yet?? I suggest that you DO!!!

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