  • Report:  #1489123

Complaint Review: Staples - Camp Hill PA

Reported By:
Jumbo Jet - Susquehanna Valley, Pa, United States

128 South 32nd Street Camp Hill, 17011 PA, United States
717 731 1761
170 Bentz Mill Road
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On Dec 3, 2019, I left a single sheet of paper to be copied. Was told to come back in an hour or so. I picked up the copies, paid the bill. In reviewing the receipt today, I noticed the $13.08 "express" charge, a 29.95% increase. The manager termed that a :small" increase, 1/3 more.

No one told me of any extra charge. The manager said I should have read the screen; instead I listened to the staff, who just said copies would be ready in an hour or so--the surcharge should have been specified at that time. I'll find another copy center next time. Just wanted to alert others to be careful of a slick upgrade practice.

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