  • Report:  #153622

Complaint Review: Steven Mark Olschwanger - Kenny Olschwanger - Dallas And Florida Nationwide

Reported By:
- Dallas, Texas,

Steven Mark Olschwanger - Kenny Olschwanger
getfitnow Dallas And Florida, Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Steven Mark Olschwanger and various attorney's are involved in organized crime. They have numerous schemes including but not limited to: corporate fraud, identity theft, bank fraud, mail fraud, internet fraud, social security fraud, bankruptcy fraud, writting fraudulent checks, stealing of drivers license, using numerous alias names, IRS Fraud, money laudering of drug money, filing false police reports, FDA Fraud, insurance fraud, theft, internet fraud.

Steve Olschwanger, as seen on the Internet under "getfitnow" is well groomed, muscular, and comes across as a perfect gentlemen. Olschwanger comes across as a perfect man, a gentleman, a good family man, claims to be highly respected, and will appear to be the perfect business professional at all times. Perfection and saying whatever you want to hear is your first clue. Olschwanger's group includes attorney's and other professionals who have been creating corporate fraud schemes and organized crime schemes since 1989.

Various lawsuits have been filed but when attorney's, DA's, FBI, Attorney Generals office see that there is evidence linking attorney's to RICO, Organized Crime, and the aforementioned criminal acts with STeven Olschwanger's group; then, no attorney will proceed. In brief: attorney's protect other attorney's and the system doesn't have the time, the money, or the investigative staff to deal with numerous criminal acts of Steven Mark Olschwanger and his associates. Olschwanger maintains several business's but, if you investigate his claims, you will learn that he is a Charlatan and Sociopath who can lie better than most people can tell the truth.

If you want to learn more about the Sociopathic behaviors, cons, and technichs used by such professional con artists as Steven Mark Olschwanger, you should read "The Sociopath Next Door". Do not believe anything that Steven Olschwanger tells you and don't trust anyone who associates with him, including attorney's that he knows in any tiny way. Olschwanger has residences and P.O. Boxes in Houston, Dallas, California, Florida, and Colorado.

You can check out the numerous times that he has changed addresses which is only the beginning. You can check out the numerous times that he files Bankruptcy which is his tool in escaping people he has defrauded. He has 9 known alias names: Al Olson, Olswalcer, Olshwanger, Steve Mireson, Steve Olschwanger. Olschwanger is affiliated with parties in Florida whereby Olschwanger sends large checks to parties in Florida and in turn those people cash the checks thus leaving no paper trail for the authorities.

He defraud bank employees and he has friends working at banks who aid in defrauding the bank. Additionally, he has attorney's who draft documents used to defraud banks.

The sequence of events used by Olschwanger, his gang, and attorney's is: (1) real you in with false advertising or false hopes, (2) get your drivers license or credit card number or check number from your bank account, (3) get you to form a company or get involved in one of his companie schemes, (4) once you have written a check or given your drivers license number, or bank account number then he is well on his way to drain you of all he can get, (5) his attorney friend then prepares papers used to defraud your bank without your knowledge, (6) while you put money into your bank account, he is diverting the money to the fraudulent bank account opened without your knowledge and then the money is sent to Florida thus laundered with no paper trail as mentioned above, (7) when you realize that your money is gone; you can only file a lawsuit which takes years to go to court, (8) Olschwanger will lie and confuse the courts in his Charlatan ways; thus causing more delays, (9) then, Olschwanger will file Bankruptcy using a fraudulent social security number and or alias name or company names, (10) when attorney's see clearly that attorney's are involved in aiding Olschwanger to defraud you and your bank; the banks attorney will tell you that you have no rights to see the bank accounts of the fraudulent account, even when it's in your name; you will be forced to seek an attorney's help to subpoena the bank records and no attorney is going to report other attorney's involved in bank fraud, organized crime, corporate fraud, identity theft, money laundering, or any other criminal acts; so, they will drain you of your money through fabricated legal fees, aid Olschwanger in Bankruptcy Fraud, cut a deal with Olschwanger, prevent the DA's from talking to you or looking at your evidence because they don't want this scandal to hit the news.

The State Bar, FBI, and Attorney Generals office already know that attorney's have been involved in bank fraud, corporate fraud, organized crime, Will fraud, identity theft for decades but they will tell you what ever it takes to appease you or get rid of you. Why? ask them. Financial Crimes and the DA's will tell you that they don't have the time, the money or an investigative staff.

Identity Theft will tell you they only handle forged checks. The FBI will tell you that they are busy with terriosm and that they only handle when the bank looses the banks money; not when the bank looses your money due to the bank being deceived. Steven Olschwanger enjoys defrauding the smartest of people.

Even Universal Press, Associated Press, family, attorneys, professional football players, etc. have been defrauded by Olschwanger.

Olschwanger is on the Internet as: Steven Olschwanger and Associates, GetFitNow, BreastMagic, AudioText, The New You and other companies as seen on a lady's complaint.

Additionally, he is affilitated with a drug money laundering scheme and Mortgage Company known as Commonwealth; which again connects various attorney's to that company as well.

Yes, it is true: Attorney's are involved in Organized Crime with Steven Mark Olschwanger and the system will not do anything about it. Ask your Congressman, Financial Crimes, the DA's, the Attorney Generals, and please send this report to them because it is all true.

There are other sites on the Internet showing other cases whereby Attorney's are known to be involved in Organized Criminal Acts and nothing was done about it. Justice stands for Just Us Attorney's and who knows best how to play the system than attorneys?

Take the case of Mel Jettor who was put in prison by Doug Mulder, State Prosecuting attorney when evidence was withheld from the courts that would have proven Jettors innocense as seen on the movie called "The Thin Blue LIne" IN the movie, when the Judge is asked "How do you feel knowing that you sent a man to prison on a murder charge that he didn't committ?" the judges answer was "well, my father was a policeman during Prohibition days and he believed in upholding the law and he's dead for it today".

Is this Judge saying that he withheld evidence that he knew existing to prove Jettors innocense but he knew if he let the evidence be known then he could be killed? yes, attorney's have told me that if they let the evidence that I have be known to the authorities then I could be killed because no attorney is going to go to prison on numerous counts of criminal acts, bank fraud, money laundering, organized crime, corporate fraud, identity theft, etc.


Boca Raton, Florida

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