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Qwest Long distance company
Telemarketer from Canada promised that the State to State rate would be only $.04 a minute, asked about this constantly and was told yes, IN STATE rate would be $.07 a minute. I signed up, First bill came and it was $.01 cents a minute for long distance for 60 minutes, then the remaining 200 minutes were $.15 a minute, The $.04 cents a minute was only for "LOCAL " Long distance. When I called them on this they said that's incorrect and couldn't find the tape of the Qwest person, me, and the telemarketer, stating that this was what he said! Also since they didn't have the tape of the call I told them that I never authorized them to switch me either... They keep sending me bills tho, They wouldn't pay the $10.00 to switch me back to my original LD company either, Sprint! I am now with my local telephone company where I can at least visit them and "Punch the lights out" of the person if/when they pull this crap... They have been good so far...AOL LONG DISTANCE IS also a ripoff, I changed the form of payment because they charged me for things that I didn't buy or receive either and their $.09 cents a minute anytime/anywhere is bogus too.