  • Report:  #1419711

Complaint Review: Studio Wildcard - Kirkland Washington

Reported By:
Kevin - Abilene, other, United States

Studio Wildcard
Kirkland, Washington, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

First and formost: False-detects from BattlEye are extremely rare; but they do happen, and whenever they do happen there should not be such a slippery slope that affects them on communities. Whenever a player receives a gameban and it can take 90+ days for their ticket to get reviewed from BattlEye, it can be insinuated that the following behaviors were incited:

The player takes it to the game support; and game support refers them back to the unresponsive BattlEye. The player takes it to the games forums to be kicked for talking about anti-cheat whenever they just wanted help. Finally the player takes it to steam to be bullied with the cheater cheers. It is all funny; until after those 90 days the BattlEye finds out the player was innocent and apologizes to the player. 

After that point whatever the studios have in mind is no longer anti-cheat; it has become retaliation. The hatred of a cheeter being expressed on an innocent and declared innocent player is no longer anti-cheat. This is when the BattlEye notably backs off. But what is interesting is just how serious the game developers are. They continue to persist with the forums banning. It is a problem when a "cheeter" hatred has confirmingly affected a player accross their replacement account for the one lost due to a confirmed hackshield crises.

After fighting between ban-list to ban-list to make it off of one and onto the other.... I have finally decided:

"You will boycott yourselves. You have been warned!"

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Oklahoma City,
United States
Taken care of.

#2Author of original report

Tue, September 14, 2021

The banning was lifted.


United States
SWC Revisited The Bannings; The Banning Was Appealed

#3Author of original report

Fri, March 30, 2018

The issues resulting in this ripoff report were resolved by SWC. I have no further issues...


United States
Will be asking a moderator to clean the origional report up with photos...

#4Author of original report

Thu, December 28, 2017

Trying the Upload Photos feature one more time.

JUST IN-CASE THESE ARE THE PHOTOS : If a moderator here could clean up the origional post I would greatly appreciate it a lot! I am trying to figure this platform out still.

dropbox.com/s/hl7chyt4fj5xkvd/Banned%20on%20Ark%20Forums.PNG?dl=0 > Banned on Ark Forums.

dropbox.com/s/80om14h731rnpt8/Capture%202.PNG?dl=0 > This is the steam discussions banning, after bringing up; that the banning which incited the forums banning and the cancelation of the steam account... is causing me issues on a replacement steam account.

dropbox.com/s/o9lcooj08cdvgu0/Mislabelled%20the%20reason%20of%20ban%20to%20begin%20with.PNG?dl=0 > This is the moderators initial notes on the forum banning. Notes; that according to the steam discussions banning, the forum banning that I had recieved is mislabelled.

dropbox.com/s/lp3qpib55my1rpo/Capture.PNG?dl=0 > The links in this post cover the game developers terms and conditions. Since banned players cannot submit tickets then they are in violation of the terms and conditions on their behalf. Thus the T.a.C. is not sustainable. There is video evidence of me trying to submit a ticket with the replacement account.

youtube.com/watch?v=PvHF6uXLXHI> This is a youtube video of me trying to solve this through the ticket features before I had even taken this accross the twitter platform or steam to try to get some support. None of which, none of these three methods recieved support. All of which were greated with another retaliative banning. 

dropbox.com/s/gxotbk748krpde8/RE%20You%20have%20been%20banned%20from%20ark%20survival%20evolved%20discussions.PNG?dl=0 > These are my responses about both the forums banning and the steam discussions banning, remembering that the replacement account is banned for "being a duplicate account." last that I checked, the morges attendance does not account for our overall population. That steam account is DEAD.

dropbox.com/s/vxku87cqqsldq1o/Capture%201.PNG?dl=0 > BattlEye declairing that the global banning, inciting the initial forums banning, was a false-positive. They also stated that it will be fixed. That false-positives are taken seriously. BattlEye is their anti-cheat system. I have no problems with BattlEye. BattlEye did their job well after our incident. It led to the better for everyone and production to the anti-cheat. The false-detect of the global banning caused the deletion of the account that the game developers are trying to hold these current forums and discussions bannings with.

dropbox.com/s/vqw6uprprpbgv0p/Valve.PNG?dl=0 > This is valve; certifying that all actions were actions from the game developers and stating that they cannot take the game developers actions back.



United States
For some reason or the other, the photos did not upload.

#5Author of original report

Thu, December 28, 2017

I am just adding the photos to this ripoff report.

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