  • Report:  #1486303

Complaint Review: Target.com - San Bruno CA

Reported By:
Xanthor - San Bruno, CA, United States

1150 El Camino Real San Bruno, 94066 CA, United States
(650) 827-0171
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This is a followup to my report from last year which I can no longer access due to switching providers and forgot password. I used to shop almost daily at the above store, but because of several issues, my business is now done at my local supermarket again. Target doesn't care either, their attitude is more like a drug dealer who cares less of the customer, because there will always be someone else to replace you. Mailing in copies of reciepts that at the time averaged $400 a week meant nothing to them, as they recieved the letter, but never replied. 

As a refresher, December 2018 had ordered two of the latest Nintendo 2DXL to pick up at the store. Got to the store to be told they didn't see anything, and checking email from outside the store, discovered why. (Phones and internet devices do not work unless you use their limited service which is always down, This is not because of interfearance with the refridgerators or freezors, this is because at the front of the store if you peek into the managers office when the door is open, you will see a cell phone amplifer box.

This box blocks signals, not amplify them, which is why they use special radios in the store instead of phones.) Outside the store, I was able to see my order was canceled due to the location I was at being out of stock. Or so the email stated.

Looking on the second floor electronic section, their case had 20 units in them. Same bar code, same system with Mario Race Cart. Showed the canceled order to the manager who left it at I can buy the units at their price, as they were unwilling to honor their own advertised price which was $40 more per unit. 

Their motto of Expect More, Pay less should really be Expect MUCH less, while you pay even MORE! I'm sure many have seen how a lot of retail goods like cerial, canned goods, are getting smaller while the prices are getting higher? You may also noticed this is taking place mostly at your Target store, and that your regular grocery store has the same exact items at not only their normal size, but actually MUCH CHEAPER than Target.

This is why they block signals from within the store. If you cant price check, they hope you will just buy what they have and not be able to show them cheaper prices for them to price match. Can't show them, they don't have to do a thing. I even put it to the test today and told one of the managers to come with me to the door where there is actually reception, and they refused using the excuse I cant bring the cart to the exit unless I pay first. Told them lets leave the cart here by the cashier and have a look. They walked off.

Every single freezer item in the store was higher price, and much smaller in size. 44oz of Baked Ziti from my supermarket is $12.80, yet the store actually has a tag saying their price is lower at $9.99. What they are not telling anyone is that the same type same brand is actually 24ounces, not 48. Im actually bringing these back tomorrow.

Ripoffreport Report Image

Im not sure why they do the smaller item bit, other than to make the customer think their saving a lot when in fact they are paying a LOT more! You can say maybe its to store more items for a bigger selection. Would be true if the whole freezor section wasnt more than half empty all the time. It was actually this reason alone, that had me at my local supermarket to discover how much Target had been ripping me off to begin with.

Earlier this year I was cutting through their store to reach another store within the mall and noticed something new. They had two shopping carts filled with items, showing the customer got more from them, than the local supermarket doller for dollar. Had they switched the price tags, showing the supermarket being cheaper with more items, it would have actually been accurate. Someone high up must have gotten burned for that stupidity, because it wasn't repeated when I was there today. 

Lets jump back to last year, forgot to mention this. One of the biggest scams this store pulls, is leaving their sale signs up long after sale is over, or just doesn't have the item at correct price, and know what they try saying when you bring 10 items that are listed on sale and ring up at regular price? They tell you another customer must have thrown it there accidentally.

This happened when I was buying 10 pairs each of shirts and pants for both my children. The few times I been to this store, I already know whats going to happen which is rarely why I shop there unless I really have to. I go armed with my cell phone, and take pictures of the sale signs, and the shelf stickers with the bar codes.

When the above clothing items were getting rung up, they were supposed to be $5 for each pants, and each shirt. Instead they were coming up $12.99 each. Sure enough, the manager pulled the customer threw the wrong item in the wrong location routine.

Customer behind me had some of the same clothing items and was getting pissed hearing what this guy was saying to me figuring she would have to wait for someone to do a price check, which the store doesnt honor despite the advertised price as I loaded up the pictures stored on the SD card, and put it in front of the managers face.

Said hmmmm, bar code of the shirts and pants seem to match the signs, so I guess your store screwed up, not the customer? The result was the manager telling both me and customer behind me that we can buy only two of the clothing items at the sale price, nothing more unless we paid what the register showed. 

Cartwheel and their new system is even a bigger joke, because a lot of items they advertise in the store through their limited internet service for their items, the ones that say buy 3 or more or buy $30 or more and get a $5 or $10 gift card?

They almost never work. Notice as you scan the items in the store, how when you get to the registers, the list just happens to reset. I make it a point, especially when I am supposed to get $20+ in gift cards, to make them wait till I scan the items in again, or get tired and give the amount off right then and there.

If your one of the lucky ones to actually not have an issue and actually get a gift card, MAKE THE CASHIER VERIFY THE CARD VALUE THEN AND THERE!!!! This is because ever single time I and people I know buy the required items for the gift cards that are $10, not the $5, but the $10 ones, the cashier will tell you its there, but come back another time and those supposedly $10 cards are actually $5.00, or $0. 

Im including photos of the ziti, for comparison. If you have not already checked, start checking to make sure you really are paying less. Most likely your paying more and getting less.



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