  • Report:  #1136227

Complaint Review: Terminix - Nationwide

Reported By:
IMRedeemed - Renton, Washington,

Nationwide, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

--- Letter to Terminix (04/04/14) ---

You folks are unbelievable!  All of this started Friday w/ your failure to show for a scheduled appointment and no call all evening to let us know you couldn't make the appointment.  As a result, your lack of consideration and professionalism forced us to miss a very close friend's birthday celebration.

We made multiple calls that evening and were told we'd receive a call back; as you well know, we never did. 

My wife missed a call from Terminix early on Tue morning advising that someone would be out between 1700 - 1900 that evening.  Well that wasn't going to work.  That was the same time slot promised for Monday and you folk didn't show.  We didn't have a whole lot of confidence you folks wouldn't "no show" once again and not bother to call.

I made multiple calls to your worthless call center, got hung up when I told the CSR I wanted to speak to a manager.  I never raised my voice, nor used an profanity.  Unlike you folks, I was professional..

I wasn't dissuaded.  I called back and once again asked to speak to a manager.  Finally, at approx. 0823 Tue morning I spoke w/ Danny (Phx call center).  He listened to my account of what transpired and I explained that the problem was with the wasps on the roof coming in thru the skylight and the tech was going to need daylight hours to effectively assess and treat the problem.  Danny told me the Branch Managers handled all the scheduling and he would have to get hold of them to try to find a better time.  He added that he wanted them to hear my complaint.  He hen put me on hold, as he tried to conference in one of the Branch Managers (Becky or Stuart).  Danny apologized that he couldn't reach them, but took down my direct cell (((REDACTED))) and said one of them would call me back . . . which, as you well know, then never did.

I called back a couple of hours later and spoke w/ Larry.  He kindly listened to the whole story once again and was also very apologetic.  He then explained that it could take up to 24 hrs to get a call back.  Not sure why Danny didn't tell me that.  Larry again took down my cell phone # and said he'd have one of the branch managers call me back.

I then went to your web site and filled out a request to be contacted.  I didn't get any response on that until the following day, Wed (response below).

Here we are now on Friday and I have yet to hear back from Becky or Stuart.

It's obvious at this point that you folks simply don't care about the individual homeowner customer.  You've grown into just another national chain -- similar to the behemouth Telecoms -- and could care less about us.  I just wonder if you, Becky or Stuart would feel the same way if this happened to you personally.

. . . Your're FIRED!!!!

You're not the only game in town and I have choices.  I just made mine.

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