  • Report:  #991523

Complaint Review: The Liquidation Channel - Austin Texas

Reported By:
Kay - Dayton, Ohio, United States of America

The Liquidation Channel
100 Michael Angelo Way Ste 400 D Austin, 78728 Texas, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This complaint was forwarded to the BBB for numerous issues and none were addressed(except refunds on products the did not have to sell) and there will be another notification to the Attorney General in TX regarding Fraud/misleading advertisement and do not speak to the CS Manager, Zeke Redden he would not take the recordings nor correspondence to back these complaints.

This is a long deserved and overdue complaint and a request for action regarding the Liquidation Channel.  I have had numerous issues with this company.

They assume zero responsibility for warehouse issues

They hold orders in order save shipping costs.

They are slow to ship items.

The customer service is poorly managed and trained.

Supervisors and/or Managers busy when there is a problem

I have been hung up on. 

I have received differing information.

I have received a promised call from a manager and did not receive one. In fact the rep lied about a manager contacting me and I have that conversation recorded as well.

They dont advise a customer when an item will not be shipped, they simply ignore it and process a refund and cross it out on the invoice with zero explanation.

I have been told customer service cannot contact the warehouse then turn around on the same call stating a manager is going to the warehouse to locate a product that has already been paid for in advance from an auction item.

They are inflating retail prices when you can find the same or similar items on Ebay from china/Japan for a lower price.

A supervisor, Darin, told me they couldnt pull an item from auction in order to send it to the rightful buyer and then in the same call they pulled the vey same item claiming it was defected.  What is truth and what is fiction.  I asked if the bidders on the item would be made aware of the pulled item and the reply was, No, they will not.

I have yet to receive items that I paid for via their auction that is the actual item I bid on, won and paid for and they dont have the item to sell but still take your money.

A supervisor Camille M. did not return emails to me. (I have copies of said emails)

Packaging is horrible- broken jewelry bags and items just thrown in a bubble wrapped white envelope.

Placing items an on auction that are not available to ship and accepting payment for the item anyway.  I believe that is misleading or defrauding the consumers.

Offering coupons/store credits when they cannot be utilized to the customers satisfaction

Avoidance of speaking to a Manager, at all costs.  

Long hold times 

Items that are broken or damaged when received.

Items break shortly after receipt

They send the wrong product you bid on and won and then when you call themthe item you paid for is gone or they never had it. 

The most recent issue, I bid on a mans watch, won and paid 31.00 and 2.99 shipping and received a womans leopard watch bracelet.  I called customer service and spoke to a Lazaro and all supervisors/managers were busy, and Lazaro would just abruptly place me on hold or mute without warning me. 

Therefore, it led me to believe he had hung up on me.  I received a flimsy excuse as to what happened and that they could not guarantee that I would receive the watch I already paid for and that I would need to send the item, I did not want, back to them first and then they would send me the correct item if it was available.   Never received the watch, they never had it to sell but I did receive a refund.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Sounds so very familiar...and more!

#2General Comment

Thu, January 16, 2014

Your story sounds so very familar.  I am going through much of the same as we speak.

I also feel obligated to inform people of The Liquidation Channel's latest (or who knows maybe long-standing) "Shipping/Invopice Scam".

I sincerely hope that what has happened to me will provide other customers with the knowledge of LC's existing "mystery" policy/scam and once aware, will not also become an LC victim.

What has happened to me involves a shipping/invoicing scam that has costs me hundreds of dollars just in the last few weeks.

It works like this...

As a customer, if you place an ONLINE order you pay a one-time, flat fee (known as a "Shipping Bundle") of $29.99 for all purchases made within a 24-hr. period.

However, and PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE heed my warning...

If you also place, or have placed, orders from their ON-AIR television program (known as their "Automated System"), LC has what I believe to be a totally illegal policy of not charging customers their On-Air ADVERTISED shipping rate but instead, LC will charge you their "Shipping Bundle" rate of $29.99 for EVERY ITEM you purchase.

In other words, the $1.99 or $2.99 shipping rate will not apply to you any longer!  IT'S A SCAM!

LC never mentions this to customers either Online or On-The-Air...and this policy appears nowhere on their web-site nor has any On-Air host ever mentioned this policy.


And the only way you will ever learn about it is THE HARD WAY...like I did...after it has cost you a great deal of money.

Only after LC has charged you nearly 30-times the actual shipping rate for every item purchased and only after you call Customer Service to resolve this problem will LC inform you that this is their policy.

And, in fact, they will endlessly argue with you to let you know just how wrong you are...to quote, my CS Rep told me that "It's your fault because you didn't call in before placing your On-Air order to inquire about the shipping costs"...WHAT???

Who calls in to inquire about shipping rates for an On-Air purchase when the actual shipping rate is right in front of you on your TV screen?

Well, according to LC, everyone does?  REALLY?

According to LC, every customer who places an On-Air order with them will FIRST call-in and get their actual shipping rate before making that purchase.

Picture that, you are watching TV, you see a time-sensitive On-Air auction for an item that you want to purchase...BUT...before you call into LC's Automated-System to buy this item that has less than two-minutes remaining before it's gone, you first call Customer Service and wait for more than an hour to speak to a Rep to ask them how much shipping will cost.

Does LC think the purchasing-public are a bunch of morons?


Secondly, the rep I spoke to then said to me (and I quote) "Well, you received good shipping deals on previous items...so it all balances out..."  WHAT????

Has LC ever heard of FALSE ADVERTISING?

I don't give a diddly what good shipping deals I have received in the past..if I place an order for an item and I am quoted a shipping rate of $1.99 or $2.99, then that is what I expect to pay!

NOT $29.99 for every item.

If LC thinks they are not charging enough for shipping Online, then they need to increase their shipping rates...NOT scam customers by charging them 30-times more shipping on their next purchase!


Next, they are (what I call) "Convenient-Dating" Invoices so that if you happen to be under a 24-hr. "Shipping Bundle" blanket that allows you to make as many purchases as you like for one flat-rate shipping price of $29.99,  they will date your Invoices on a day different from the day you actually made the purchase in order to re-charge you shipping, which is, again...$29.99 per item!

In other words, say you make a purchase Online and pay $29.99 to have the order shipped.  Then, and while still within 24-hrs. of your Online purchase, you make an On-Air or "Automated System" purchase for one item you see on TV.

You should only pay $29.99 to have everything shipped but instead, LC will date your invoice for your On-Air purchase on the following day or an entirely different day than you actually made the purchse in order to charge you yet another $29.99 to have that ONE item shipped.

And, they explain this by saying that "You should have inquired about shipping before you made the purchase".  

Buyer Beware!  According to LC, eveything is YOUR fault..and it is going to cost you.

So, I am left wondering...why LC's On-Air hosts never mention any of this to customers.  I wonder why they have an advertised shipping quote of $1.99 or $2.99 when it doesn't apply to anyone who has made an Online purchase. I wonder why LC  is so secretive about this policy and will only explain it AFTER they have taken a customer for hundreds of dollars and only AFTER you contact them.


I have recently cancelled all of my remaining orders and will send back every item that I have ever received from The LC. (taking into consideration all of the items that have been missing in my orders that they refuse to address).

And, I am not stopping there.

I am filing a complaint with the Attorney General of Texas as well as the BBB, and will absolutely file suit against LC in order to make the buying public aware of what is happening to customers.

Despite LC's contentions that "the problems I have described have never been complained about before", which I will bet my life is an absolute lie, I wholeheartedly believe that if it has happened to me, it has happened to others.

If the LC has never run into these problems from any other customer before me, then why did the Rep that I spoke to have her mantra ready for reciting?

I mean if this is truly a "first"...why didn't the Rep ask a Supervisor on how to proceed? How did she even know what to do?

It just wasn't the case.  Her ready-made response placing all fault on the customer was recited like verse.  And, I will bet my last dollar, she has repeated these words on many, many ocassions.

So, after making the huge mistake of buying from the LC, I have made-up my mind that: 

I will not stop until LC either:

(1) Changes their ridiculopus, and most likely illegal, practice of changing unknown shipping rates that differ from their advertised shipping rate (which is blatant False Advertising);,

and (2) LC also stops their, more likelty than not illegal, behavior of dating invoices on days that are most finacially beneficial to them as opposed to the actual date when a customer made a purchase, in order to charge a customer 30-times the actual shipping for every item they buy.

LC is not going to get around the fact that a customers Credit/Debit Card doesn't lie.

I have the actual dates that I made purchases Online, as well as On-Air...and simply because LC doctored my invoice to make it appear as if the two orders were made on different days in order to be able to charge me 30-times the actual shipping rate, my Credit/Debit Card charge dates tell the real story.

And, the fact that they do not reveal a policy either on their website or On-Air that unexpectedly and unknowingly costs consumers hundreds and/or thousands of dollars, doesn't mean that they can get away with taking people's money and then claiminmg that the consumer isn't doing their due diligence.

They are NOT going to get away with it.



And...every LC victim is reimbursed and made whole again.


As consumers, if we cannot look out for each other, we're all destined to exploitation.

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