  • Report:  #110351

Complaint Review: The Mobile Solution And The Digital Buyers Club - San Diego California

Reported By:
- Spring, Texas,

The Mobile Solution And The Digital Buyers Club
1660 Hotel Circle North, Suite 500 San Diego, 92108 California, U.S.A.
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On 3 July 2004 I stopped by The Mobile Solutions kiosk at Deerbrook Mall in Humble, TX. I purchased two new Motorola cell phones, along with a family plan from T-Mobile. When I was signing all my contracts I was told I had no choice, I had to enroll in the Digital Buyers Club for the first 90 days I owned my cell phones or T-Mobile would not accept my new contract. The Digital Buyers Club, I was told, was T-Mobile's cell phone insurance, replacement plan. I paid the first 90 days, signed on the dotted line, and then went about my way with my new phones and service contract.

On 13 Sept 2004, like an idiot I dropped my cell phone in the toilet. I called T-Mobile to ask what the contact number was for their insurance, not having any idea where my original contract was at the time. T-Mobile transferred me on to Asurion and I placed a claim. Asurion made arrangements with the closest T-Mobile store for a loaner phone until mine could be replaced.

On 14 Sept 2004, Asurion called me stating I had no insurance through them and that I needed to find my original contract to ascertain what if any insurance I had on my cell phones. Upon finding my contract I realized I had made a mistake and contacted The Mobile Solutions - Digital Buyers Club. This is where my nightmare began.

It took me over 24 hours to get someone on the phone that didn't put me on perpetual hold. The way I accomplished this was to call The Mobile Solutions store at Deerbrook Mall I had purchased the phones from, and scream at the manager enough until he called The Mobile Solutions himself and had them call me.

The young man I spoke to, Mark, seemed to really have no clue what he was doing, had zero phone etiquette, but eventually got me a claim number, and told me where to mail my damaged cell phone, this was on 15 Sept 2004.

On 16 Sept 2004 I called The Mobile Solutions - Digital Buyers Club to make sure they had receive my cell phone, again I spoke with Mark. He assured me that they had indeed received my cell phone and that a replacement cell phone would be back in my hands via Fed-EX on 21 Sept 2004.

On 22 Sept 2004 I again called The Mobile Solution - Digital Buyers Club, again spoke to Mark, I was beginning to believe Mark was the only employee they had. I asked Mark for a tracking ID Number for my cell phone since I had not received it yet. He put me on hold and then came back stating he really didn't know anything about my cell phone, or a tracking number. That he would call me back in 45 mins when the other person got back from lunch, because they knew all about that stuff.

Two hours later I called The Mobile Solutions - Digital Buyers Club back. This time I spoke with Chris, and let me tell you Mark may have had no phone etiquette, but Chris sounded like some street thug. He was rude from the start! He informed me that it would cost me the original $35.00 deductible, plus an additional $45.00 for repair cost because I was the one who dropped the phone in the toilet, damaging it beyond repair.

It was at this point I totally lost my patience and asked to speak to his supervisor. Chris informed me his supervisor was too busy to talk to me. I asked him to please then put me on hold until his supervisor was available. He said he would not, that I needed to make the payments via credit card and they would fix my phone. So I asked Chris if he was saying that The Mobile Solution - Digital Buyers Club was in fact holding my cell phone hostage for an amount of money that clearly was not on the contract I signed. He said for me to pay the money and I could have my cell phone back. I again asked to speak to his supervisor, and it was at this point that Chris threw me into voice mail.

I hung up and called back, and guess what, I got Chris again. Again I asked to speak to his supervisor, he said lady just pay the money and you can have your d**n phone. I again asked to speak to his supervisor, and again he threw me into voice mail.

I hung up and took a short break to calm down. I then called back, and this time spoke with Trina. I gave a brief description of the problem, asked Trina to please just send my damaged phone back, as I could purchase a new cell phone for less than what they wanted to fix my damaged cell phone. I also cancelled my contract with The Mobile Solutions - Digital Buyers Club.

Today, 27 Sept 2004 I receive my OLD, DAMAGED, cell phone via Fed-Ex. I know it is the same phone because of a scratch on the case I know I made, and low and behold guess what it works just fine. So I guess it just needed time to dry out.

The moral to this story is this...

You can purchase your cell phone and cell phone plan from where ever you wish, but DO NOT ALLOW THE MOBILE SOLUTIONS to talk you into some Digital Buyers Club; because it is not worth the paper it is printed on. Go with Asurion cell phone insurance.

Thanks for letting my blow off steam, I hope this helps get some things changed!


Spring, Texas

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