  • Report:  #1437639

Complaint Review: The Springfield Newspapers - Springfield Massachusetts

Reported By:
Alvah - Westfield, Massachusetts, United States

The Springfield Newspapers
1860 Main Street Springfield, 01101 Massachusetts, United States
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The Republican Newspaper

1860 Main Street

Springfield, Massachusetts 01101


For more than 53 years I have been reading the Springfield Republican Newspaper, at first in the morning for the Morning Union and then in the evening, The Springfield Evening News.

Over these 53 years, I read each and every editorial page and their accompanying Letters-to-the-Editor seven days a week 52 weeks a year, except for a brief two year period when I was in the U.S. Army 44 years ago.  Now, they don’t publish an editorial page or any letters to the editor on Saturdays.  For several months earlier, they didn’t bother to publish these letters every day of the week except occasionally and with no clear pattern to their behavior.

So, quite naturally, I am very familiar with this newspaper and many of their staff members. 

Over these years, I have noticed, there has always been a thick liberal bias in their editorials and throughout the individual pages.  They reprint most of the news from the New York Times, the Washington Post or the Associated Press – clear liberal Medias. I never saw anything from a conservative source of news or articles.  It is always the same thick liberal bias from Liberal news sources.

However, over the last few years, this thick liberal bias has been getting thicker and thicker to the point it has lost all intellectual integrity and technical competence.  Most of the columnists come from the New York Times, the Washington Post or the Associated Press -- all with a thick liberal bias with an anti-gun ideology.  None of them have been technically competent or intellectually honest on the subject, though they may pretend to be conscientious. It is intellectual trash and “junk science.” I have even seen them make up their statistics on the gun control controversy while pretending to be honest. It appears to be an unconscious process. These writers are not conscious of their incompetence and prejudices on the subject; though they should be! They are unconsciously picking up and processing the nonsense traveling through the grapevine circuits or from their own liberal editorial circuits throughout the United States. They are not really thinking it out with real knowledge.

I have never seen anything written by an official representative of the National Rifle Association of the Gun Action League in Boston, or from anyone with a technical expertise on the subject of small arm ballistics or constitutional law to provide balance in the presentation of news, though some writers have pretended to be such experts.  It has always been ideology and, therefore, predictable anti-gun nonsense.

I have read literally hundreds of articles in the Springfield Republican by syndicated columnists and writers in the Letter-in-the-Editor column with no clue to what they were talking about.  Many of them simply make up their information and cite non-existent statistics and “facts” on gun control.

Years ago, it was a psychotic emphasis on the “Saturday-Night Special,” (a non-existent gun); the easy availability of cheap handguns (they don’t exist); “dum-dum bullets” (no such thing) (such a bullet would have no advantage if it were to exist); and the “Apple Green Cop-Killer Bullet” (such a bullet would violate the laws of Physics). And, now; we will find constant articles on “gun violence” (no such problem); a demand for “sensible gun control” or “common-sense gun control” (whatever does that mean?) (We have several thousand laws on gun control and none of them work); the “Bump Stock” (one documented account of an abuse); and the “assault weapon” (a problem created by the mainstream news media itself).

This ideology is unique:  If they lose one argument, they simply come back with another one.  No end to it! It is a psychiatric disorder!

When this ideology successfully introduces and passes one gun-control law, it immediately strives to introduce and pass another gun control law, even when it clearly cannot work or violates constitutional civil rights – or both.  No end to that and the Springfield Republican is clearly motivated and driven by this anti-gun ideology.

For 40 years the editorial staff published my articles in the Letter-to-the-Editor even when they didn’t agree with me.  Now, in the last few years, they have published less than 30 percent of them.

On several occasions, I have attempted to communicate with the editors, such as Robert Genest, the editor to the Letter-to-the-Editor column, Mr. Garwady, Publisher and CEO, and Joseph J. Deburro, Managing editor.

Robert Genest refuses to publish anything in contradiction to his own prejudices on the subject and Mr. Garwady refuses to handle the responsibilities of supervising his subordinates.  When I received a request from my publisher to write a review of one of my latest books, Mr. Genest would not even consider allowing me to do so. 

He said he wasn’t “interested” in it, and Mr. Garwady would not address this issue of editorial abuse.  I have read many book reviews and Viewpoints on a huge variety of subjects and, therefore, fail to understand their refusal to publish my review or viewpoint.  There is nothing illegal, immoral or unethical about my work. An examination of my work will easily reveal I am very competent and conscientious. I am also very readable and write on a professional level.

When I sent a copy of my book to the Managing Editor, Mr. Deburro, I didn’t even receive the decency of an honest response from me.  Nor did he return the book!

It is obvious, from my viewpoint; the entire editorial staff is dysfunctional.  They do not answer their telephone calls, respond to my messages left on their answering machines or respond to my letters via e-mail.

It is also painfully obvious they have acute management problems with no intellectual ability to be honest in their presentation of current events or the gun control controversy due to cultural prejudices, biases and “hang-ups.”



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