  • Report:  #24861

Complaint Review: The Zaken Company Tiren Zaken Nick Lasorsa - Staten Island New York

Reported By:
- St. Louis, MO,

The Zaken Company Tiren Zaken Nick Lasorsa
774 Manor Rd Staten Island, New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am among one of the many people who have sent $148 to the Zaken company and I was about to begin working with him, when I discovered www.ripoffreport.com and now I am attempting to get a refund.

However, the name "Tiran Zaken" sounded suspicious to me, as I couldn't readily tell what ethnicity he was. I have also heard from www.ripoffreport.com that Nick Lasorsa and Tiran Zaken was the same person.

When I searched the name "Tiran Zaken" on yahoo.com, almost all the results are Dutch websites (Dutch websites have a ".nl" extension). And none of the search results showed the words "tiran" or "zaken" as names. They are Dutch words. So I immediately looked up the English translation of those two words. "Tiran" is the Dutch word for "tyrant" and "Zaken" is the Dutch word for "shyster". What kind of a Dutch parent would name their child "tyrant"? It is certainly possible that Nick Lasorsa invented the name to describe the kind of business he was running. Of all the search results, "Zaken" is always a Dutch word, not a last name. "Tiran" is occasionally an Egyptian first name, but the photograph of "Tiran Zaken" on the "confidential letter" looks anything but an image of an Egyptian.

This is only information that I have gathered on my own and is only a hunch. Go ahead and do a search yourself, and you won't find anyone in the world named "Zaken" except for "Tiran Zaken" of "The Zaken Company".


St. Louis, Missouri

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