  • Report:  #624442

Complaint Review: Thyme after Thyme - Orleans Massachusetts

Reported By:
Anne - Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Thyme after Thyme
POB on Cape Cod/ Orleans, 02655 Massachusetts, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The Proprietor or Thyme after Thyme Farmer's Marketier and her Crack-additcted boy friend Greg Wargen have swindled a widow out of $14000.00 in rent by a series of con-artist contract violations that include writing a BAD check for $3600 for rent. Not only do these two squatters not pay their rent or perform the work detailed in their lease contract, but they don't pay the local electric company either since the day they moved into the elegant estate of the late millionaire Ken Simon, on the pretention that they would be caretakers and perform home improvements in lieu of half of their rent. $1600 in unpaid electric bills remain in arears . Its' only a matter of time before creditors catch up to these local, homegrown thieves.
  At a recent hearing in Orleans District Court these two Bonnie and Clyde-like con-artists provided the magistrate with false, counterfeit bank reciepts that appeared to be repayment for the bounced check. But bank records clearly show that no such payment was made or recieved by the Bank of America. To compound their crimes against the land lord, the widow of the multi-millionaire, they then proceeded to commit Fraud, perjury, falisfication of court documents and may soon face more serious charges when the case moves into criminal proceedings and a full investigation is conducted into their false documentation, produced to avoid prosecution for swindling the poor widow still struggling to overcome the death of her husband and the pillaging of his estate by the greedy lawyers hired to harass anyone who got in their path.

Greg Wargen in this case was supposed to perform a list of tasks inlcudng painting and repair in order to set himself up in the lap of luxury in an estate far beyond his means.   Only 2% of these tasks were performs, and poorly so the widow has to hire someone to redo his shoddy work. The unpaid amount in rent is well over $14K and the chance of recouping her losses are slim since Greg works under the table and is supporting a Crack cocaine habit dispite his attempts at rehab in the past. When he showed up in court weighing a mere 125 lbs ringing wet, his face sunken in and clothes falling off his emaciated frame, it was a sickening sight to see as he and Kathy Sanders flung insult after slanderous insult at the landlord, known as the Cape Cod Madame.

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Greg Wargin Thyme After Thyme

East Orlenas,
United States of America
Convicted Felon Anne Simon /Flarrety files false report

#2UPDATE Employee

Sun, December 12, 2010

I represent the parties and company in this out right false rip-off report.

My clients refuse to acknowledge any correspondence from this "crazy, evil, old ,self described prostitute" They feel it is a shame to be in a position of defending themselves against such a character, and choice to ignore this report and see it for the sham and joke that it is.


How ever as their friend and counsel, I feel I must address this report even if they will not.

I must ask anyone who knows Thyme After Thyme and Greg and Kathy to please consider the source. Non of these allegations are true. Thyme After Thyme has been in business for over 25 years with a solid customer base and reputation. Greg is a reputable builder on the Cape with many references. Both Thyme After Thyme and my clients are involved and regarded with respect in the community.

My clients were conned into a lease by a convicted felon who has a long history with felonies and DWI's. If any of these allegations were true there would be criminal charges, which there are not, never were and never will be. No monies are owed, except from Ann Simon to my clients.

My clients have a pending case against Anne Simon for criminally activity, breach of contract harassment, stalking and thousands of dollars in larceny and monies owed. In Orleans District Court a pre-trail hearing against Ann Simon could not be heard because of  her extensive criminal activity within the court system and the local judges who had convicted her of felonies and sent her to prison for 10 years.  There was not a partial judge in Orleans or Barnstable court  that could hear the case because of her long criminal relationship with the Court system. All of this speaks for it self.

I encourage you to pay attention to the source of this report: Penned by Ann Simon, self admitted " Cape Cod Madam" Please goggle Ann Simon Alias\ Ann Flattery and come to your own conclusions.

This will serve as further evidence in the harassment/stalking case against Ann Simon.

Please contact her deceased millionaire husband Ken Simmons family for the real story about the " poor widow". A family ruined by this "Madame".  Check out all the landlord/tenant complaints against Ann Simon on the internet and at Courts from the Cape to Woburn. Ask her neighbors in Harwichport and past realtor's she has scammed in the area. Her reputation speaks for it self. These same neighbors and realtor's have voiced their opinions to my client, telling them how sorry they felt that they were involved in this "pschycotic" woman's life. These same neighbors and realtor's have agreed to testify in court against Ann to the claims of harassment/stalking and breach of lease contract. All you'd have to do is make a few calls or stop by a few local spots and ask a few questions about Ann Simon "The Cape Cod Madam".  Look back over Orleans District court reports, Ann Simon's name is consisitent. My clients are right in not  feeling the need to defend themselves.

Rip-off does not fact check.

My clients and their community, friends, business associates and customers know who they are. Not only do my clients stand tall, but they do so with support from all who know them or their work.

Who is Ann Simon? A self -employed un- licensed massage, convicted felon with yet another DWI on her record.

Once again please goggle Ann Simon, once my clients did it was to late, and were subjected to her horrendous lunacy, they would have never leased a property from her if they had known about this so called " Cape Cod Madame" and her long legal record. She is notiours for her reputation and her sad life, and the pain she has inflicted on her children, her deceased husband family and freinds and other innocent people. Again, just ask around!

Along with my clients, we rebutt these charges as false and illegal and ask any that have any doubt to please consider the source and goggle Ann Simmon/ Ken Simmon/ Ann Flarrety, there you will see for yourself the validity of this fake report.




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