  • Report:  #1395037

Complaint Review: Tiffany Franek - Nationwide

Reported By:
Mesha - Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Tiffany Franek
Nationwide, USA
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I bought an 11 month old female French Bulldog from TIFFANY FRANEK (Frenchies Of The Rockies) for $6000. I was told she was selling her (Ruby) because she was to extreme for her taste & was a bit to broad for her liking. I asked her if there were 'ANY' issues that I needed to be made aware of w/Ruby & Tiffany Franek said ‘NO!' We stayed in touch thru fb for about a week or so. I arranged how she would be transported to me from Illinois to Las Vegas where I live.

Within a week my husband (he's a diesel driver) met Tiffany Franek & her husband at a truck stop in the middle of the night (approx 1-2am) to pick up Ruby & bring her to me. During this meet up (Tiffany went inside to use the bathroom & the men had a guy talk) her husband told my husband that they have 15 French Bulldogs. He said 7 live in the house the others live outside in the barn. A few other things were said & they exchanged the French Bulldog (Ruby) and everybody went their way.

By daybreak (which was about 3 hrs from him picking her up) my husband noticed blood in the cage & asked me to call Tiffany to find out why she was bleeding. I contacted Tiffany and she said it was because she had cut her nails too short prior to her meeting my husband & delivering the dog. OK, fine no big deal I thought. He also noticed that anytime he would attempt to touch Ruby she would cringe up on the ground in a ball. She seemed to be completely UNSOCIALIZED! She would not pee or poop outside of the crate she had been sent with. He would stop the truck to eat, use the restroom, & take Ruby for a walk. Ruby would not use the bathroom until she returned to her crate. During this time he also noticed that both of her ears were calloused looking around the edges. After he notified me I called Tiffany to ask her about these things too. Her response was Ruby & her sister would suck on each other's ears all the time for comfort in their crate. She said it was actually sorta cute & gross at the same time. At this point I didn't want to jump the gun, so I decided to wait until I got her to my vet to be examined.

Within 3 days of her being picked up from Illinois I had her at my Vets office in Las Vegas. Dr. Roach (my vet) examines her & tells me that it looks like she has Allergies, her anal area was missing hair, and her paws looked raw. He said he wasn't sure if the allergies were caused from her

environment at this point or something else. According to where the allergies had surfaced on her body it was quite possible that it was from the environment. He said she has 'Fly Strike' on her ears (caused from flies landing and eating her ears) He also noticed she is extremely SHY & Will Need Socialization. I left her fecal sample with the vet &I returned home with her.

The next morning I get the results from the fecal sample she's POSITIVE w/level Giardia Cysts 3. I immediately start treatment and keep her quarantined away from my other animals (Thank goodness I kept her away from all of my animals the second I brought her into my home). I contact the breeder Tiffany Franek & tell her what’s going on. She basically tells me to calm down (I am Livid at this point) it’s not that big of a deal. GIARDIA Cysts 3 is a BIG DEAL TO ME! I try my best to keep my animals clean & disease FREE!!! We go back-and-forth arguing (I have tons of screenshots of our conversations where she attempts to belittle me, down talk my Vet saying there are Breeders that know more about French Bulldogs than he does, etc) I told her she needs to make this situation RIGHT! I did not want to send the dog back to her for many reasons. I felt as if she had been completely neglected and/or miss treated. If I would of sent the dog back to her I would be just as NEGLIGENT AS SHE IS! She agrees to give me $2000 back after we argue for a while. I get my $2k back.

After receiving my 2k back form her I planned on going my way. I was not going to release any of this information until I did some research on her & found out that she has been knowingly selling people sick dogs for years & getting away with it. This woman is listed on various review websites with bad reviews about her breeding habits. Since going public with my experience about her people have reached out to me with similar experiences about puppy’s they’ve gotten form her. I also found out she’s been breeding different dog’s for years (german shepherd’s, yorkies, english bulldogs, horses, chickens, & possibly more) changed her kennel names, etc. Her negligence has put all of my dog’s in jeopardy, my home, my yard, myself, family members, etc of contracting Giardia.

If it had been an accident & she was unaware of the issue that would of been understood & I would of went my way. Unfortunately this is NOT the case with this woman. I decided that I could not keep this information private. I then went ahead and attempted to warn others in the French Bulldog community on Facebook. We both were part of many French Bulldog Groups. Immediately I was BLOCKED & KICKED out of multiple

French Bulldog Groups on Facebook. I came to find out that she was friends with all the right people who ran these groups. They tried to silence me. I was made out to look like the bad guy for exposing what she was doing to people. Her Facebook friends basically tried to down talk me, & tried to make me think that Giardia wasn’t a BIG DEAL & since I got 2k back I should just shut up & go away! Which I would of if it had been a one time thing, but it wasn’t. I found out that a lot of the big breeders (not all of them) in the French Bulldog community cover for each other when one does wrong. Most of them are friends/business partners. They block the new guy (me) & blacklist them.

Her French Bulldog puppies are sold anywhere from (approx) $3000-$25,000. There is absolutely no excuse for any of her puppies to be sold sick. This woman is an experienced breeder & is completely aware of what she is doing. I have a screenshot of her admitting her dogs have Giardia, & yet she still sells them that way.

She told me I was broke, she asked me if I feel stupid yet...etc! She felt as if no one would believe me.

I went to her home one time last summer when she lived here in Las Vegas to look at a puppy she had listed for sale. Her house was absolutely FILTHY. She had her dogs outside in the heat at 112°. At the time I thought she had the dogs outside because strangers were over (Me & my husband to look at a puppy). She moved out of Vegas within a week of me going to her house (& moved to Illinois) I figured her house was dirty because she said she was in the middle of a move & I didn’t want to jump to judge her (I did not know her well enough to do so). I left it at that & we then become Facebook friends.

I was new to the French Bulldog community on Facebook at that time. I noticed that she was part of the majority of all of the French Bulldog groups that I had recently joined. From what I saw on FB it seemed as if she was a reputable breeder. She had many friends, beautiful dogs, & was active in many groups. Whenever I had an issue with my dogs she was one of the many breeders I would reach out to for their opinion on various situations.

So when she listed Ruby for sale I thought I was buying a dog from a trustworthy reputable breeder. I had no idea Tiffany Franek was a negligent breeder as I’ve come to find out. I was in most of the French Bulldog groups where people list bad breeders and talk about them. I had heard that the groups were biased, but I never had experienced it up until this happened to me. The groups on Facebook are private. They review the posts before they go live. If you speak out against one of their friends/business partners the post will not be put up. This was the reason why I had never heard anything negative about her. She currently runs the BIGGEST ‘FRENCH BULLDOGS FOR SALE’ group on Facebook. She is friends/business partners with key people in the French Bulldog community. It’s absolutely sickening that most are aware of her negligent breeding habits & they allow this to continue.

I knew I had to stand up & say something about what is going on. I hope my experience helps save someone from dealing with Tiffany Franek, Rocky Mountain Yorkies, Tiffany Blue French Bulldogs, Frenchies of the Rockies. Currently she is 'Frenchies_of_the_rockies' on Instagram.

She has told people that I did all of this to get a free dog. That I am a scam artist. I have many screenshots of all of her accusations about me. I did not want a ‘FREE DOG.’ I Wanted a Healthy French Bulldog that I could Love & make part of my family. Ruby, we since changed her name to ILLy had an incredibly rough start to life. She was transported from Hungary to Tiffany to live in a barn locked in a crate. She then was sent to me and had to quarantined for approx 2 months off & on. She spent weeks at a time at my vet’s office quarantined. Everyone there knows who she is & her story. She was treated 5 times throughout a 2 1/2 month period. The Giardia was incredibly stubborn. We finally got rid of it. She is now doing well & is able to run freely with my other French Bulldogs.

For the 2 1/2 months that this ordeal was taking place my life was hell. I tried tirelessly to keep my other animals from being infected. I cleaned many times throughout each day that she was in my home with bleach, ammonia, vikron s, etc. Anything she touched, slept on, ate out of, toys, floors, etc had to be disinfected constantly. Each time she pooped her butt area had to be cleaned, so that the Giardia Cysts did not go back in & reinfect her. It was time-consuming, and tiring. I had fecals done on my other dogs weekly to make sure they had not been infected. Thank Goodness they never were.


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