  • Report:  #1185982

Complaint Review: Toolco Inc. - plymouth twp Michigan

Reported By:
Whistleblower - plymouth twp, Michigan,

Toolco Inc.
47709 galleon plymouth twp, 48170 Michigan, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Everything within this report is just my opinion.

Toolco Inc. fails to enforce its company policy of no drug use.

Toolco Inc. sends the company driver every day to the Wine Emporium or to the Picnic Basket to get the plant manager his Canadian Club in a pint bottle. The company driver also picks up beer or wine or liquior for other company employees.

The company driver is usually sent right before 5:30 pm monday thru friday, to get the booze for the plant manager and other employees or family members of the owners.

The booze is consumed by individual workers and owners at the work stations. This includes, the plant manager and other non owners who are paid employees.

On saturdays the drinking at Toolco Inc. starts at noon. any worker who wants to drink and get paid for drinking and working is allowed to do so. the owners are fully aware of this situation. The owners are active participants in this activity. Many non owner employees also engage in this activity of boozing on the clock and get paid while they consume alchohol at the same time they are working.

Usually one day a week, the plant manager and his inner circle of pot smokers and drinkers will go to Doyles Tavern in Plymouth Michigan, where they consume in excess alchoholic beverages and then return to Toolco Inc. and start up the machines they work on and continue working. Al of these returning workers work on Aircraft Parts and others on Aumotive Parts.

Also, the plant manager smokes pot in excess. Not just occasionaly.

Toolco has a anti-drug policy in its employee manual. It is enforced selectively.

Everything we stated above, violates many laws.

It is a violation of Michigan OSHA rules and regulations.

It violates the Federal Aviation Administration rules and regulations. Last time we read the FAA guidelines, no employee is allowed to consume drugs or alchohol while manufacturing AIRCRAFT PARTS. We have seen the owners family memebers and other non owner employees rugularly consume alchohol or smoke pot while they are working on AIRCRAFT PARTS.

Toolco Inc. claims to have a Zero Tolerance for drug usage on the company property.

I suggest some posible solutions.

* The legal owners dismiss both of the owners children, and any non-owner employee if they can not pass a drug test. That will be about half the shop.

* The plant manager fire his younger brother and both parents and then fire himself or any emploee for consuming drugs on the company premises if any of them fail a drug test.

* The Federal and State governments Investigate Toolco for these violations.

* The Federal and State governaments offer protection to the Whistle blowers who come forward in any investigation.






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