  • Report:  #888045

Complaint Review: Tracy Bernardo - Fair Oaks California

Reported By:
Matteo - New York, New York, United States of America

Tracy Bernardo
4230 Kenneth Avenue Fair Oaks, 95628 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Hi everybody, I am one of the many victims of Tracy Bernardo, the fake pig breeder and scammer. I wired him $ 4500 for a tea cup miniature pig and I never receive it. Before I sent the money he use to call me and text me every day, every hour. After the wire money transfer, he started to lie and in the end disappear. My girlfriend got ansious and sick because of him and me too I had problems with the money and with my health. This guy is a criminal. I'm building with my attorney, with the Better Business Bureau and the police department a big case against him. My lawyer said that not only I'm gonna have my money back and get payed for what I'll spend for the attorney but that he is going in jail, maybe from 2 to 3 years. If there are any lawyers that can join my action or other victims contact me, let's this guy stop to make suffer people, thanks

11 Updates & Rebuttals


Sorry for the irrelevant post...

#2General Comment

Wed, April 02, 2014

Sorry for the irrelevant post below, I searched Sacramento scams and found this page and thought I'd post about another man in Sacramento who is a scammer and scammed me. Ripoff.com didn't let me post about him so I dediced to post here so that people know about him.


Manipulator with sever anger issues.

#3General Comment

Wed, March 12, 2014

Becareful if you ever run into Tracy Bernardo, he is an old bitter man who scams individuals then turn the tables around on them with nothing but lies, read all about his lies, he rarely speaks the truth to his clients. Once the dozens of victims compared their stories and found out what he was all about they decided to expose him because he's been doing this for awhile and its sickening! 

After his Teacup pig scam he's now popped up with a web design company, sacramentowebdesigngroup.com What kind of Web Design Company builds their own website using a template? Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of a web designing company? Wouldn't that be like if Ford started a company using BMW’s image? If he is running a web design company shouldn't he build his company unique and from scratch to display their own skill and forte instead of another company’s product and passing it off as their own? 

Not only that but he's selling his clients templates and charging them full price with his extravagant sales pitch. Again he's deceiving and ripping off his clients into thinking they're being a unique and custom design, there's no web designing involve in what he's doing, if you look at some of his clients website online, all hes doing is installing cheap templates and tweaking its options here and there to make it seem unique. Even with a nice template he manages to make his websites come out looking very substandard and amateurish.

This man is an internet marketer not a web designer. Everything on his website was made somewhere else, he uses cheap templates and stock photos to advertise his services, we've converse with many design connoisseur and they all tell us this exact same thing just by scanning through his website, they were able to trace his website to a template he bought online called "Doover". He gives his clients his fancy sales pitch, gets a domain and hosting, installs the template, tweaks it around can probably easily finish it in a day or two and tells his clients how hard and long he's been working on it to give them the impression that he's actually putting great effort into something that anyone with mediocre web knowledge can accomplish.

Here's a quote from his website.

"Our experienced we team can provide you with a customized WordPress Design that is built with your customer and your brand in mind."

Now here is a quote from a respectable designer.

"If you're using templates then it's not your portfolio is it? It's a collection of work by other people. Not only are you conning potential customers, it's also illegal and unethical. If I saw this I would report it to the template authors as not even free templates allow you to claim it's your own work.If you can't do the work yourself then don't advertise the service.

People looking at your portfolio want to see what you can do,and not always the finished product but a lot of the time they want to see your working process. Showing other peoples work does not show what you can do.

If you want to get clients then you're misrepresenting yourself as a designer. I think that can be filed under false advertisement? Passing off templates as your own is copyright infringement. "

Tracy does exactly this, he evens put under his clients website "Designed by Sacramento Web Design Group". He's doing something that takes the littlest time to profit the most and on top of it all, he's not even a web designer, there's no history of him online being one.


More info on Tracy Bernardo.

#4General Comment

Fri, March 07, 2014

If he didn't get exposed like he did he would still be out there slandering his victims, harassing them, accusing them of being his competitors, and threatening them. It's sad when you realize lunatics like him are out there doing business with people for selfish reasons. He's trying so hard to cover up his tracks by buying multiple domain names with his name on it in order for it to cover his Ripoff reports on Google search engines when someone types his name. You reap what you sow, you cannot have over 22+ victims and think you can create a new business with a clean slate knowing d**n well you make your living deceiving others with no care in the World for them only to bring them down!

He plays mind games with his victims, he lies in a snap of a finger, he says whatever it takes for you to feel comfortable so that you won't question him but all he's doing is stringing you along with his lies and deceit. This is his whole motive, he's a sociopath, he has crafted his speech and words to manipulative people because generally people are good and trusting and Tracy Bernardo knows that fact and takes advantage of it! After he lies and screws his victims over he does not care nor has a worry in the World, it takes a real nasty SOB to have over 22+ victims and have never once apologized or shown remorse for his own actions, instead he goes on the defense and attack.

He also tried to sell his broker pig website on Flippa with the following. 

URL: http://www.teacuppigsforsale.com/

Basic stats:

Page views per month: 412,101

Uniques per month: 80,374

Gross monthly revenue (avg): 0

Net monthly profit (avg): 0

Current price: $50,000

BIN price: $200,000

Once again he's a liar trying to scam people, he claimed in one month he made $45k alone. That's impossible from a broker, which it was proven he was! He said his commission from each pig was $500, so let's do the math, 500x90 = 45k. He'd have to sell 90 teacup pigs to make $45k, once again this monster was caught in a lie trying to sell a tainted website that isn't worth much for $200k. Pathetic, he tried the same thing with his financial broker website. He resulted to scamming his customers because the $500 commission wasn't enough for him and he wanted the full money. Good thing no one bought the tainted website! A lot of people started to question his supposed revenue and Tracy got defensive and started deleting comments, if his statements were true he shouldn't get offensive and prove them wrong, yet he knew they were catching onto his scam so he started deleting comments, sick!

Read his auctions here.



Also checkout this other website he tried to sell, another scam, this website was on his portfolio and I searched it online and found out he tried to sell it for 250k, a website that is worthless today. It looks like he was making up false claims and wasn't able to provide the websites revenue. If you go to the auction site, upon getting real questions asked, Tracy started deleting users comments so that he doesn't have to answer the questions. He deleted a total of 5 questions.

Domain: forexfacet.com

Gross Revenue: Undisclosed due to current Advertisers.

Currently available up to $10,000 PER MONTH with the potential for $100k PER MONTH

Gross Profit: Undisclosed due to current Advertising Deals and future Advertising Deals if the site is not sold.

Business Valuation: 250K - 350K

Starting Bid: $25,000

Reserve: Undisclosed

BIN: $250,000


How the f* is this guy still able to do business online? Baffles my mind.


I believe this man has mental illness, he scams peoples and expects people not to lash out or speak their minds on it as victims. He has over 22+ victims, taken and sued in court many times and has several failed scams. All this yet he has never owned up to his evil ways, instead hes out there still doing business, still deceiving people and still defends his actions because he has underlying mental illness that prevents him from feeling guilt and remorse. He has sever anger issues and acts on impulse which is why he has made so many bad and illegal decisions of harassment, attacks, slander and death threats.

Read what he wrote about one of his clients/victims after she spoke out on him.

Quote: Tracy Bernardo
This is a bad mouthed and foul mouthed teacher that has a vendetta against tracy bernardo. She works for and is paid by our competitors and has never purchased anything from us. She is slandering us all over the internet and is the last person you want take advice from.

You see how bad he lies? If you do a research on his client, who is an English teacher, she actually has a whole blog dedicated to her pig and her experience in buying that pig from Tracy. He said she never purchased anything from him yet she bogged her whole experience, from her finding the pig, doubts about sending $4,000+ to some stranger online, waiting for her pig, getting nervous, being harassed and attacked by Tracy Bernardo, and her pig didn't meet his weight requirement but she already fell in love with her pig and that's what Tracy banks on, he knows people will get attached to their pet and will not want to resolve the weight guarantee, what a scumbbag! she had pictures and everything which you can read it. http://thatminipig.edublogs.org/category/side-notes

Quote: Dbrosius
Can you imagine having sent a couple thousand dollars off into a virtual hole and then wondering if your money became a really cool vacation for someone. I did do some background checking and convinced myself that the seller could not possibly scam me for the money because he had too much to lose- credibility, and a law suit; he was too accessible to be a con artist. With that said, I still couldn’t figure it out- why doesn’t he call, email…he knows we are waiting for the itinerary.

That's a quote from her blog, I'd like to chime in with a few things. Lose credibility? Tracy Bernardo does not care about credibility, he'll just ditch his scam company and market a new one and pretend as if nothing happened, he's an internet marketer, he will hop from one business to the next every-time so anything that happens to his past business he will just try and cover it up with lies and slander. Too accessible to be a con artist? Tracy does not care, he has built many profile online to try and cover up his scam on Google, he's already been sued many times in court, he's accessible but he knows not everyone will research him before doing business with him, he banks on peoples honesty.

She has even saved his emails and voice-mails because they were so vile and disgusting, all this because she wanted to know the status on her pig. What Tracy does is sell $4,000+ micro mini pigs, once you send over the money he goes out and finds $500-$1000 pig as a replacement to send you so then he makes a nice commission of $3,000+. It's all about money to this man, he does not care about the pigs nor your satisfaction because hes milking this business all he can then he will ditch it and go on to the next thing, in which he did in the web design field at www.sacramentowebdesigngroup.com which he is basically selling $50 template to people for thousands using his fancy sales pitch.


Tracy Bernardo the hypocrite.

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, February 24, 2014

Look at this statement Tracy Bernardo has posted on his Facebook.

“Not only are our children being attacked at their own schools, but we are being attacked just driving to work on our roads, or even being attacked online. There is so much violence and rage today in America. "If you carry rage in your heart and mind, you'll carry it to your grave". - Tracy Bernardo

What a disgusting hypocrite, stealing thousands from helpless victims, attacking them afterwards, death threats, calls to their homes late night to intimidate them, calls to their work place to slander them, made allegations to an English teacher of child molestation, doesn’t hold up on his guarantees and right away blames the clients then blocks them, disgusting voicemails to victims, has prior criminal records and DUI’s on his records, slanders a reputable company because he doesn’t agree with their prices and pretty much anything that comes out of his mouth is a lie.

Ladies and gentlemen I present to you a sociopath, someone who makes a life screwing other people over then instead of taking fault he starts blaming everyone and everything for his own repulsive behavior. His has left an extensive footprint online, research his name, his companies that he owned in the past, his websites…ect You’ll find nothing but scams and victims. He’s quick to manipulative, scam and slander everyone but the second people fight back he wants to cry injustice, what a disgusting hypocrite.

Don’t you ever cry about being attack when you’re the one that opened the can of worms, you’re the one that left people feeling helpless and physically ill, you’re the one that took thousands of dollars of their hard earn money away from them, you’re the one that kept on attacking those you scammed, you’re the one who was sued in court many, many times, you’re the one that tried so hard to bring those who exposed you down in every way possible, you’re the one with the nasty, disgusting, vile and foul mouth! Look in the f***ing mirror! You’re a piece of s*** to society; your track record proves everything as well. You think you could just scam dozens of people out of an average of 3-4 thousand dollars and think no one will research and expose you? The funny thing is that you make it easy for us, all your scam websites are the same on you use in your web design portfolio.

You reap was you sow, you have been exposed over and over again, you must be a true sociopath and narcissist individual to think you can do that to normal hardworking people and not face any repercussions from your victims, their friends, families and students? Everyone knows about you, they all saw the path of destruction you brought; you were even exposed to a whole class of English students, that’s how disgusting and sick you are! Open your god d**n eyes and stop trying to play the victim role.

You even tried to slander www.hitslink.com after being billed for the pricing option you chosen! A company that has done business with Microsoft and has a great track record, the moment something doesn’t go your way your first line of defense is to attack and slander them even though it was your fault, lets read a quote from them.

“We have been in business since 1999 and with large professional clients such as Microsoft who trust our stats, we certainly have a reputation to uphold and thus do our best to keep our customer's happy. In Tracy's case, the continued threats we have received via email and phone calls made us decide to let Merchant Services handle any further direct communication.”

This man is a sociopath and a walking contradiction; he is the kind of people you need to watch out for, the kind of people who appear to be normal and charming due to their egoistical and narcissistic persona. Once they grab you into their web of lies and deceit they will exploit you and string you along for their own selfish ride, once you found out you’ve been had that’s when they turn the tables around on you because they’re pathological liars, this is how all sociopaths work. Stay away from this lunatic at all cost!


Lowkey conman

#6General Comment

Fri, February 21, 2014

Romacio Fulcher is a swindler, he sets these meetings where he puts on a presentation to brainwash individuals in order to deceive them into thinking they can get into a great business opportunity that will get them in Romacio’s term “filthy rich”, yeah sure, if you believe that then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. He has strung along individuals for years promising them financial freedom and after those years those same people barely made any money, they wasted their time; time they could have gotten a regular job and saved up tens of thousands instead wasted their time with Romacio’s bulls*** opportunity, gathering debts and losing their homes. Then to top it off he starts scamming money out of them, promising them to pay them back with interest, till today this PIECE OF S*** still hasn’t paid back a single dime and we’re talking money in the tens of thousands.

How does this (((REDACTED))) go to sleep at night knowing he’s a scum bag? This man is all talk, he will say anything in order to take advantage of you, he has swindle many people to invest their money into business opportunity that didn’t go nowhere, he had people invest a lot of money into many business opportunity that disappeared into the radar, he never brings up that business afterwards, then finds another business to hype. This is his motive, find a new business, be one of the first to hop on it and build his downline in order to get the most money out of his group, once the residual income dries up he goes onto the next new company and RPEAT!

He does not care about you only what you can do for him, he will string you along and watch you suffer while continuing to lie to you, he will walk up to a stranger and tell them “Do you want to get rich?” knowing d**n well they won’t get rich. Let’s be honest, no one wants to get you rich, 99.9% of the time someone tells you that you know it’s a scam. Go watch Datelines investigation into MLM’s, under hidden cameras those people lie, they tell you what you can make, saying you can make 6 figures a month, once the cameras came out they retracted what they claimed and lied that they never said it. Also they interviewed two couples who gave up their high paying jobs and worked full time doing MLM, they did everything they could and barely made enough to survive and at the end was deep in debt.

If you run into Romacio, run at all cost, you will not make money, you will lose money and waste your time, you won’t even make enough for the cost of your d**n AUTO-SHIP, this man is a conartist and anyone who comes here and backs him up is a PIECE OF S*** themselves because I’ve seen firsthand what this man has done to people. People like him must pay for their actions and this message will help those become another victim.

Differen't MLM's Romacio has been a part of.

Acn, Monavie, Organo Gold, DubLi, Buzzurk Mobile, LiveSmart 360 

Romacio Fulcher

[email protected]



#7Consumer Comment

Tue, February 04, 2014

Glad you got out while you did, that is Tracy’s M.O, if you expose him truthfully he turns it around on you and exposes you with absolutely false accusations with no merit, he has done this again and again, one victim after the next. The sad part is that you didn’t even do any business with Tracy yet were slandered; this is what happens when you come into contact with this monster. Stating that this man has “serious issues” would probably be an understatement due to the fact that this man is outright a disgusting and vile human being and an atrocity and embarrassment to society.

Just explore his court cases which the most recent one was just last October.


You have mentioned that you were also slandered by Tracy Bernardo? Is there a way you can share or post verbatim his accusations? We’d like all the information we can so we can further expose this man; we could easily defend your company for you as well with EASE.

We have dug deep into this man’s past and found out he’s been hoping from one company to the next and basically every company he has owned has been reported on Ripoff.com, this man obviously does not play by the rules and needs to be taught a lesson.

He has slandered and attack most of his victims, Tracy has even called one of his victims place of work and started to slander his victim to all her associates, he has made anonymous death threats, hacked websites, late night phone call harassments, threw out molestation allegations against an English teacher who exposed him not only online but to her whole classroom. He also has a weight guarantee on his website yet the pigs never meet them and victims are either blamed by Tracy for “over feeding” the pigs or he blocks them via email and his own website via IP block, and remember these victims paid an average of $4000 for these expensive pigs which were baited and switched after payment.

Now for his Sacramentowebdeisgn.com company we had a programmer/designer friend look into  it and also came to the conclusion that it is a bait and switch website as well because all the websites on his portfolio are traced back to his own personal websites (not his clients) he had done by other design companies, that’s why they look customized, so it shouldn’t reflect his design company for the fact that he did not design them.

When someone gets a website done by him he’s just buying a cheap template from another website and charging full price for it's design to his clients, when buying a template he’s supposed to let his clients know and is only supposed to charge them with installation and the customizations he’s done to it, which is next to nothing. This man is selling you snake oil.

This man is sick, disgusting and delusional.


New Mexico,
What a coward!

#8General Comment

Sat, February 01, 2014

Look at that coward, no wonder he intimidates people online, this old balding man would get his a*s beat quickly if he tried his tough guy act in person. This man goes from one scam to the next, his scams has been exposed at the highest level and this man is still out there as if nothing has happened even though he has a lot of dirt on his hands, he’s such a lunatic he probably thinks he’s done nothing wrong but doesn’t realize he’s an embarrassment to the whole Internet and his whole family. It must suck to live your life knowing you're labeled as a conman and your disgusting actions have been exposed for the World to see.


Disgusting human being!

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, February 01, 2014

Purchased a micro pig from Tracy. After taking my money has finally stopped from all forms of contact with me. I purchased a micro pig called pepper from Tracy after making initial contact I filled out a RightSignature.com contract with Tracy. Then filed an for an online transfer of funds to his company Lighthouse Media Group on January 2nd. After trying several email attempts and phone calls I received a final email telling me the pig was coming just to be patient. It is June the 22nd now. I've called and left voice mails for him as well as emails with no response. He has the money and the pigs and I have nothing.

I feel sorry for Tracy Bernardo's mother; it must really suck to realize you've brought such a piece of s*** into the World. Look at this piece of trash, with his receding hairline, nappy hair and ridiculous shades trying to look young for an old man. It must really suck being you though, you've been exposed to the whole World, and you’ve brought shame and embarrassment to your whole family and you have no one to blame but yourself, have your parents ever taught you to treat others like how you want to be treated? Apparently not.

Report Attachments

Mr. X

New York,
Head's up!

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, July 04, 2013

Tracy Bernardo is now running a web site design business. Hopefully people find out about this scams and business ethics before doing business with him. It will save them alot of trouble.

Sacramento Web Design Group




New York,
United States of America
I am a victim too

#11Consumer Comment

Mon, June 18, 2012

I wired them $3500 for a pig named Rainee. I reported them to the Better Business Bureau, and they heard nothing from them. Tonight I reported them to the FBI cyber crimes unit. They took my money in Feb. 2012, I recieved a shipment confermation and everything for my pig, but no pig, after spending all that money on a pig, I have none for a lawyer or else I would get one. I spent money on the food and everything for this pig that I never recieved. Please let me know how you make out.


Better to be out money

#12General Comment

Fri, May 25, 2012

than stuck with a 100-200(diet, exercise and genetics)lbs pig and looking like more of a fool. Save yourself some trouble of eventually ending up with more pork than you expected and doing REAL research into this. Teacup pigs like teacup dogs are a SCAM. Its an even bigger scam when it comes to pigs because it takes years for them to reach their full size/weight.

ALL teacup pig breeders make people(and the pigs suffer). If they don't take your money and run they sell you an animal they KNOW will get bigger than what the buyer was told and know that person more than likely is NOT capable of supporting a pig that size.

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