  • Report:  #1303178

Complaint Review: Turhan Yağız Merpez - Internet

Reported By:
Lanfeust - Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Turhan Yağız Merpez
Internet, USA
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It is with regret that I am contacting you, as I have had an unpleasant business encounter with Mr. Turhan Yağız Merpez, a game developer at The Coalition Studio from Microsoft In August 2015 it was agreed that he would develop a multiplayer strategy game for both iOS and Android named “Stronghold Wars” for a fee of $8,000 by February of this year. To date I have paid $3750 split between three payments, and in return have received anything. The only task I was able to test in the test builds he had send me was the login and the skin of the app that I had provided. I have not had any contact from Mr. Merpez since 10/04/2016 despite numerous attempts by myself. I currently have a PayPal dispute open for two of the payments pending resolution by Paypal. I have invested a large amount of money in having this game developed and have absolutely nothing in return. This is unacceptable, and as an employee of such a reputable game developer I expect action against Turhan Merpez.

I have uploaded copies of our correspondence via both email and Skype as evidence which can be accessed here: (skype - http://notepad.pw/share/mspqld2q2  emails - http://notepad.pw/share/c4hdsy242).

For your convenience I have summarized below.

29th August 2015: (Via Skype) It was agreed that Mr. Merpez would work at least 20 hours per week on the project and he estimated that it would be completed in 120 days (19th December 2015), but could take up to 180 days (17th February 2015). Milestones were discussed and Mr. Merpez was going to draw up a development plan with final details.

31st August 2015: (Via email) A development plan was delivered by Mr. Merpez setting out the specification for the game’s design, as well as financial milestones leading up to the completion of the project. The final fee was agreed to be $12,000. (Via Skype) It was also discussed that the project would be split between Mr. Merpez and another developer, with Mr. Merpez being responsible for the development of the UI’s, menus and leader boards for the game.

15th September 2015: (Via Skype) The first milestone was met, tested and paid for via PayPal ($500). Second milestone was estimated to be complete by 09.18.2015.

16th September 2015: (Via Skype) Mr. Merpez and I discussed new fees as those previously set previously were no longer applicable as the project was being shared.  He estimated a new final fee of $7000-8000, taking around 300 hours over 3-4 months.

9th October 2015: The second and third milestones were met and paid for via PayPal ($1650).

19th – 21st October 2015: (Via Skype) I attempted to contact Mr. Merpez several times during this period for an update on his progress.

22nd October 2015: (Via email) Mr. Merpez informed me that his computer had been stolen, and he had informed me via email of this several days prior (this email was never received). Because of this his progress had been delayed.

25th October 2015: (Via email) Mr. Merpez informed me that he had a new computer and was able to resume development, however his iOS account had expired and could not be renewed due to an error, so he could not share his updates with me.

30th October 2015: (Via email) Mr. Morpez provided details of some updates he had completed and said he could send them to me on 10.01.2015.

1st November 2015 – 6th November: (Via Email) Mr. Morpez made several excuses during this period as to why he could not show his work, citing local elections, and problems with his iOS account.

17th November 2015: Update finally uploaded and shared, but crashed upon opening every time. Reported problems to Mr. Morpez.

18th November 2015: Update re-uploaded by Mr. Morpez and fixed.

20th November 2015: 4th milestone paid for via PayPal ($1600). (Via Skype) Mr. Morpez said that he estimated the game would be completed by 12.20.2015.

21st November – 31st December: (Via email) During this period Mr. Morpez became unavailable via Skype, and started responding to emails infrequently. I requested updates frequently during this period and asked to see the latest version of the game which I did not receive until the December 31st. During this time he cited numerous excuses such as not moving home, not having internet connections, and problems with Apple. He also stopped communicating with me at all for a period of two weeks (21.03.15 - 12.16-15) with no prior warning.

When I could finally access the game it was not functioning correctly, I could not access parts of the app (multiplayer) to check what work had been completed. I notified Mr. Morpez of this problem but received no acknowledgment until 01.05.2016 despite repeated requests.

5th January 2016 – 25th January 2016: (Via email) Mr. Morpez said he would look into the problems with the game over the next few days. The problem was identified on the 9th but not resolved,  and he said he could complete and deliver the project by 02.01.2016.

26th January 2016: (Via email) I received a new update of the game which should have fixed the previous error enabling me to check the game in full for the first time in months, but it would not proceed past the loading page. I informed Mr. Morpez of this issue and that I still could not check what work had been completed.

27th January 2016: (Via email) Mr. Morpez said he had identified why the game was not working and would fix it that evening.

28th January 2016: (Via email) Mr. Morpez said the game would be fixed in 3 days time.

Emailed on 31st January but no response.

2nd February 2016: (Via Email) Mr. Morpez said that the problem was not was not something he could fix after all, but a problem with Unity’s servers and would have to wait for the error to be fixed by them. (Via Skype) I informed Mr. Morpez that he had exceeded all the completion dates he had set previously. I informed Mr. Morpez that I had ceased working with the other developer and offered him the opportunity to take on his responsibilities alongside another developer. We agreed that he would be paid hourly for this additional work, and it would commence on the 15th February. In the meantime he would continue working on his original task.

Tried to contact Mr. Morpez twice between 02.03.2016 and the 02.11.2016 to see an update.

11th-29th February 2016: (Via email) Mr. Morpez initially said he would send me the update by the 14th of February. The update was in fact sent on 29th February, but could not be opened as the developer’s certificate was no longer valid.

6th March 2016: (Via email) Problem with the developer’s certificate had been resolved and I could now finally access the game except that when I did the update it the build never allowed me to login and test any of the features.

9th March 2016 – 3rd April 2016: I tried to contact Mr. Merpez 6 times during this period about fixing the game, via both Skype and email, but heard nothing from him.

4th April 2016: Mr. Merpez said that he had been abroad due to bereavement in the family and would contact me later that evening, which he did not.

7th April 2016: Mr. Merpez said he should not continue working on the project but wanted payment for work he had done. This was unacceptable to me as I have no use for the code to a game which does not function. I instead said I would like to see the game in its current state and decide how to proceed from there.

To this date I still have not seen the demo product as when opened, the app now displays an error message. Mr. Merpez has ignored the four attempts I have made to contact him between 04.03.16 and 04.20.16 so I am now left with no choice but to seek a full refund from him as I have not received what I have paid for and all the time he made my waste.

It is for this reason that I am contacting you about my horrible experience with him. Whilst I am aware you are not responsible for any work he completes as a Freelancer, he has been communicating with me under the title “Game developer @ The Coalition” which does not reflect well on your company.

I hope you are able to cooperate with me fully to resolve this issue. At this point based on his actions I feel like his scamming me. I would be more than happy to share screenshots of our Skype conversations and forward to all emails between us if needed.  As I’m sure you can appreciate it has been very stressful for me and any help from you will be gratefully received.

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1 Updates & Rebuttals


British Columbia,
Scammer's power to show others as scammer

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, May 23, 2016


First of all I believe displaying an article about a person or company without even emailing them and at least waiting for a week of rebuttal before publishing is wrong and you are opening a way to easily show false claims about people.

For the case, I am being scammed by an scam artist and the person is trying to show me as scammer. I have sent all documents to Paypal as I did earn the money for my hard word, and as scammer knew that Paypal would decide in my favor as I had all the documents to prove the money was mine, he threatened me to mark as scammer and it seem he did.

Most of the documents he published is forged and I have originals for the most of them even the harassment and threats. I can show the you the mails if required but cannot publicize it as they contain copyrighted material.

I have developed a mobile game for the person and after I quit the job, he charged back all of the payment done so far claiming I haven't sent the item and when I proved paypal that I have delivered the item, he changed his statement saying that I should have delivered him drone parts, which I haven't even heard until that point. I can send all and any of the documents to prove these and I hereby ask you to remove this complaint as it is a false report and doesn't contain real information.

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