  • Report:  #1312077

Complaint Review: UKSoccershop - Hamilton

Reported By:
ItaliaGal - Los Angeles, California, USA

42 Mote Hill Hamilton, ML3 6EF United Kingdom
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Recently I was advised that my CC was used in suspicious transactions. After reviewing everything, I realised that two were unusual. One was a Russian-based company. The other, UKSoccerShop (aka Teamzo).

After confronting my friend - who admitted to using it to buy things without my prior permission - I then decided to reach out to the retailers to see if the order could be cancelled whilst contacting my CC company. She also works as my PA so has access to my email address and other info - but guess I will be losing an employee as well as a friend.

The Russian-based company was very apologetic and advised that as it was fraud, they would assist with getting everything straigtened out. Unfortunately the order had already shipped but they let me know they would try to recall it. If not and it arrived, I could refuse delivery. In any case, very smooth process and ironically, I just may buy things from them in the future.

Now, UKSoccershop/Teamzo. Did the same, advised it was fraud and inquired if they could either cancel or recall the shipment as I would be contacthing my CC company to resolve this.

You would think they would act the same way as the Russian company. After all, someone who has never shopped with you before is stating it's fraudulent and you  would assume they would want to fix it quickly. Besides, you never know. You just may win a new customer in the future if everything works out. I just expressed my annoyance they would not cancel any order, even in the case of fraud and let them know how absurd and bizzarre that all was.

A disclaimer - my stupid friend used my email address when she filled out a ticket. She initially tried to change the address for shipment as she put in my billing and my shipping and obviously did not want me to find out...even though obviously when I got the charge, I would!

Anyway, that's a whole other story alltogether.

So after emailing them myself, here's the lovely email I received from Simon Prestwell, who apparently is the owner of this racket:


We don't unfortunately, we can't stop them with the shipping company now. You have changed your story as in the original email you said you did order from Teamzo, which is where your order is being shipped to. It now seems you are going to lie to your card company. You have no legal right to cancel the shirts, we have an email from you stating you made the order and you will be committing fraud if you initiate a dispute.

If you back down from your threats to commit fraud, we may consider taking them back, but this will be purely on goodwill. If there is even a hint of a threat or any form of abuse in any future email from you, we will forward your emails to our card processors, win the dispute and you'll be stuck with the shirts. We have a zero tolerance for scammers.

We are reasonable people though and if you are reasonable with us, we will be reasonable with you.



First I was annoyed. Then I just had to laugh at how pathetic these people are. "If there is any hint of a threat, we will forward your emails to our card proessors, win the dispute and you'll be stuck with the shirts. We have a zero tolerance for scammers".

Really? That's rich, calling the fraud victim a scammer. First of all, I didn't want their crap.  I have bought my kits from companies in the USA, UK, Italy, Spain, Germany, and even Thailand without any problems. Secondly, I was even willing to send it right back (if it even arrives) as I have no use for anything sold by that store. And the threat "stuck with the shirts" was just so pathetic it was almost hilarious.

Anyway, so I opted to blow them off, called my CC company to straighten things out. After all, there's no need in talking with people who resort to pathetic little childish empty threats and posted my thoughts on other forums to warn customers. What I read was shocking. People who have made legit orders not receiving them, receiving crappy merchandise and UKSoccershop harasisng and downright disrespecting customers asking a refund, etc, etc. After all, they need the customer. Not the other way around.

Well, a day after posting that email on forums and social media, I get the following from this prat Simon:

"Hi [my name]

Double checked this with shipping company and it can't be retrieved now. We will allow you to return it back though as it should be resellable.




Is this bloke mad? Or just plain stupid? Goes from "we may consider taking them back, but only on goodwill" to "we'll allow you to return it..." I did not even bother to respond, and have saved all my email correspondence in case my CC company needs further documentation for my fraud case. Funny they change their tune from threats to trying to appease, but I will definitely be spreading the word about UKSoccerShop aka Teamzo. If they can treat a fraud victim like this, well, I don't know what else to say but...stay away! I read a review from another person who had an experience similar to mine...very disturbing!!

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