  • Report:  #13931

Complaint Review: US Airways - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Mequon, Wisconsin,

US Airways
Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My husband and I were on our honeymoon (July 2000)in Pennsylvania and returning home on a Friday afternoon flight with US Air. We had to take US Air to our destination, as this was a package trip, and the hotel had an agreement with US Air. We arrived at the airport for our flight to see that it was delayed.

My husband asked the gate counter representative what the delay was, he was informed mechanical defect. The flight was delayed again and then cancelled. We were sent to the downstairs ticket counter to be booked on a later flight, which was in turn delayed twice and cancelled.

We were finally informed that there were no mechanical difficulties with the plane, but weather conditions. As all of the passengers proceeded to get in a long line and waited their turn. At the gate counter, I was told that there were no other flights out that night and I could not take a different airline. Not to mention that US Air was not providing people with car rentals or hotel rooms with food for the night, as it was weather delays and not their responsibility or under their control.

The gate rep informed me that I could get on a flight leaving Philadelphia (1+ hours away) and they would shuttle us to that airport. I asked if Philadelphia was having weather problems and the rep said "I can not tell you that." We hurried to the baggage claim and then to the shuttle. We made it to Philadelphia in "enough" time, only to see the check in lines that wrapped around forever.

Luckily, my husband found the ONE nice US Air rep there and he provided us with lodging, food and transportation vouchers for the night. Plus we had a flight the next afternoon. We got to the hotel and learnd from teh hotel staff that US Air had been shuttling people to hotels all day - as they had OVERBOOKED their flights due to the Republican Convention in town. The nex day we checked in and waited for our flight which of course was DELAYED. The airplane was behind and then US Air could not find a flight attendant.

As we all waited we were told she was in teh airport and coming. Then it was she was on her way and finally they did not know where she was. When the flight attendant arrived and we started boarding, all passengers started clapping. The US Air rep stated for everyone to be quiet otherwise the plane would not be boarded. Then the plane sat on teh runway for about 20 minutes as they were trying to figure out their flight pattern due to weather. (this we only learned after I rang the flight attendant bell). Since this was not our original flight we arrived in a different city about 1+ hours from home. We were to take a shuttle to our actual airport. However, as we were running through Chicago O'Hare airport, the US Air rep did not tell the shuttle to wait 5 minutes, therefore we missed that shuttle and had to wait an additional Hour.

Finally the shuttle arrived and we made it to our actual airport destination, home. Of course it was about 36 hours from original arrival time. When I sent a letter to US Air, they sent us $50 travel voucher for myself and my husband. When I called to complain about that, the VP asked "what did I feel would accomodate me?" Then I was sent another $100 voucher for each of us. For US Air flights, you cannot go anywhere for $150. They do not go to Chicago or Minneapolis directly from Milwaukee. US Air service is horrible in all concepts - never fly them or their "partner" airline United.


Mequon, Wisconsin


13 Updates & Rebuttals


You can't make everyone happy

#2UPDATE Employee

Tue, July 12, 2005

As, I, too, have worked with this Airline I can tell you that you can *never* make everyone happy; especially with flying. God, have I encountered many people ranting and raving about everything under the sun just to get what they want. But sometimes it's just impossible to do so as there are many restrictions and rules about such things. Your complaint is very typical. Although, they may have not been the nicest to you (which I do not tolerate), but you have to understand that they deal with complaining customers allllllll day. And it sucks. Most people don't deal with it as well as others. What I'm saying is that things work out the best when people are the most patient. Airline employees will be more willing to help those who are as respectful to them as they are to you. Every now and then you get your pick of the litter that have very poor attitudes and those people need to be fired and need to work somewhere else. As of them giving you the vouchers, I have done that for MANY people and that is the best of customer service. Nothing made me feel better than to be able to help people who really deserved it and needed it. But they did not have the right to tell you "I can not tell you about that right now." That's terrible, I would have at least given you some insight as to what was going on with your delay. And the fact that they lied to you about the mechanical defects is so poor on their part. You deserved better and you have the right to complain about it. I know I would have if I were you. At least you're not one of the MANY arrogant idiots we get everyday that thinks they know everything about flying and in turn you have to set them straight. But it does sound like you found some people to help you out as much as they could and I commend that. I say good for you for giving a report on this. You did not deserve to be lied to or talked to the way they did.


There are more than one still illusioned ticket counter and gate agents still in the industry!

#3UPDATE Employee

Fri, March 25, 2005

Thanks for those who had support for our company. I just wanted really to add my $0.02 and tell all those who read this that I personally am sorry for each and every disillusioned agent, and every person that comes in front of them. Weither or not they had a problem with the agent. I wouldn't run a McDonald's with disdain and I cant accept that some people have disdain for their jobs and their customers. There are plenty of jobs out there that work you 10 times harder and get paid 1/10th of what we make as ticket counter agents. Mind you there isn't anyone in the company paid less for my job and that actually is a fact. I am at the bottom of the pay scale period. In RE H's Chairmans Preferred, if you've ever flown into PNS you would see that most of us treat EVERY passenger as if they are Chairman's and its nice to see that you appreciate it.


"one nice agent"

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, October 12, 2003

In your letter you've written , "Luckily, my husband found the ONE nice US Air rep there and he provided us with lodging, food and transportation vouchers for the night.", I fly around the country WEEKLY with US Air (Chairmans Pref Member) and I've never had a problem they wouldn't bend over backwards to solve even when I flew sporatic. As for your delay since it was out of the airline control Rule 319 did not apply and therefor you're lucky you got anything, and they tried to help you. Quit complaining.


"one nice agent"

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, October 12, 2003

In your letter you've written , "Luckily, my husband found the ONE nice US Air rep there and he provided us with lodging, food and transportation vouchers for the night.", I fly around the country WEEKLY with US Air (Chairmans Pref Member) and I've never had a problem they wouldn't bend over backwards to solve even when I flew sporatic. As for your delay since it was out of the airline control Rule 319 did not apply and therefor you're lucky you got anything, and they tried to help you. Quit complaining.


"one nice agent"

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, October 12, 2003

In your letter you've written , "Luckily, my husband found the ONE nice US Air rep there and he provided us with lodging, food and transportation vouchers for the night.", I fly around the country WEEKLY with US Air (Chairmans Pref Member) and I've never had a problem they wouldn't bend over backwards to solve even when I flew sporatic. As for your delay since it was out of the airline control Rule 319 did not apply and therefor you're lucky you got anything, and they tried to help you. Quit complaining.


"one nice agent"

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, October 12, 2003

In your letter you've written , "Luckily, my husband found the ONE nice US Air rep there and he provided us with lodging, food and transportation vouchers for the night.", I fly around the country WEEKLY with US Air (Chairmans Pref Member) and I've never had a problem they wouldn't bend over backwards to solve even when I flew sporatic. As for your delay since it was out of the airline control Rule 319 did not apply and therefor you're lucky you got anything, and they tried to help you. Quit complaining.


Who do you think you are to sit and lecture to me about the mechanic strike

#8Author of original report

Wed, March 05, 2003

I went to this website to check out another company and found it interesting that my original report on USAir actually got some feedback. So this is what i have to say to Mark - Who do you think you are to sit and lecture to me about the mechanic strike and what the airline has for policies?! I didn't pick a cheap fare for my trip. I had no other choice to take USAir as it was a package deal for my HONEYMOON! Our flight out was fine. The problem was returning home. Yeah, it would have been great if the Philadelphia flight would have work, however, I asked the USAir desk counter rep if Philadelaphia was having any weather problems as it was supposedly occurring in that airport. He informed he that he could not tell. So instead of just admitting the Philadelphia flight would have the same "weather" problems - I was crammed into a shuttle for an hour and then stood in a crowded airport only to hear an annoucement that flights were being grounded. My husband had to find the ONE nice customer service rep with USAir just to get us someplace to stay. I don't even have a problem with the fact that the next day we had to fly into a different city than our original return city. However, I do have a problem with the 2 hour delay that was caused when they couldn't find the 3 responsible flight attendant who was to work this flight. How do you lose a flight attendant? My problem with USAir is that the return flight started out as mechanic problem twice, then it was weather. I have no problem waiting for a mechanical problem, as I want to fly safe. How about a straight answer? If I would have been told that I would not be leaving the state of Pennsylvania that night, I would have re-thought my options and maybe drove home. I don't mind airline delays, it seems to be a theme lately in travel, but customer service and honest answers used to be a part of travel as well. How can someone make an informed decision about getting home when all they get is the run around? Mark, you need to back off and get off your high horse. I was glad to see that other people have called you on it.


lets get real here

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, December 15, 2002

Folks lets get real here. The people involved are upset because things were handled poorly and they were not able to complete the travels plans they had arranged. The Airline must at least break even or they WILL go out of business. So where is the line? Reality is the majority of the time everything works out and everyone gets to the destination they were suppose to at or near the time scheduled. I fly over 100,000 miles per year most of which is on this airline and yes I to have had flights canceled and delayed, but I'd rather sit in the airport than have someone try to figure out what happened after the crash! Weather yeah when we figure out how to control it the world will be a fun place, only rain when we want it to, never have a problem with visability near the airports, fantasy land huh. The airlines can't control the weather and to hold them responsible for it is as unfair as wanting them to fly a broken airplane. I believe that most airlines try to take care of the customer, but when things go wrong they usually go real wrong! You are not the first unhappy customer in the last hour but the 100th so calm down and be nice it goes a lot farther. I have been in situations where the first customer service rep provided a room and meal voucher when it was weather related simply because I understand what they are going through and talked to there not with anger but a understanding of what was happening. Yes maybe the fact I represent a large amount of business helped but they are people trying to help you as well.


Why should I

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, November 21, 2002

Why should I change. Most Consumers think that the airlines should give them everything for FREE or as little as they paid for their highly discounted ticket. I have always said "You get what you pay for" so when you book a CHEAP FARE & then get BUMPED or charged Extra for things, DONT WHINE About it here. You got what you paid for & no more. And DON if you like a GOVT Airline, why dont you go fly Aeroflot the National airline of COMMUNISIM cause you seem to be a good bolshievek.


Mark- Why don't you try flying?

#11Consumer Comment

Thu, November 21, 2002


In my opinon, you are a blindfolded jackass. You work in "the industry". Why don't you take your blindfold off, put on your coke-bottle glasses and see what's going on in your industry? I've read your responses to many of the articles on this site, and you hold the consumer 100% liable in all instances. The airline industry has gone visibly downhill in the past several years. You seem to be a disgruntled employee who enjoys taking your frustrations out on the consumer. Switch jobs.


You are a little off Mark

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, June 05, 2002


I'm an actively working Airline Dispatcher, and I'm guessing you aren't currently working in that capacity, because your details are a little off. First in regards to "As a DISPATCHER I cant release a flight unless the weather is AT or ABOVE minimums for at least 1 hour BEFORE & AFTER estimated arrival time as well as the arrival time." This is an absolute incorrect statement.

The 1,2,3 Rule refers to whether you need an Alternate Airport or not. "If, one hour plus or minus the time of arrival, the visibility is below 3 statute mile and/or the ceiling is less than 2,000 ft, you will then need an Alternate Airport.

This has nothing to do with the landing minimums of the airport or whether you can release a flight. This also leads me into your other incorrect statement of " Also how can they put you on another airline when ALL AIRLINES have to fly in the same weather and are subject to the same MINIMUMS." Although every airport has published landing minimums, there are different mins for different situations, such as if an aircraft is equipped with CAT 2 or CAT 3 or not.

My airline is not CAT 2,3 equipped, so therefore our minimums are a lot higher than let's say a 777 that can probably land itself in zero visibility. Also low time Captains have higher mins than high time Captains. In fact, their minimums are increased by 100 feet and 1/2 statute mile. Also, a flight can be dispatched when the weather is forcasted to be below minimums if your airline is authorized to use (which they probably all are) Exemption 3585. In a nut shell, you apply a few rules which are too lenghty to explain, and add on 2 alternate airports instead of one.

My last comment is regarding your statement about "the crew is running out of hours for their duty day. These are items that the FAA dictate as far as how many hours a pilot can be on duty. " Most of the time it has nothing to do with FAA rules, but with what the contract between their Union and the company says will me their max duty day.

The only thing I agreed with you about was the over booking issue and vouchers. Other than that, you seem like someone who got an FAA Dispatcher license and never used it, except in a feeble attempt to look cool on this site. I think you need to re-read the FAR's and quit spouting off these inaccuracies. I got to get back to dispatching now. See ya!!!


Just a few points...

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, June 03, 2002

I don't disagree with most of what you've said; for example airlines have to be efficient and make money and so on. Also for the most part, it seemed like they tried. It sounds like some of the customer service people were good, and others not so good.

However, the mechanics strike came and went, as as far as I know, almost 4 months later, United has yet to declare bankrupty.

Also, they got plenty of our tax dollars as a nice little gift last year, and yet still laid plenty of people off. Granted, American and United were hit hard by Sept. 11, but they also got BILLIONS of OUR tax dollars. I wonder what sort of return on investment we'll see out of that...


Info from a Airline Employee

#14Consumer Suggestion

Wed, February 13, 2002

Well, I would like to address several things about this report. I have worked for AA and American Eagle for several years in various roles, including a GATE AGENT and I am also a LICENSED FAA AIRCRAFT DISPATCHER.

1. All airlines overbook flights on a regular basis. A lot of business travelers will book flights and then never show. Also delays will sometimes cause other passengers to misconnect. This is why they do it. Now when everything works properly, you have a OVERSOLD flight. When this happens they will usually ask for volunteers and offer TRVAEL VOUCHERS and MEALS & HOTELS if you have to stay overnight. THIS IS ONLY FOR OVERSOLD FLIGHTS.

2. Weather Delays. Airlines cant control the weather and any passenger that thinks that the airline should fly with BAD WEATHER is nuts. As a DISPATCHER I cant release a flight unless the weather is AT or ABOVE minimums for at least 1 hour BEFORE & AFTER estimated arrival time as well as the arrival time. So sometimes we will delay flights hoping the weather will improve and you wont be stuck in the airport. However at some point you have to decide that the weather isnt going to improve or the crew is running out of hours for their duty day. These are items that the FAA dictate as far as how many hours a pilot can be on duty. When you cancel a flight for Weather the Airline is not responsible for any HOTEL or MEAL expenses as the Weather isnt something they control. While you may not like this, Im sure you wouldnt want several thousand people asking you for money (Hotel & Meal expenses) from your business for something that wasnt within your control. I have never seen a GATE AGENT not give out MEAL & HOTEL vouchers for MECHANICAL CANCELLATIONS or CREW CANCELLATIONS or other things that are within control of the airline. Also how can they put you on another airline when ALL AIRLINES have to fly in the same weather and are subject to the same MINIMUMS.

3. Them shuttiling yout to PHILEDALPHIA sounds like they DID try to help you with alternate arrangements. Also by them giving you ANY Vouchers was not required on their part, but was done it sounds like for GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE.

I know this is long, but everyone needs to realize that AIRLINES are business just like Fast Food restaurants, convenience stores & other service type businesses. They provide a product which is to get you from POINT A to POINT B. They have to provide this service SAFELY and COST EFFECTIVELY or they will go out of business. Airlines lost BILLIONS of dollars last year and make take several years to recover. United will probably declare Bankruptcy by next week cause of the Mechanics Strike. If you dont like the service or the product the FEEL FREE as a consumer to make a choice on which airline you wish to fly or which form of transportation you want to use. Air Travel is NOT A RIGHT, IT IS A PRIVILEGE. And with everything that has happened since Sept 11, things may get worse before they get better. However SAFETY is always the number 1 thing with AlL AIRLINES.

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