  • Report:  #603130

Complaint Review: USOCIAL - Internet Internet

Reported By:
Lance - Clovis, California, U.S.A.

p.o. box 140, springhill 430, Australia Internet, Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
USocial claims to offer a 1,000 Facebook Fans service for $177. After purchasing, nothing happened, no request for my Facebook page, nothing. After 24 hours I asked what the problem was and received this reponse:

Your order was only confirmed in our system 9 hours ago. We do have all of the details from you that we require. Please be advised that we are currently experiencing a 2 week delay on Facebook orders, due to a backlog. We also recommend you pause any other promotions you may have running, as this can affect the numbers we use to calculate your order.


Misty Loveless.
Customer Support -- uSocial.net

2 WEEK DELAY?! I was never told that when I purchased it would take 2 weeks so this is deceptive advertising.

I waited 2 weeks like a stupid little boy and sent an email asking when my order would be processed. I got no response back. After 2 weeks and 5 days I had enough and demanded a refund and cancellation of my order. I received this response:

Everytime a new email is sent to us from the same email address, it pushes your emails to the bottom of the queue, which causes delays in your emails getting answered.

Due to the delays you have been experiencing, I am going to add an additional 50% fans onto your order, at no additional cost to you. Your order is currently 55th in queue.


Misty Loveless.
Customer Support -- uSocial.net


I had enough and was not interested in their 50% more Facebook Fans. The trust with this company was gone. The business customer relationship ruined. When I told Misty no, I just want a refund because they didn't disclose a 2 week backlog at the time of order and then after 2 weeks, failed to respond to my emails asking for an update. I then got this response:

Your refund request has been forwarded to my CEO - he personally handles all
refunds. You may contact him at [email protected] if you wish.


Misty Loveless.
Customer Support -- uSocial.net

MORE B.S. Who talks like that and says your refund request has been forwarded to my CEO? Of course I got no refund. I emailed this fake Leon idiot and no response. I then notified Plimus who is the e-commerce provider for this bogus company, and they just forwarded my emails to uSocial. So now, after 3 1/2 weeks, I still have no refund.

In my research of uSocial.net, I have found that the 1,000 Facebook Fans is NOT acceptable behavior to Facebook. In fact, I have found out that Facebook has threatened legal action against uSocial as this is a violation of their terms of service. I also learned that Facebook will ban the Fan page of anyone they catch using a service like this. That should have been disclosed to me at time of order as well. uSocial not only hides the fact that you can have your Facebook account banned, but writes on their website, "You can take advantage of this by connecting with thousands of potential fans of your product, service or cause by investing in packages of targeted, real Facebook fans delivered to your fan page on Facebook." In otherwords they do their best to advertise this service as if it's a legitimate service that is acceptable to Facebook.

Also troubling is the role of Plimus itself in this scam. Paypal requested details of my order from Plimus, specifically, the tracking number and the shipping company. Plimus responded with, "Tracking number: Electronic goods - Shipping company: On-line Delivery". In otherwords, Plimus is telling Paypal not to process a refund because this is not a tangible product but instead is electronic goods with on-line delivery. Plimus knows full well that Paypal's policy is not to refund digital, non-tangible, Internet goods and that's all that Plimus cares to tell Paypal. In truth, I do have a tracking number provided to me by Plimus that Plimus is not disclosing to Paypal.

This is very troubling that Plimus cares more about stopping Paypal from issuing a refund than they are about innocent customers like myself from being scammed by their merchants they provide e-commerce services for.

Is it time that we netizens boycott all Plimus merchants?

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Order Refunded!

#2Author of original report

Fri, May 14, 2010

Order finally refunded after 3 1/2 weeks. Of course this so called "Leon" finally emails me apologizing about how 'busy' they are and then trying to play off my greed by offering me more if I purchase again. How stupid does Leon think I am? Trying to appeal to my greed in order to make money? This guy obviously doesn't understand the business customer relationship and how once the trust is gone, nobody will order from him again.

Once again, thank you RipOffReport, you guys are the best.

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