  • Report:  #1861

Complaint Review: V & T Installations - Highland Indiana

Reported By:
- Prospect Hts., IL,

V & T Installations
3210 Condit Street Highland, 46322 Indiana, U.S.A.
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This report is to warn consumers about V & T Installations of Highland, Indiana owned by BILL COSGROVE acting as subcontractor for a company in ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, ILLINOIS.

Our salesman was in Arl. Hts. He came out to my condo with tile samples in November '99. The 12 inch tiling was to be set throughout the condo; bedrm., hallway, lvgrm. and dining room. The floor was carpeted at the time. He asked a rather strange question which stuck with me after: "Is your floor level" I said I didn't know...how could I tell through the carpeting?? He said the crew would determine this when they took up the carpet (I'm on a concrete slab). I asked for a certificate of insurance from the subcontractors and he said "oh no, you don't need that; THEY ARE OUR EMPLOYEES AND WE COVER THEM." This is not true; they were subcontractors.

The crew consisted of Bill Cosgrove, another man and TWO TEENAGE BOYS one of whom identified himself as Bill's step son. At the end of the day they already had more than half of the tile laid and the dining room already grouted and shoe molding installed on the baseboards. (the floor was never levelled but I didn't know all about that until much later) I don't believe there was ever any WORK ORDER because on the morning of the second day I asked them if they were also going to tile my bedroom and they said they didn't know anything about it. I never signed off on any work order. At the end of the third day I waited and waited and the crew never came and got me. I walked in to my condo at 4:45 and just freaked out. They took the base paint I gave them for the shoe molding and used it to PAINT OVER ALL THE GROUT MARKS ON MY WALLS!!! I HAD SPLOTCHES OF PAINT ALL OVER ALL MY WALLS!!! I DIDN'T EVEN LOOK AT THE FLOOR...MY EXPENSIVE PRISTINE PAINT JOB WAS RUINED AND THE s****..

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