  • Report:  #739655

Complaint Review: Verizon Wireless - Internet New Jersey

Reported By:
ScrewedOver - United states, Georgia, USA

Verizon Wireless
180 Washington Valley Rd. Internet, 07921 New Jersey, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Verizon Wireless doesn't care If you are experincing financial difficulties which Is why,   I couldn't pay my bill for the past two months I have told them my problem but they placed the account with a collection agencie.  Verizon  reported It to my credit file and wont me to pay their collection fees.  I have repeatedly told verizon why I cannot pay but they insist on turning my account over to a collection agencie & making me pay their $160 In collection fees.  Verizion has now placed this on my credit report.

I wish I never got this cell phone with verizon If I known,   I was going to have financial difficulties down the road.  Verizon doesn't give a d**n If you are facing financial difficulties.

30 Updates & Rebuttals


United states,
This Is a reply to NoMore I don't care what you think of me nor do your comments hurt me you're just another jerk your mean comments does not affect me I am tired of people treating like crap

#2Author of original report

Fri, July 01, 2011

This Is a reply to NoMore,  I don't care what you think of me nor do your comments hurt me you're just another jerk your mean comments does not affect me I am tired of people treating like crap.  I haven't done anything to anyone nor have I lied.  I am still not afraid to speak out.

Regardless If people from phenix city read my reports,  do you know what the term "Defamation Of Character & Slander" means.  I am tired of being treated "UNFAIRLY".  I do not care to run into you either.  And I do not look for problems like,  you said In your rude comment.

I really don't care who Is agaisnt me I,  haven't done anything to anyone.  I just don't put up with people "Verbal Abusing" me or bullying me that Is what people can't stand.  I am a human being just like everyone else,  nobody deserves "Injustices".

But people love to be "MEAN" to me & cause me "Injustices".  And then get mad when I stand up to them.


Stacey was right

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, June 28, 2011

When Stacey said that the OP could be Charles, I thought she was wrong. But, after the latest ravings from the OP it is clear she was correct.

Charles, you refuse to honor your financial obligations and continue to blame others for your actions. You are in denial and will continue to hate life and suffer from low self-esteem until you accept accountability. Only then will you be able to pick yourself up off the floor and begin to clean up your act. Good luck.


United states,
You jerks try your best to ruin my day but guess what Its not so don't come to my report being hateful and abusive towards me y'all are a bunch of cowards bullying people behind your computer

#4Author of original report

Tue, June 28, 2011

You punks try to ruin my day get people,  agaisnt me so people wouldn't hire me for a job but guess what I don't care.  So don't come to my report being hateful & abusive to me.


United states,
I don't care what you people think you can bash me ridcule me but I don't care If people are not on my side y'all will never ruin my life so give It up y'all are just plain mean

#5Author of original report

Tue, June 28, 2011

I don't care what you people think you can bash me ridcule me but I am not afraid to speak out when I have been wronged I don't care If people are not on my side y'all are In the wrong to treat people like this.

Y'all will never "RUIN" my life so give It the hell up,  I don't care If people don't want to be my friend.  Y'all are just plain mean to treat somebody like this & that makes you scum. I am not afraid to speak out when I have been wronged.

You people might control others on this site.  But you are not going to control me.  A*****e punks.



#6Consumer Comment

Tue, June 28, 2011

Your services aren't free.  You should have paid when you were supposed to.  If you couldn't - have you ever considered asking family for help?  Really not that hard.


Phenix City,
United States of America
Please consider the source...

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, June 28, 2011

This comment is directed to the ENTIRE Ripoff Report community.  Not everyone in the south is like Chuckles.  I've been reading reports here for years and it seems that He/She can't ever seem to accept any responsibility for His/Her actions and choices.


You signed a CONTRACT.  You agreed to the terms and conditions of it when you signed.  Your inability to consider that you are wrong does not negate the conditions of that contract.  You could have easily used a pre-paid phone but chose not to.

I live and work in Phenix City and pray that I never have the misfortune to meet you.  You are a sad and pathetic individual who seems to look for problems.

Who haven't you bitched about here?

mr rik

Maybe I'm just lucky

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, June 28, 2011

and I know it makes alot of people's hemmoroids flare up, but I only state the truth.

I've really defaulted and screwed over soo MANY companies over the years that I've literally lost count.

Yet no sheriff at my door, no garnishments, my interest and insurance rates are dirt cheap, and I just got another card the other day.  I've really NEVER LOOKED BACK!

Sorry all!


I will never understand

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, June 28, 2011

The reason companies even give you anything Charles - you used the services now pay for them!! Use that 8 grand that you did not earn to pay your bills but what I am saying?? You never pay your bills but blame the big bad businesses for your despair.  Loser deluxe - oh pray tell when did you become a idiot savant?? Figure it out.


United states,
I refuse to pay verizon collection fees

#10Author of original report

Mon, June 27, 2011

Verizon has some nerve,  to make me pay for their collection fees.  Why should I have to pay their collection fees & I am not doing IT.


North Carolina,
United States of America
Pay off Verizon with what you got from Omni Insurance

#11General Comment

Mon, June 27, 2011

Thanks to Stacey, I can now see the pattern here. Hey, Charles, or whatever your name is, pay off Verizon with some of that $8000 you got from Omni Insurance.

Screwed Over

United states,
Hey stacy nobody here cares what you think and quit causing people more problems nobody here needs your grief but you are a heartless person who will never stop hurting others

#12Author of original report

Mon, June 27, 2011

Hey stacy nobody here cares what you think,   and quit causing people more problems nobody here needs your grief but you are a heartless person who will never stop hurting others.  So piss off.


I knew it!!

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, June 27, 2011

Charles once again blames everyone and everything for his problems!!! I would say Grow UP but it is fruitless. OH BTW my name is STACEY - think you can get it right for once?? (I pay my cell phone every month and I have what is called a JOB)


San Diego,
Mr Rik - I've did it...

#14Consumer Comment

Sun, June 26, 2011

(roll eyes here). This will be a short rebuttal. (/end sarcasm).
MrRik of Miami states, and I quote, "I've did it MULTIPLE times, Don't pay em squat...". I've DID it.... ??

Anyone taking advice of ANY kind from the semi-literate "gentelmin" (spelled incorrectly intentionally, so he "can understood" it), deserves exactly what they get. When did being a deadbeat debtor become something to crow about? I guess in Florida, where ignorance breeds only slightly faster than siblings, failing to pay debts is a mark of character. If this, and MrRik are considered examples of upstanding citizens in Florida... it is no wonder why Florida seems to have extremely high rates of very public child molestation cases, murders, and the slew of other crap that they are constantly in the news for.

If anything... MrRik illustrates to the civilized world just why they probably would not want to move to Florida. Move to San Diego. We don't have many rednecks who fail at life, that must then resort to bilking credit card companies and other such debts, in order to provide themselves with their yearly allotment of Moon Pies.

Thank fake God that I am a San Diegan. I just couldn't bear the mind-numbing, soul-sucking stupidity of Florida.

Screwed Over

United states,
You do not know my situation for why I couldn't pay I just don't have the money right know

#15Author of original report

Sun, June 26, 2011

You do not know my situation for why I couldn't pay I just don't have the money right know.


No valid reason for default

#16Consumer Comment

Sun, June 26, 2011

"Businesses or Creditors don't honor anything"

You didn't post any statement about Verizon failing to fulfill the agreement. Is there a clause in the agreement that excludes you from paying if you are unable to do so?

Screwed Over

United states,
I ain't paying verizon collection fees either they can forget that they have some nerve

#17Author of original report

Sun, June 26, 2011

I ain't paying verizon collection fees either they can forget that they have some nerve.

Jim Martin

Hey Steve

#18Consumer Comment

Sun, June 26, 2011

Ever heard of bench warrant.  That is what the judge can issue if you do not show up for your court dates.  You probably have several out on you right now and don't even know it considering all the debts you have admitted on this site to ignoring.

A bench warrant is what they can hold you on until a new date can be set for the hearing you didn't go to.  Maybe you need to get educated.  I know someone personally that this has happened to.

It is up to the judge whether or not to issue one.


United states,
Businesses or Creditors don't honor anything so why should I they screw us over so I am not paying anything

#19Author of original report

Sun, June 26, 2011

Businesses or Creditors don't honor anything so why should I they screw us over so I am not paying anything.


No, Ken, it doesn't work that way.

#20Consumer Comment

Sun, June 26, 2011

Arrest warrants CANNOT be issued in any civil case regarding a civil debt.

Will never happen.

You are confusing criminal law with civil law.

If a defendant fails to show on a civil action, the ONLY remedy is the default judgement, and subsequent garnishment order. That's it. No arrest.

And, the action MUST be filed in the county of jurisdiction of the residence of the defendant.

So, if that rental car company HQ is in another state, they need to pay someone to go to the county of residence of the defendant.

As far as the OP goes, there is some confusion there as well, bacause no collection agency can charge any debtor collection fees. That is illegal as per the FDCPA. A collection agency can only collect the actual amount owed. Any compensation to the collection agency can only be paid to them by the client that hired them. No exceptions other than an order by a court as a result of civil action to award costs and fees.

People need to get education before spouting off.

Jim Martin

Hey Rik

#21Consumer Comment

Sun, June 26, 2011

All they have to do is file in small claims court and show up for the hearing.  Then when you don't show up, they file again to have your wages garnished.

Guess what comes next when YOU don't show up for that hearing.  The courts send the sheriff to your front door, and if necessary to your place of work with a warrant for your arrest.

Oh and you still end up having to pay the bill, you just have a whole mess of other problems to go with it.

This same procedure can be followed by say that rental car company whose car you put water into the gas tank causing engine damage (they sue for the damage caused) - usually around $2000 just to rebuild but I bet they go for a new car entirely.  Have fun paying that off!!!!!

mr rik

I've did it

#22Consumer Comment

Sun, June 26, 2011

I've did it MULTIPLE times,

Don't pay em squat...

Report Attachments


I am trembling!

#23Consumer Comment

Sun, June 26, 2011

This "person" also filed a report against an insurance company - the wording sounds way too much like Charles! Back at ya Rik


Honor your word

#24Consumer Comment

Sun, June 26, 2011

"I have everything I need In 6 years It will be off my credit."

If you had everything then you would pay your Verizon bill.

You will pay more in higher interest rates than what you owe Verizon. It may cycle off your credit report in six years but you will lose six years of credit building and whatever credit you built prior to that.

This is a site to report being ripped off; it's not for bragging about ripping off someone else. You signed a contract. Honor your word.


United states,
Verizon Isn't making me pay for nothing they wouldn't respond to my inquiry or listen to me I don't need any new credit I have everything I need In 6 years It will be off my credit

#25Author of original report

Sat, June 25, 2011

Verizon Isn't making pay for nothing.  They wouldn't respond to my inquiry or listen to me I don't need any new credit I have everything I need In 6 years It will be off my credit.

mr rik

Very Real

#26Consumer Comment

Sun, June 12, 2011

Thanks for asking.

I've probably did everything I recommend here AT LEAST ONCE.

In this particular example, I walked away from verizon, with one of their computers to boot.  I didn't pay em squat, and I DARE them to try and make me.

Hear that verizon?  Come get some.

Will I pay if people get sued or arrested?  Of course not.  Even though I ALWAYS get away with the things I recommend, theres no reason for me to give a shiit if someone is TOO STUPID to properly avoid repercussions.- It's a "dog eat dog" world!

For those that don't agree with me, ENJOY BEING SHEEP!

Hi Stacey.

Report Attachments


Good one Ken

#27Consumer Comment

Sun, June 12, 2011

Finally someone with some common sense! We all have financial difficulties due to the economy but that not a reason to stop paying your bills.


That ought to really help him!

#28Consumer Comment

Sun, June 12, 2011

Are you for real?

If the people filing these reports follow your advice, they can have some serious problems.

You tell them not to pay, put water in the gas of a rental car and numerous other very questionable and unethical actions.

Will you pay up if they follow your advice and get sued or arrested...I thought not.



#29Consumer Comment

Sun, June 12, 2011

First of all alot of people are having hard times right now and have been for awhile. I myself have been one of the few to have been done in by budget cuts. I know how it is to not be able to pay bills etc. I also want you to understand that even though you cannot pay, this is not verizons fauly you owe a debt and they are collecting because you didn't uphold your end of the contract. Verizon doesn't care why you can't pay just as say American Express doesn't care why you can't make your credit card payments. It is just the facts of doing business, especially when you have a house mortgage or car financed.


This City,

#30Consumer Comment

Sun, June 12, 2011

Sorry but you havent paid your bill.  How is this anyone elses fault?

mr rik

You were

#31Consumer Comment

Sat, June 11, 2011

paying too much anyway.

Don't pay em squat.

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