  • Report:  #108226

Complaint Review: Verizon - Bellevue Internet

Reported By:
- Fremont, California,

www.verizonwireless.com Bellevue, 98009-9682 Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
In 2000. I needed a phone quickly, so I bought one of these pre-pay phones from Radio Shack. A Verizon Wireless KYOCERA 2135. A simple phone very reliable. My complaint is with the service Verizon and all celluar phones companys give us. I was told today this is Nation Wide and Standard Practice in the Business.

I have two other phones I purchased from Verizon that are on regular plans. Now I'm sure this effects the regular plan as well. They are giving and allowing our phone numbers to be sold in the market place and we are getting text messages from marketing groups. That cost we are paying for. I also got many voice messages, from folks I couldn't tell you who they were. But they were advertising stuff for sale. This burned up many of my minutes on my pay I as I go service.

Another thing they pull over on us is before a call is connected. It takes 11 seconds before that call connects. That is RIPPING me off again. Another thing they rip us all off with is on my pre-pay phone.

They require me to add a min. of $15 which is good for 30 days. That would last me several months , because I don't expect any calls from marketing groups, I don't give out my cell phone number on my prepay, I don't text message. I don't even want voice messages on this thing. I call you or it better be family or business related.

My problem with this part of the rip off is I'm feeling arm twisted here to pump out monies, they put a arbitrary expiration date on. To suit their need and greed. If I give them 30 dollars I have my minuites amount in dollars.. for 60 days. OH thank you mister and misses.. VERIZON Corporate Greasy, Greedy, Suits. I read about your non providing customer service giving donkey rear quarter panel attitude hundreds of folks posted here.

I don't know or recall what rate they bill me at. I figure it is close to or about a dollor a minute on my prepay.

The fact that we are being exploited by the above text message and voice scams us prepay customers along with many regulars. Are taking it in the rear. BAD! Check your records, and monitor all the junk flowing into your plans.

We need to SUE the stiches out of the pants of every celluar service provider. Just for making servicer a rip off across the board. But you know my confidence in the police of the court has been proven time and time again. That they are part of the problem and not really part of the solution, unless there is a ambulance of corpses lying at their feet. Please fellow Rip Off readers we need change. We must demand change TODAY! From Congress to the White House, because we are worker bees keeping the RICH Corporate world and its bought goons weel feed, and living the lap of luxury. My prepay phone situation. I may have to bite the bullet and get off the merry-go ride of foolishness I didn't see coming. I will just consider it a loss and toss this scam in the trash.

Peace to the World.. I really feel sorry for the thousands of RIP-OFF consumers posting on the board. I mean in all area's of complaints. Things need to change and common law needs to be in our hands. The whole statue of limitations rip-off needs to be abolished. That is the corner stone lawyers use to break us and cheat the common man and woman by not taking or cases and after the fact telling us TIME has expired.. (LIKE VERIZON treats us pre-payers. THIS NIGHTMARE of expiring time and rights IS TURNED AGAINST US. Turned aginst many who are very poor and deserve better.) We then lose our rights because the sharks didn't smell enough blood. No life in those sharks until a rich celebrity gets cut!

Thank you for providing his service.. because a man or woman without a voice or abilty to voice a concern or complaint will loose his or her mind.


Fremont, California

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