  • Report:  #45582

Complaint Review: Viscom Technology Group - V2 Premier - Chaska Minnesota

Reported By:
- Indianapolis, Indiana,

Viscom Technology Group - V2 Premier
4064 Peavey Rd. Chaska, 55318 Minnesota, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I purchased a computer from Shop NBC in September. In October I noticed that the speakers were not working properly. I plugged them into the front of the computer and both speakers worked, for awhile.

Soon the right speaker went out, and I reported my problem. I was told that my motherboard and speakers were defective, and they would need to be replaced. I was told that the equipment was sent by UPS. After waiting for about three weeks I realized that the parts were not going to make it to my home. Fortunately, my motherboard arrived, but the speakers were delivered to a different address.

I was sent another set of new speakers and they arrived. I called the technician to come to my home and install the new motherboard. He did so, and the speakers worked great for a week. Then the right speaker went out. Well, I have the exact same problem I had before. The speakers both work when they are plugged into the front jack (where the headset/microphone goes). Obviously, I need another motherboard installed.

This is frustrating, and emotionally draining, especially when I am still paying for this piece of junk. My last payment is going to be deducted from my credit card at the end of this month. I have not had other problems with the system, but to have to change a motherboard twice is tantamount to purchasing an automobile and having to replace the engine twice in five months.

I don't expect sympathy, but I would warn others against purchasing one of these systems. Is there any hope for this company? Yes, as long as people like myself keep them in business.


Indianapolis, Indiana

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