  • Report:  #1135957


Reported By:
Wiseconsumer - NORTH YORK, Manitoba,

777 bayly st west-ajax MONTREAL, l1s7g7 Quebec, Canada
800 822 8987
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Well its disapponting and almost unheard of to write a bad report about a head office, Usually its the other way around. VW head office customer care rival Microsofts third world tech support and should win the same award for professional staffing as AOL.


Doe that hit home yet? While they make there dealers on edge with anal surveys as to how they did after your car was serviced otherwise these dealer might lose their licensing. Never mind the fact that there dealer network has suffered through the worst of times while they made horrible products. Many of the dealers need to get together and start asking if when the survey is coming out as to how they looked after them after they sold a car to client and are fighting on their behalf.


We know that will never happen. Yes it looks like VW has gotten the value equation right but when it comes down to their call center, I would need to drop F-bombs on every line here to tell you how BRUTAL it really is.


To be polite and I say this with the greatest respect to the head office staff and CEO> ITS PURE s**t!!!!!!!!!!!! CASE AND POINT. CALL ONE DEALER FOR SERVICE INTERVAL THAN CALL 5 OTHERS. ALL THE PRICING IS DIFFERENT!!??


So I thought the fair thing to do was call head office and have a civil conversation. I hesitated to give my information but the representative assured me that he would help and I asked him to have someone call me if I was to give this. He said "I will put a note in the system and if they feel a need to call you back they will" I than said. NO..I would like a call back either way as I feel that my concerns are justified and I would like someone  to call me.'  He than said " I will definately put a note in the system and someone will call you back if theres a reason to do so" 


After rephrasing this 4 different times maintaining my composure I than said, do not put antyhing into your CRM if no one is going to call me back. I would like to hear from someone within a reasonable time frame maybe a day or two?  he than says  you guess its..." I will put a note....  You can say this is one isolated incident its not. I called 3 weeks ago to find a local dealer and I need not say that my call was handled poorly and I hung up the phone in disgust as the person I spoke to was trained the same way as above.


I had warranty issues that took VW canada over a month and half for them to get back to me. While I like their product so far...I am not impressed. There customer service is absolute garbage, rude and provide a terrible experience. I am so uphauled that I went looking at new cars yesterday. To prove my point even further whenever I mentioned these concerns to MULTIPLE DEALERS they all had the same reaction. A friendly welcoming smile and a buttoned lip. Well maybe now after this post hits top spot on GOOGLE and they have to spend 5k to remove it they might start listening. My guess is their customer support center will be improved and upgraged to Bangladesh India and next years cars will come standard with Microsoft window and a free memebership to AOL. If your thining of buying a VW and rely on a good experience. THIS CAR IS NOT FOR YOU. MAYBE IN THE US ITS DIFFERENT. BUT IN CANADA. VOLKSWAGEN CUSTOMER SERVICE YOU SUCK. YOU REALLY SUCK. I applaud the dealers and I know this post is going to make a lot of people smile because VW Canada deserves a shot in a*s. WAKE UP TREAT PEOPLE PROPERLY CALL BACK CLIENTS AND MAKE THEM HAPPY! TAKE A NOTE FROM YOUR DEALERS PAGE. IF YOU WERE RATED BY YOUR DEALERS YOU WOULD BE OUT OF BUSINESS.

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