  • Report:  #325448

Complaint Review: Werner Enterprises - Omaha Nebraska

Reported By:
- Pomona Park, Florida,

Werner Enterprises
14507 Frontier Rd Omaha, 68138 Nebraska, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Werner has information in its internal computer system stating that I was fired for things I said to my "Fleet Manager"(dispatcher- Don Fisher) and his boss(Superviser- John Spessar).

The details here are too many to write, but I will share some of the many to show my concern for how they operate behind closed doors.

Another quick issue; I was half of a team. After two weeks notice was given and the truck was delivered to our home terminal in Lakeland, FLorida, Werner has an internal report stating I was "terminated" and not eligible for rehire. Mind you, I have no intention of going back to Werner Enterprises. More importantly, they have in their system that my teammate voluntarily quit and she too has been disallowed for future employment. For her the report states that they won't rehire because of what *I* said. I believe that's outright illegal discrimination against her!

My 2wks notice was given via QualComm and (evidently) for this reason, they aren't telling other companies I was fired. That's a good thing. However, they are stating they won't rehire me and that may prevent me from getting a job elsewhere in the future. This is unfair based on the actual facts. I gave notice. The truck was returned to our home terminal. The truck was reported having NO damage caused by me or my teammate. I followed the rules, as did she.

Now the real concern. Werner owes each of us several hundred dollars, perhaps over $1,500.00 and they will not pay! This too, is illegal.

Werner owes us for driving on Christmas Day, 2007. This is April 11th and they have made no attempt to pay. They owe us for our final trip, more than 1 month ago. They owe us for roughly 20 days of layover due to broken equipment(which is the 1st reason I quit). John Spessar was notified THREE times and told me he would get these payments made. He failed miserably. Afterall, John told me he had no idea there was a problem on each of my 3 calls. He did find my messages in the QualComm during our 3rd conversation. Don Fisher said he would take care of it, but never made any attempt from what I can see. This information was sent via QualComm and is definitely on record. They wanted me to send an individualized account for the layovers, even though they know exactly when and where each occurred.

I called Werner Payroll with the problem 4 times. They referred me back to dispatch each time, but noted we were infact owed. Nobody will take responsibility. They merely want to be in charge without any responsibility.

We went into Omaha, NE and spoke to 5 different people, all of whom told us the problem would be taken care of on our next pay. It wasn't and still hasn't been, so since I'd already given notice, we did quit.

Before arriving in Florida, we were routed to Wisconsin to get a load for Tennessee. This would've put us home 2 full days late for our requested home time at a minimum. I had sent a message stating I had a doctors appoinment and they caused me to miss it, while they sent another truck from where we were, to our home terminal. That truck made it to our home on time for my appt. and we went elsewhere. The very same Fleet Manager, Don Fisher, routed each truck, knowing 3 weeks in advance I needed that time off. That's simply non-management on his part. Instead of handling the problem, Don decided I needed to know that he'd been with Werner 18yrs and knew better than I, everything. He went so far as to tell me he could do my job and that I could not. Nevermind the fact he has NEVER had a CDL in his lifetime, he'd only moments before, told me he had not once driven a Class 8 or 9 vehicle.

Biggest problem: They refuse to pay what's owed. I know another person who was treated the same way before me, but I continued with this company completely expecting it wouldn't happen to me. I was wrong.

If you want to work for Werner Enterprises, BEWARE!!! Do all you can to find a good dispatcher and get(in writing) permission to be assigned to that persons board. Werner HAS good, knowledgeable, and even talented dispatchers. But they have bad ones too. And Werner apparently has no intenion of weeding out the bad from the good.


Pomona Park, Florida


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3 Updates & Rebuttals



#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, October 07, 2008

If Florida has labor laws like those in Oregon, you can file a claim against Werner to recoup what they owe you, and also get 30 days additional pay. Do not concern yourself with the fact that they try to say you must bring an action in a Nebraska Court. The papers you signed won't hold water. See http://www.publications.ojd.state.or.us/S44921.htm We turn to the relevant statutes. ORS 652.150 provides, in part: "If an employer willfully fails to pay any wages or compensation of any employee whose employment ceases, as provided in ORS 652.140 * * * then, as a penalty for such nonpayment, the wages or compensation of such employee shall continue from the due date thereof at the same hourly rate for eight hours per day until paid or until action therefor is commenced; provided, that in no case shall such wages or compensation continue for more than 30 days from the due date[.]" Like you, Werner did not pay me what they owed me. Big mistake on their part. I will also attest to the fact that Werner got me home on time once during the 18 months I drove for them. Their "Average" was 3 days late. I will also attest to the fact that I know John. and yes he is a liar as well as other unsavory things. And yes Werner will give anyone a run around, they will "lose" records, and "deny" that conversations ever took place. Unfortunately WERNER is so poorly organized that you can't hold anyone responsible. Although your dispatcher "should" be responsible for most of the issues, "dispatch" has no control. It is the "Planner" who is ultimately responsible to plan the loads to get you home and elsewhere. I beleive that their structure is purposefully set-up so that nobody can be held responsible. Good Luck to ya, I'm sure you'll find a better company to work with.


I've Watched This Company For Years...

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, April 13, 2008

...and their safety record just doesn't seem to be improving at all. I've read horror story after horror story as well. This tells me only one thing - they have no intention of improving their reputation in either area. Werner Enterprises is a company that advertises constantly in every trucking publication, and thus is constantly in need of warm bodies. That alone is a red flag when I evaluate a company. They are running way too many people in and out of those revolving doors. You cannot write that off that many people to just trucking industry trends where turnover is 'normal' and expected. The simple fact is, if a company is not offering working conditions that are acceptable to most people, they will go someplace else. One of the most outstanding and undeniable statistics that plagues this company is it's utterly awful DOT reportable accident rate. They currently run a ratio of 1 out of every 6.5 trucks they operate, having been involved in a DOT reportable accident within the past two years. Contrast this with the average out there of 1 in 10 for similarly sized companies. A DOT reportable accident is one where any involved vehicle in an accident had to be towed from the scene, where anyone was injured and required treatment away from the scene for those injuries, or where someone was fatally injured. Granted, not every one of these accidents are the fault of their drivers, but for some reason, this is one statistic that has slowly and progressively worsened over the past eight to ten years. When I see a statistic like this, I have to wonder if their drivers are being pushed to perform, are driving under immense stress, or are simply teed off, and thus are not driving with due care, and find themselves not on top of their game and find themselves involved in more accidents than what is clearly normal. This accident rate is even harder to explain, given the fact that they utilize electronic logging of hours-of-service duties, and experience an extremely low rate of their drivers being placed out-of-service for violations. It defies logic and trends that show that drivers run legal the vast majority of the time, combined with companies that monitor compliance of their drivers, will have safe driving records. This company also suffers another statistic that tells me volumes about them. They have teed off so many people over the years with the way they treat employees, that some of these people have erected web sites dedicated to the attempt to inform and warn others about Werner Enterprises, Inc. Word of mouth is the best advertisement, and it can also be the worst. Personally, I wouldn't want the reputation of my company to be that bad. I'd find the root of the problem, and find a way to improve it. There are many large companies that have either found ways to completely avoid amassing notorious reputations, or have amended their working conditions for their drivers, to improve their reputations. Werner is doing neither, and apparently is quite content in allowing their reputation to be what it is, and the only reason for this is because they, like other companies out there with horrible reputations, are still able to recruit people who are oblivious to just how bad they are to work for. Hopefully, people who read this, and are considering them as an option, might take pause to consider applying to them. I know I would never go near them.


Cedar Falls,

#4UPDATE Employee

Sat, April 12, 2008

Feeel your pain Rob, get those qualcomm records as they must keep them for at least a couple of years, YOU ARE NOT THE FIRST, AND SADLY NOT THE LAST TO BE RIPPED OFF BY WERNER ENTERPRISES INC/GRA-GAR/ DISPATCHERS/SUPERVISORS, and anyone else sheltered within the corrupt Werner EVIL EMPIRE. Don Fisher would not allow our truck to go to a terminal to get balding and illegal drive tires fixed, we were made to bypass 3 werner terminals that had repair shops. Don Fisher lied repeatedly about everything on a daily basis, problem is John Spressard is the Team Werner Supervisor, if you call him to praise the company you will be fine and he will be a great guy to speak with. If you call John Spressard to voice any concern at all he will go ape on you, start cussing you out, back up all his dispatchers and make you feel like you don't have a clue. Werner brass, all supervisors, most dispatchers could give a rats about any driver, they are trained this way- fleet managers have been fired here because they get to personal with drivers. Werner is the last place anyone should hope to find a home in the trucking industry, they will eat you up. I have had many good friends in management and fellow drivers that have been ripped off after giving this company 100% of their dedicated work. John Spressard, Don Fisher, Mike Johnson, Jeff Green, Vern Werner are all very bad people that would lie and cheat their own mother. Do yourself a favor! GET AWAY FROM WERNER NOW!!!! They will eat you up and ruin your career before you know what hit you, don't think it can't happen to you, it can and they will! WERNER IS A RIP-OFF Company! The DOT need to know how unsafe this company really is, I believe the DOT looks the other way because of all the werner money they make off pre-pass, permits, etc. If they only knew that a BIG PERCENTAGE OF WERNER TRUCKS ARE ILLEGAL! Bad tires on trucks & trailers, drivers that drive on each others logs, trailers that are seriously overweight, trucks that would not pass inspection due to mechanical leaks and worn equipment. WAKE UP DOT! Werner is taking advantage of the traveling public, how may more innocent lives of the traveling public will be lost due to politics and money that the DOT recieves from Werner! Werner Enterprises INC. is unsafe and putting at risk innocent americans by ignoring the upkeep on their equipment, they might have been safe at one time, but I know for a fact they now run their tires longer, service their trucks at 4000 miles instead of the 3000 miles 2 years ago, and they continue to allow their dedicated fleet managers to NOT ALLOW DEDICATED TRUCKSA AND TRAILERS GO TO TERMINALS FOR SAFTEY CHECKS! Werner Enterprises is ruining hard working individuals on a daily basis! WHY? Because they can, someone has given them that priveledge & the power to take priveledges away from anyone that might drive or work for them. WERNER ENTERPRISES INC. MUST BE STOPPED! SOMEONE AT THE DOT BETTER CHECK THIS COMPANY OUT CLOSELY WERNER MUST BE STOPPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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