  • Report:  #1089832

Complaint Review: Wild Vapers Shelley Bowman Eddy Bowman - Sylacauga Alabama

Reported By:
anonomus - Morrisonville, New York,

Wild Vapers Shelley Bowman Eddy Bowman
150 Rousseau Loop Sylacauga, 35150 Alabama, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

Buyers and business owners beware! Shelley Bowman and Eddy Bowman or Edward Bowman owners of Wild Vapers located in the United States in Sylacauga, Alabama, ripped off a good friend of ours and business owner in New York state. Shelley Bowman, a Canadian resident and citizen, married to Eddy Bowman or Edward Bowman a resident of Alabama and citizen of the United States and employed at this business, True Cast, Inc. took advantage of someone that tried to do something to help them get their business off the ground. Over charging the other business for custom made E-Juice products, Electronic Cigarette Mods, Tanks and all the while doing so, after the other business provided them with a lot of free nicotine valued at quite a bit of money. These folks charged retail pricing on items that were supposed to be wholesale pricing even when some of the raw materials were provided free of charge to them. For example, an E-Pipe that was valued at a third of its cost to the business that bought it, Shelley Bowman charged the owner $90.00 for, instead of the market value with respect to wholesale pricing. In addition, the pricing charged to help the other business with the E-Juice contracts that this other business has, holds, and still maintains, Shelley Bowman or Michelle Bowman, and Eddy Bowman or Edward Bowman of Wild Vapers charged the business $360.00 per liter, instead of wholesale pricing. Based on the pricing of the E-Juice products on their website, it is very clear that the products that the other business purchased, were severely inflated regarding the prices paid and the other business got ripped off, especially when the other business was providing a lot of free nicotine and not charging Shelley bowman or Eddy Bowman of Wild Vapers for the nicotine. Their first purchase of nicotine from the other business, they claimed that the nicotine was sold in gallon jugs, when it is sold in liters only on that business website. Rather than argue the point, the other business sent them a gallon of the product, and only charged them for one liter. That was all that was paid. In addition, early on, the other business helped out by giving Wild Vapers a shopping cart and license to use to help get their business off the ground, valued at over $400.00. Do not send anything to them via PayPal. You'll get ripped off, just like this other business did. Wild Vapers is clearly a scam, fraud, ripoff and cannot be trusted.


Beware that the E-Juice products sold by Wild Vapers and Shelley Bowman and Eddy Bowman, some if not all of them contain alcohol, due to the nature of the ingredients used in some or all of the E-Juice products sold. Some of the other flavorings and ingredients such as Island Tobacco a flavoring used in some recipes, and French Vanilla Ice Cream another ingredient or E-Juice, are also alcohol based Chinese flavorings and or E-Juice already made with nicotine. This is why some of their E-Juice products cannot be sold to you at a zero nicotine level. Many Chinese E-Juices and flavor concentrates are not to be trusted due to some of the chemicals commonly found in them and they use them, and claim all E-Juice is USA made with all USA ingredients. Shelley Bowman does not act professionally, blowing up voicemail boxes, threatening, and she stays under the wire for many obvious reasons that many people do not really know. Why she is not a United States citizen, we'll leave that for folks to figure out on their own. Be very careful and cautious. They are not to be trusted. Shelley Bowman and Eddy Bowman of Wild Vapers ripped off another business and some of that businesses customers as well. The business lost thousands at the hands of Shelley Bowman and it was all paid through PayPal. Don't send anything unless you use a credit card only on their website. Don't pay them through PayPal for any reason. And, test your E-Juice, as several of the tests that have been run on products purchased, show higher or lower levels of nicotine than what they advertise. This also includes misrepresented PG and VG ratios as well. This is due to the fact that they use some ready made E-Juice products with nicotine in them for some of their E-Juice recipes. Be super careful please. Shelley Bowman has a Facebook page, and so does Eddy Bowman. Here are a couple of websites that Shelley Bowman frequents to sell and promote her products. You have to wonder why Shelley Bowman is not in pictures on Eddy Bowman's Facebook page, or her own either. Also find their URL listed below as well. Stay away from them. Thank you.









Report Attachments

13 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
Proof Of E-Juice Recipes Shelley Bowman WildVapers

#2Author of original report

Fri, October 11, 2013

Since the initial report on WildVapers and Eddy Boman and Shelley Boman from Sylacauga Alabama, a few more things need to be specified here. Firstly, The Boba's Best E-Juice, Gorilla Mist E-Juice and other flavors like French Pipe Tobacco, NuPort, Cherry Cigar, Blueberry Cream Cheese, Dragon Tear Drop, Twinkie E-Juice, and more have recently had many of their names changed on the WildVapers website located here:


In addition, regarding Shelley Bowman, the lies she told about the nicotine are just that, and in addition, the company that we've tried to help, also supplied Shelley Bowman with Pure Nicotine, a couple of liters of this which she never mentioned receiving as well as 100MG/ML, 150MG/ML, 200MG/ML, 250MG/ML and 300MG/ML strengths. We have the tracking numbers for these packages, and can supply them here. For Shelley Bowman to remove the Boba's Best E-Juice from the website, as well as her contact information, including phone number and address, and making claims that the specified E-Juice products sold to the purchasing company were not hers on a forum located here:


where this report was posted and removed, and to make similar claims on Ripoff Report is bogus. For her to make some of these claims, Richard and several others felt it necessary to produce the recipes for two of the products, which, Shelley Bowman shared with the company owner. They are virtually the same, except that the Island Tobacco alcohol based, is missing from the Gorilla Juice. Regarding the other flavors like Cherry Cigar, that flavoring too is alcohol based, and the French Pipe Tobacco and Lucky 13, is also alcohol based flavoring. The NuPort flavoring used in the Wild NuPort juice is also alcohol based. Although for some of the recipes, flavorings were purchased from USA flavor manufacturers, such as the Ripe Banana, Vanilla Burbon, Vanillin Crystals, possibly the Pineapple and Coconut and a few more, Shelley Bowman made claims that they do not use alcohol based flavorings, which is incorrect. The company that I purchase for, buys a lot of the flavorings that Shelley Bowman uses and from some if not all of the same vendors or manufacturers and this is how we discovered that she is using alcohol based flavorings in some of her E-Juice products. In addition, something else that is an issue here is that Shelley Bowman has nothing in her own name. Married to Eddy Bowman, everything WildVapers related, and more outside of this, all has to be in Eddy Bowman's name only, not in Shelley Bowman's name as Shelley has no citizenship in the United States Of America, yet she pretty much runs the whole business.

From the work database, here is the recipe for the Gorilla Mist E-Juice that Shelley Bowman states is not hers. Permission to use the recipe for this publication was granted by the purchasing company that got ripped off and by its owner for the purposes of this report. I downloaded this and put it here below.

Gorilla Mist E-Juice:

This recipe makes flavoring for 100ML of Gorilla Mist E-Juice. Multiply the amounts here to make larger batches of up to one liter or more. Let age or steep for 7 days before bottling to sell for customers as this E-Juice is better used when aged. The older it gets, the better the flavor.

5ML TPA Ripe Banana

3.5ML 50/50 TPA Vanilin Crystals in PG W/Vanilla Bourbon (Vanilla Mixer for better Vanilla)

3.5ML TPA or other Coconut

2ML Capella or other Pineapple

2.5ML TPA Ethyl Malto in PG

1.5ML TPA Acetyl Pyrazine

4ML Hangsen French Vanilla Ice Cream E-Juice (Contains Nicotine)

Adjust nicotine strength accordingly when using this flavor in the Gorilla Mist. That is the recipe. This makes the Gorilla Mist E-Juice WildVapers sells. Use this last ingredient to make the Boba's Best E-Juice that Shelley Bowman of WildVapers sells, but recently removed from her website after the initial report was filed.

3ML VZ Iland Tobacco (Alcohol Based)

The last flavor here, is the Tobacco Base which makes Gorilla Mist into Boba's Best E-Juice. 

Further, we also wish to clarify that once it was discovered that Richard was being ripped off by Eddy Bowman and Shelley Bowman of WildVapers in Sylacauga Alabama, it was decided by Richard and others that he should discontinue doing business with WildVapers. And, the fact is that Richard only offered to buy some of the remaining stock out of the 27 liters to still try to help them. And Shelley even renigged on her promise to provide a free liter of one of the products for some pure nicotine, which she did receive. Again, we now do not need it, and won't accept it. We have the ability to make the product ourselves and will continue to do so. Shelley Bowman not Eddy Bowman, was one of the most pushy and demanding vendors that our company ever dealt with, and Shelley Bowman was way too forceful and only wanted large amounts of money. In addition, Shelley Bowman never under any circumstances whatsoever, had permission at any time to log into any of the websites during this time, and Richard had administrators to handle Facebook and other websites. So this was wrong as well, as Shelley Bowman was never granted any admin status on Facebook nor on any websites Richard owns. Her statements about helping Richard are pure fabrications and lies.


New York,
More Info Shelley & Eddy Bowman

#3Author of original report

Mon, October 07, 2013

Shelley, no one is doubting that you made the juices Richard purchased. I don't even think he would contest that fact. It is the pricing you charged, claiming it was wholesale, when in fact, it was retail. If you would like, I'll log into Richard's recipe database, and download the recipe for Boba's Best, and the information from you about it, and then in order to make the Gorilla Mist simply subtract the one tobacco ingredient. I know the recipes since I work for him, and I can post them here and the Lucky 13, and some of the others if you so desire. In fact, the flavoring I opened today for him, smells exactly like the Lucky 13, and it is one flavor, and the color is the same as well. So if you really want to go there, we can.


Concerning Customers

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, October 07, 2013

So since he is a customer, you are blaming him? This is how you treat your customers? I know where I'm NOT shopping now... This is utterly ridiculous... You really shouldnt bring customers into this, Richard was brought into it by you because of what you did to him & how you extorted him.

Wild Vapers

subject matter of accusations

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, October 07, 2013

All the accusations are all concerning Richard......he is the only one ever to buy liters of ejuice at $360 and it was him that got the pipe and he never "made Shelley's juice" he bought it


customer input

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, October 07, 2013

hi i have no complaints from richard g i have recieved ever product i have purchased from him with no complaints.i always had a great customer service with him and i never heard anything from him "making shellys juice".i have always enjoyed his many juices.shelly is just avoiding all accusations on her and pinning them on richard. so here are the items i have ordered and recieved from him

Report Attachments


Going Off Topic?

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, October 07, 2013

From what it seems like, Wildvapers is getting off topic & trying to focus other issues back to another vendor, correct? I've only had good business with Richard & my orders were always delivered on time. It also seems like this is deprevation of character, Richard was NOT brought up in this report & had no affiliation with the making of this report yet you personally brought him into it. You should really leave all other people out of this, even if they MIGHT have had affiliation with you/your business, they have nothing to do with this report, it is only about YOU and YOUR business.

Report Attachments


New York,
Definition Of Extortion

#8Author of original report

Mon, October 07, 2013

Shelley. I suggest you look up and understand the definition of extortion. Neither Richard, nor anyone that helps him or is associated with him are threatening you, trying to take personal property or money. See these definitions below. In addition, no one that is a customer is helping Richard with this matter. So leave out his customers and friends, and do not involve them. They have nothing to do with this matter at all. The screen shot of you was posted because on the ever popular website: E-Cigarette-Forum.Com, you claimed that the person in the photo was not you which is a direct lie. We can also publish some of the recordings from Skype that you had with Richard and others if you desire. Side by side comparisons of tobacco flavorings from one of the suppliers, smells and tastes just like one of your juice products that you claim has 13 flavors. And, it is alcohol based flavoring as well. If you would like, I am sure Richard would have no issues in publishing the reports from New Jersey with regard to your liquids, and the tests run on them. We do not want anything from you at all, nor do we need anything from you at all. Some of these comparisons and recipes will be easy enough for advanced juice makers to identify. In addition, where Richard lived in the past has nothing to do with this matter. You seem to keep trying to avoid your own issues totally. It is not about Richard, it is all about you.


The use, or the express or implicit threat of the use, of violence or other criminal means to cause harm to person, reputation, or property as a means to obtain property from someone else with his consent. USC 18

The Hobbs Act defines "extortion" as "the obtaining of property from another, with his consent, induced by wrongful use of actual or threatened force, violence, or fear, or under color of official right." 18 U.S.C. S 1951(b)(2)...


[ik-stawr-shuhn] Show IPA
an act or instance of extorting.
Law. the crime of obtaining money or some other thing of value by the abuse of one's office orauthority.
oppressive or illegal exaction, as of excessive price or interest: the extortions of usurers.
anything extorted.
Origin: 1250–1300; Middle English extorcion < Late Latin extortiōn- (stem of extortiō ). See extort, -ion
Related forms
non·ex·tor·tion, noun
Can be confused: bribery, extortion.
Synonyms 1, 4. blackmail.
extortion (ɪkˈstɔːʃən)
  the act of securing money, favours, etc by intimidation or violence; blackmail


noun \ik-ˈstr-shən\

: the crime of getting money from someone by the use of force or threats


Full Definition of EXTORTION

:  the act or practice of extorting especially money or other property; especially :  the offense committed by an official engaging in such practice
:  something extorted; especially :  a gross overcharge


Wild Vapers

Response to Anonymous of Morrisville, NY

#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, October 07, 2013

I will address your further comments point by point. To begin with I have no idea what relevance a screen capture from a Skype call with Joanne detailer has to do with anything.

-Concerning false statement here is a link on this very site http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/specific_search/Richard%20Goddeau  if you read the reports you will see that  http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/richard-goddeau/athens-new-york-/richard-goddeau-d**k-blind-bstard-all-the-information-you-need-on-richard-goddeau-athens-662408-26 ABLE WAY,MORRISONVILLE, NY 12962-2400 Dates - Aug 06 - Jun 07 is listed as a previous address for Mr.G****** . So I am only referring to available information. And seems all things being pointed at me are secondhand hearsay.

-As far as the attempted login to face book, Richard suspected Joanne of hacking his site and his face book, and claimed he did not have internet service at his hotel;  he called me on the phone and asked me to check out and see if his password had been changed. He gave me the info and I tested it. I told him it was working but wouldn't let me in without security info and I closed the page. The server record will show that I made no attempt to navigate his face book nor did I attempt any malicious activity such as password changes etc. It was not unusual for him to ask me to do things like that to help him , such as the account he asked me to set up for him with the company I referred him to for better quality pg and vg than he was buying. I now see that this was obviously a set up.

-And as far as the pipe you seem to be obsessed with we bought 2 sets at retail price one was a gift I purchased for Eddy and the other was an extra we had purchased for one of my friends. Richard asked if he could buy the extra one and we could order another for our friend, we told him the price and even stated he could likely buy it wholesale from one of his suppliers cheaper. He said he didn't want to have to wait for it and wanted it. It is not even a product I carry or sell on my site. It was a personal sale of an item from a friend to a friend. So how could I sell him something at wholesale that I paid retail for? This is the pipe in question, as you can see $90 is reasonable.


-And as far as emails referring to myself as a juice wholesaler, in the beginning I did not consider myself that but as time went on and I was dealing with the volume of juice that Richard was buying I did consider myself to have grown into a small juice wholesaler. Business by nature is meant to grow and evolve. At the time that Richard approached me about 500 ml bottles I was selling 10 ml bottles at $6 and 30 ml bottles at $15. 30 ml at $15 is 50 cents per ml and multiply that by 1000 ml and the retail price is $500 for a liter. Richard was purchasing liters for $360 that is a substantial discount. 

And as far as legal issues I have emails from Richard, the latest being September 28, 2013 threatening me. This is a direct quote from that email:

" If you do not want to get rid of the juices at a fair wholesale price, nor contact me, then I will proceed forward with the rest of what is pending regarding this matter. The choices are yours. Ultimately you will decide what happens here. If you decide not to contact me, or sell the juices at a reasonable wholesale value, then you will have made the decision and what happens will be out of my hands after this."

This is nothing short of extortion and as of this morning, the authorities have this information and they agree.


Regarding Shelley Bowman

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, October 07, 2013

Having tried Mrs. Bowman's Ejuice through a friend I have determined that her juice for a 50 / 50 blend to be not as thick as it should be and her flavor was not as strong as I had hoped it would be. In regards to the other company that you are defaming I have found them to be on the up and up with customer service, courteous mannerism, showing great regards for their customers. I have received each and every order I have placed even though not as quickly as I had hoped but knowing he is blind I did not mind for they fulfilled my orders and answered any questions I had. I would also like to mention that I have purchased nicotine from said company and found it to be of High quality. The said company you mentioned I would also like to add that their Ejuice has been a huge favorite of mine. The ejuice has alot of flavor, the blends were made to my exact specificaions, nicotine levels were spot on perfect. So with this being said I would like to say that I would recomend the company you mentioned to others very highly for many numerous reasons.


New York,
Further Information

#11Author of original report

Mon, October 07, 2013

Shelley. You make a lot of pretty false statements here, and people are just like myself, receiving their items. The company owner you mentioned had nothing to do with the report filed on you Shelley. It had more to do with the legal team and others associated with this entire matter, as well as family members that felt that you were taking Richard for a ride. In addition to this, I am posting an image of you here, taken directly from Skype in the video call window showing you on July 25, 2013 at 10:50 AM, which was on a Thursday.
So this is in fact you. I will ask Richard for copies of emails you sent him, call logs, and recorded voicemails, as well as for the copy of the Facebook screen shot where you attempted to login to his Facebook account, and which clearly shows your device, and Sylacauga Alabama as the location of the device attempting to login to his account. I can begin posting PayPal receipts and other information, and you never answered the alligation about over charging for an E-Pipe, charging Richard $90.00 for something at retail that is only worth only one third the cost you charged him and at retail.
You did do some wrong, and I can even show you and others the emails where you stated various things to Richard about being an E-Juice wholesaler. And again, Richard is shipping product to his customers, and I have been receiving my stuff each and every time I order. It may take a while because he is blind, but I do, and others have and continue to receive their products. In fact, I can tell you that Richard doesn't know about this yet, but I am going to call him and let him know all about it.


Report Attachments

Wild Vapers

Response to Anonymous Report

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, October 07, 2013

Let me begin by apologizing to Vapenet, Questvaping, and the vaping community in general for being included in the slanderous statements that have been posted in this report and elsewhere. This is just an attempt to ruin my association in the vape community and I hope that Wild Vapers has proven ourselves over the past 6 months to be honest and of very high standards. We would also like to add that Vapenet and Questvaping have not done any business with Wild Vapers and no currency is exchanged between us and the networks. All giveaways are done directly from Wild Vapers to the winner.

This report was made by Richard G**** from Catskill Mountain Vapor Store or one of his associates, as Wild Vapers has no other customers in the New York area and information contained in this report could only come from that source. It is nothing but a slanderous campaign of lies because Wild Vapers discontinued any business association with him, when we discovered that people were not getting their orders and then went further to research him on the internet, only to find that he is all over the rip off and scammer pages and also many vaping forums as a scammer and a fraud.

 Wild Vapers at that point did not want to have any association with Richard G**** and his company. In early July he placed an order for 27 liters of juice that he did not complete and when 6 weeks later, he did decide to try to purchase in dribs and drabs, we refused to sell to him. The most recent email I received from him was on September 28 where he basically threatened that if we decided to not sell him juice anymore that we would suffer the consequences and I assume this is what he meant.....we completely ignored the email.

Wild Vapers was supplying him with ejuice from April to July,  the juices we were supplying were as follows;(these are what he calls them) Boba's Clone, Gorilla Juice Clone, Twinkie, Dragon's Teardrop, Lucky13, Snowflake, Cavendish, Blueberry Creamcheese, Strawberry Cheesecake, Juicyfruit Gum, and Dragon's Dew. We had no contractual obligation to him and decided that in our opinion he was a disgrace to the vaping community and immediately stopped any association with him, as shown below in an email sent by him, he claims to have sent out all of our juices and had them reverse engineered, so please know that anything you receive from him is not from Wild Vapers:

Mix Team <[email protected]>

Aug 28




I'm not giving away the recipe, nor would I ever consider doing that. I made a promise to you on that, and will keep my word. I have already figured out several of these by breakdown and reverse engineering, which cost plenty to do, but I did figure out several. Even though I know them, I won't share them. I will still buy from you to meet needs where I have to for contracts. Again I am not trying to fight, just letting you know where I am coming from, what I feel, and what others have stressed to me as well. I still think you are a good juice maker, and vendor, and I do like the quality. Again don't worry about your recipes, they'll stay a secret as long as I live.


He now claims to have trademarked them as he stated in the email that we ignored. We are a solid company with lots of happy customers and the reviews on our site confirm this. We do not use Chinese juice nor do we use alcohol in our juice, other than what is in certain flavors by nature. We can and do make any of our juices at 0 nic . We have high standards and don't even use distilled water or artificial sweeteners. Mr. G**** contacted us, asked the prices for 500 ml bottles. We stated we were not a wholesale juice company at that time, however we offered him a quote of $180 per 500ml. We are a retail company and have never claimed to be anything other than that. Any purchases he might have made were never represented as wholesale other than the agreed upon juice purchases.

I met Mr. G**** was as a customer trying to purchase 250 mg nicotine on January 30, 2013. I was unable to register on his website so I called him. During that call I asked if that price was for a gallon, because the picture on his site looked like a gallon bottle, he stated it was. When I finally received it 2 weeks later and it arrived in February with an expiry date for 02/2013. I called him because it was dark, nasty and out of date. He proceeded to tell me that he had been informed by his accountant that the price I paid was supposed to be the price of a liter and not a gallon. He then offered to send me a liter of 300 mg, and a liter of 250 mg. I told him it was up to him.  Sending additional liters of nic was done by him, to prove his product was not nasty and out of date, like the initial order. The original outdated nic received was never used.

I would also like to state at this time, I have never hidden anything about myself. I state very publicly that I am Canadian and married to an American born citizen. I have no reason to hide. I participate on hangouts during live broadcasts on social networks and am a proud member of the vaping community. I am known for being honest and open. I have never been Michelle and there is no True Cast Inc in Sylacauga.

 Please do the research, start by searching Richard G**** and Catskill Mountain Vapor Store, and consider the abundance of complaints concerning him and the fact this is the only complaint concerning Wild Vapers, please consider the source of this complaint as well. I wish I had done this research myself prior to any involvement with Mr. G****.

Please feel free to contact us at [email protected]


Shelley Bowman 


Shows Character

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, October 07, 2013

http://www.alienvapor.com/bobas-bounty/ origanal

http://www.wildvapers.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=WVBB Wild Vapors rip off Juice 




Argument against the association of Vapenet, reporter "anonomus", and Wild Vapers

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, October 06, 2013

As a result of the October 06, 2013 complaint submitted on RipoffReport.com, by said reporter named “anonomus” from Morrisonville, New York, which states that they have been “ripped off” by Wild Vapers and the three individuals associated directly with the company, 

Vapent asks that the link associated with Vapenet on the report listed in the link below be removed immediately. Vapenet request this action due to the fact that it is not associated with the business or actions of any individual or business.

Vapenet, Vapenet.com, and Vapenetwork (herein known as Vapenet) is a network of individuals that host online webcasts to entertain, inform, and present sources of information to the general public as well as to a community known as the “Vaping Community”. Vapenet is not associated in any shape or form with the sales, actions, or grievances between the reporter “anonomus” and Wild Vapers.

Vapenet does not condone, support, advertise, or promote actions of an individual company, their employee’s, or anyone they may be directly and legally associated with that can cause harm or grief of an individual or company. 

No form of currency is exchanged at any time between any individuals, business, or network. Individuals and businesses do at times perform what is known as “giveaways” an action in which the individual or business gives free product to a viewer of the Vapenet webcasts, at no cost to Vapenet or the individual that has won the prize. Vapenet does not receive products or services as a form of profit or currency from any individual or company. It is clearly stated and well known that Vapenet does not perform any form of business at all with any individual, company, or network.

Vapenet does not have any legal associations with Wild Vaper’s business directly or indirectly, and as a result the placing of a Universal Resource Locator (URL) that directly ties Vapenet to the actions, business or not, of Wild Vapers is considered libel.

Vapenet is not a business and has no association with the affairs and business of any individual company or group of companies. Individuals and Businesses that choose to host a show or give away free products on our network do so at their own discretion and take all responsibility and liability upon themselves.




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