  • Report:  #66813

Complaint Review: Wilhelmina Tctalent Transcontinental Talent - Orlando Florida

Reported By:
- orlando, Florida,

Wilhelmina Tctalent Transcontinental Talent
1701 Park Center Drive Orlando, 32835 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

the highlights of this email: lack of credit card protection (isn't that a law that you must protect customer credit card info?); terri continues her reign of terror; SEC investigation into credit card/bad check fraud continues- company growing totally paranoid.

the illegal early billing CONTINUES!! the company is so desperate for cash that they are still running billings a month or two ahead- this is so illegal! and they continue to make customers who want refunds jump through a million hoops- they know EXACTLY who wants a refund but they'll make you write a letter, include a credit card statement (which buys them another month) in hopes they can keep the millions in refunds down.

ACCOUNTING IS REDEPOSITING BAD CHECKS- to the tune of about 10-20 grand EVERY DAY that they know are no good, just to get the 3 day float before they re-bounce a second time. my friend in acctg. has seen it firsthand. PAYCHECKS HAVE BOUNCED! at 3pm every other friday there is a mad dash to get to the bank first. people literally grab their checks and go cash them- it is so sad- people here have families to feed until we find other jobs!!!!!!!!!!!

Execs are being investigated by the SEC- I will name the office and give you the name of the investigator in a day or two- lookout! this could be the straw that breaks the camel's back- can you say 'SHAREHOLDER CLASS ACTION'?

Lou's interview on Orlando's channel 6 in july- a total joke- see how 'shocked' he pretends to be that we use high pressure sales. HELLO? are you f***ng kidding me- has he never been on the sales floor- he's going to try to claim that we are going to settle with the AG and now that some of the 'bad apples' are gone, the company will be fine. the problem- he has re-written the sales script to make it a harder close. still no qualifications to be on the site, other than a valid credit card. SELL SELL SELL is all the big boys care about.

THE PARANOIA never ceases- locks were changed just the other day and security cameras have been installed everywhere- Lou and others are trying to find out who the next person is that will run to the SEC, AG or FTC- It's Ft. Freakin Knox.

never mind we shrank from 600 to 100 employees and sales have tanked and franchises can barely make rent because sales are so low. never mind that we are STILL running credit cards months early, doublecharging and resubmitting checks we know are bad to get the 3 day float out of them to cover bills. never mind any of that folks or that the hundreds of ex-employees might have some reason to be angry- let's get paranoid over the few hard working folks left here! "IGNORE THE MAN BEHIND CURTAIN" as the wizard said in the wizard of oz.

who knows- DT knows ALL!!!!


orlando, Florida

1 Updates & Rebuttals

The Good Scout

This is by Jason Hoffman, the short, slimey, dickless crustacean

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, September 15, 2003

I happen to know that this report was filed by Jason Hoffman who is currently working with Edward Bell, Alac Defrawy, Lou Pearlman, Cort Randell, and others. (Yes, they are all still together, conspiring new ways to steal money. The rumor of the recent departure of several people was only to please the Florida Attorney General.)

Jason Hoffman is a person of the lowest moral character. He comes off as a nice guy, but he is unfaithful, deceitful and a lousy lay. (Probably because he's jewish. He should have left all his skin on there! That is also probably why he is addicted to pornography. Even jewish girls don't like him in that way. Wendy just stays around for the money, like a good jewish girl.) He has repeatedly cheated on Wendy Rosenthal and I have details. Jason, have you told her about the Enchantment of the Seas? How about the following?
(Not to worry, Mrs. Hoffman, they are all jewish.)

Name: Age: From:
Ilana 26 Orlando, Florida
Lisa 27 Orlando, Florida
Rachel 25 Orlando, Florida
Erin 26 Orlando, Florida
Naomi 34 Bethesda, Maryland
Debby 31 Rockville, Maryland
Rebecca 35 Rockville, Maryland
blah diddy blah diddy blah

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