  • Report:  #1276367

Complaint Review: Williamsburg Cinema - Brooklyn New York

Reported By:
JAN - Brooklyn, New York, USA

Williamsburg Cinema
217 Grand Street Brooklyn, 11249 New York, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I took my three children with my friend to see Star Wars at the movie theater I was there with my friend. I have an 18 month old a 3 year old and a 7 year old. They were excited to go and see it. I have taken them to the movies many times in our old neighborhood Battery Park City at the Regal. We just moved to Williamsburg this was our first time going to this theater. We went to the 6:30 pm on December 26th. When we got there after I paid for the tickets I was told I cloud not bring the baby stroller in fine we left the stroller. We get inside we sit the kids down and get them popcorn. Movie begins kids are kids they ask a few questions we tell them no more talking when movie starts. They sit we are watching the film baby makes baby noises once in a while but not crying and in no way being louder than the movie. He was eating popcorn like the rest of the kids for the most part. When the popcorn ran out he got frustrated and made a little noise so I left the theater calmed him down and when I got outside the theater I was met by a very nasty guy who took my tickets who claimed to be the manager. He made nasty snide remarks to me. He goes children should not be watching Star Wars it isn't a kids movie that I should take them into Alvin and the Chipmunks. That makes no sense at all Star Wars is marketed to children and adults. They have Star Wars toys for children. Why wouldn't you take them to see it. He then started to verbally assault me when I told him that I could take my children to see Star Wars so I demanded to have a refund including the money I spent on popcorn for the film. He refused to issue the refunds so I told him I would dispute the charges on my card. Then he said that he would refund the movie tickets so after he refunds the tickets I told him that if I were white he would not have been so nasty to me so then his attack got worse he screamed at me and told me to GET THE F*** OUT!! I hadn't even put the children on their coats. Two minorities take children to see Star Wars baby makes a little noise and you get told by the manager to GET THE F*** OUT!!! To all the parents I say don't give this nasty movie theater who harrasses children who want to see Star Wars and ask them to leave for being children any of your money and to all minorities who boycott this place they are racist and discriminate. I have never been treated so poorly and with children present. The manager screamed and cursed at me and told me to GET THE F*** OUT IN front of three children.

5 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Consumer Comment

Mon, December 28, 2015

Typical Standard Operating Proedure to accuse somone of working for the company when someone says something the poster doesn't like.  The fact is that this is a PUBLIC web site and as such the PUBLIC may respond, and contrary to what you may hope the public may not always agree with you.  So before you go on how "obvious" something is, perhaps you should look around this site.  I think I am up to a couple dozen companies I have been accused of working for...all 100% wrong.  As a result the only thing "obvious" is that making an accusation like this actually makes you look even less credible.

But with that said...I must do a bit of a "Mia Culpa" on one thing.  There are some Star Wars items that could be seen as being marketed to younger children that I forgot about earlier.  I realized this out when I saw the Ceral Box as I was feeding my kids this morning. 

There is still a world of difference, and a level of irresonsibilty that would take Star Wars being on a cereal box as justification as to why taking an 18 month old to a 2+ hour movie rated PG-13 is okay.  Or in your case saying that because there is an Animated show on TV, that automatically makes it okay to see a Non-Animated movie in a Theater.

You know what though, I'll even meet you well over 1/2 way(actually about 2/3).  IF your 3 year old can sit in a theater and understands the movie, then you know what more power to you.  But that still does NOT take away the fact that you are still very much wrong on how responsible it is to take an 18 month old.

It is not the theaters fault that they don't allow strollers, and you can not use that as the reason why he was "fussy".  He was fussy because he is an 18 month old and does not want to sit for 2+ hours.  As the parent you should already know this.

Now, a few other things on what is even more apparent your irresponsibility.  You have now said you have taken your 18 month old to a movie just about every weekend since he has been born.  By my calculations that is about 78 times, figuring you missed a few weeks and are prone to a bit of exaggeration let's round it down to 60 movies.  Now, unless I am mistaken I am having a bit of an issue trying to come up with 60 "kid friendly" movies over the last year.  We must have to figure that at least some of those were probably less than appropriate.  So how do you justify taking him to those?

Back to the manager.  Again let me restate, there are 3 sides to every story, and we have ONE.  Again, even by your own admission the manager did not start cussing until after YOU pulled the "race card".  I'm not going to get into detail as to who was right or wrong.   I am not even saying that he didn't say it,  but unless you post the ENTIRE interaction from the time you walked out of the theater into the Lobby until you left it will only be seen as you slanting it to your advantage.

In the end nothing I am going to say is going to change your attitude, and I am sure you will be right back to taking your 18 month old to another movie next week.  So good luck and as a final comment let me just say that I hope that if you have any issues later on in life that they aren't traced back to you doing this to your kids every week.

The Theater continues to try and mask themselves as the public

#3Author of original report

Mon, December 28, 2015

The last rebuttal is so OBVIOUSLY the theater and not the PUBLIC as it claims to be that I don't have to say a word. Why else would anyone in their right frame of mind address my issue with this manager telling me and my children to "GET THE F**K" OUT" so vehemently trying to place blame on me for that mistreatment unless of course they were the accused trying to defend themselves masking it as a public reaction. We all know this is this nothing more than the THEATER. The regular public would not waste its time watching this site for my response people have better things to do. Only an interested party like the THEATER would do this . Go to the City to a real movie theater Park Slope or Dowmtown Brooklyn don't waste your time with this pathetic little theater in Williamsburg this is how they react to the outrageous conduct of their employee.

This is the Best the Theater Can Do

#4Author of original report

Mon, December 28, 2015

 Obviously the two so called consumer rebuttals came from the theater. First of all my 18 month old has been to the movies many times. I took him just about every weekend since he was born when we lived in Battery Park he has never been and still is not A cryer he rarely cries. What he is doing now that he is older is talking baby talk but still he is not noisy he usually falls asleep halfway through the movie but unlike at Williamsburg Cinema Battery Park Regal allows you to bring your stroller in. Williamsburg takes the stroller which forces you to put the baby on your lap or in a seat the seats are made poorly so the second option is not an option. He was uncomfortable not being in stroller still he was a very well behaved baby. When he did get a little fussy I walked him out of the theater.

As for the manager he is the guy in the baseball cap that takes the tickets and checks your bag for food or whatever so he is always standing in front of the movie rooms door in this tiny theater. So as to the second rebuttals comment that he must have been making a big fuss because the manager came well you are wrong the manager was at the lobby door the entire time. As to the age appropriate to take children to see this first off clearly the rebuttal writer has no kids. Star Wars is not just for older kids. There is now a children's show called Star Wars Rebels a cartoon where they market this brand to children as young as two. My three year old is well aware of Star Wars not just from watching the other 6 movies with me but yes also from the cartoon and looked forward to seeing it as much as the 7 year old.

My 18 month old runs around with the lightsaber throwing it back and forth with the 3 year old just like in the movies he saw with me so you can't say it was not meant for them. No one addressed the nasty way the manager spoke to me of course the Theater would not apologize. As to what was said GET THE F**K OUT. I have proof he said it as I have two people with phone cameras who recorded it. One was another person at the Theater who will never return like us. I am going to have my children edited out then upload it to this site. Then what can you say. There is NEVER an excuse for anyone to be treated the way me and my friend and children were treated by this manager. The two rebuttals attempt to blame me instead of the unprofessional nasty manager which is why it us clear those rebuttals come from this horrible little theater. Trust me go elsewhere.


Sad example of parenting....

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, December 27, 2015

There are 3 sides to every story, your side, their side, and somehwere in the middle the truth.  Now, we only have YOUR side and as with most things you are going to make you look as good as possible and them as bad as possible.

Star Wars is rated PG-13, so it is not some G Rated cartoon.  Now, does that mean you have to be at least 13 to see the movie..of course not(more on this in a minute).  It is a guide to the parents that perhaps it is too much for younger kids to handle or understand.  Many theaters as a courtesy to others, will not allow young kids(under 5) into PG-13 or higher movies after 6PM.  They did not bar you from trying to see the movie.  It was only AFTER your child was causing a disturbance did they have an issue.

As for this "issue", again there are 3 sides.  You come here saying that your kids were only a minor disturbance.  Yet it was enough for the manager to come up to you.  I somehow dobut the first words out of his mouth was "I am the manger..you shouldn't take your kids to Star Wars".   Also, if anything YOU were the one who escallated it by bringing out the "race card" when this had nothing to do with race.   As even by your own admission if we take that it is true he didn't start cusing until after you brought out the race card.

Where accoring to you this was all in front of your kids...just sad.

You claim that Star Wars is marketed to children.  Well you are right to a point.  It is markted to older kids in the 5-10 year old range..NOT to an 18 month old and a 3 year old.  So yes, I don't see a problem with taking the 7 year old if they understand that they need to act correctly.  It is you trying to take the two younger kids that had no business in the theater at that time.  Now, again IF you MUST take them to the movie then you need to take them to the earlier shows when kids are more expected.  Not, at 6:30PM on a Saturday Night.

Oh and if you think I am some "kid hater"..WRONG.  I have kids in these age ranges and would never even think about taking any kids under 5 to it because I know it is not appropriate.  If you wanted to see the movie, you could have taken your 7 year old and had your friend watch the two other kids, or reverse it.  Let your friend take your 7 year old.  Or perhaps even get a baby sitter so you and your friend could see it with your 7 year old. 


You have got to be kidding me

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, December 27, 2015

YOU brought a BABY to the movies - of course people are going to complain!!! Has nothing to do with the color of your skin. Get real - two small children and a BABY are going to interrupt the movie!! AND I highly doubt that anyone cussed you out - seems like you embellished this story to make you out to be the victim.  Grow up.

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