  • Report:  #1507362

Complaint Review: Yelp Headquarters - San Francisco California

Reported By:
Lisa - Farmington Hills, Michigan, United States

Yelp Headquarters
706 Mission Street, 7th Floor San Francisco, 94103 California, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Really this should have 2 categories because I also feel I was discriminated against but they kinda go hand in hand with the fact I am also nervous to write reviews now because of the people watching me, stalking me and harassing me!

Let me start by saying, I have been on Yelp for many years. I only recently in the last couple years decided to really pour my heart into my reviews and bring out some truths I never really thought through before about companies that did me wrong in my childhood. Because I started stating truths, certain people followed me and it should have dawned to me that 1. Why would Yelp choose to make me Elite at all with as little followers and reviews as I have and 2. why would a certain American L follow and put like to every review dealing with my childhood? Shes's the one who I feel is stalking me and i have reported it to Yelp and blocked her. I only did so after she blocked me from messaging her and then still chose to follow me yet I can't follow her. I find this very odd that Yelp allows this kind of behaviour. I feel somehow she is connected to my past. I don't know how yet but I do know she is someone with a personal history with me, possibly even family. Yelp took down an update i did on the hospital I was born at, claiming I was jumping to conclusions and making over embellished exaggerations and the updates were not being used correctly? I want to ask, how? If I had a new experience with the company in question, would it not deserve an update? Answer that. All i told them was I want my birth records and I know the few they gave me from the full month i was in the hospital as a premature infant was NOT my Full records. I also know there was an infant born to my mother not only on April 17 which was my birthday but another date on April 18 in the morning. I have started talking about things that happened to me and how that hospital allowed me to be go home with a mother who allowed me to be abused when they could have helped me way earlier but they just could not take the truth. It's the truth, Saint Mary's hospital so deal with it and as for you, Yelp, it's wrong you protect these companies. Sadly, NO, i am NOT overembelishing. If anything I am taking it down a notch because I don't want to jump to conclusions and it took me many years of pondering and deep insight before making these realizations about my life, not quick over exaggerated embelishments, nice try.

Also, yes, be fair to everybody and if a company doesn't like a review then maybe they shouldn't do what they do and think they can get away with it. I don't appreciate any portion of my review having the potential to be taken down when i can prove it and you didn't even give me a chance. You just jump the gun and jump to conclusions that they were right and I was wrong. Well, this is for you, maybe next time you shouldn't just screw someone over like that. But yes, everybody, they are disciminatory and selective in who they believe. As long as you can pay them money, you can keep your reviews or get them removed I guess. Well, that's the truth people! So, in my mind, they're a rip off! End of Story.

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Lisa Hunt

Farmington Hills,
United States
Update on Why I Still Feel Unsafe when Writing Reviews on Yelp with Documented Proof of How They Treat Me!

#2Author of original report

Wed, June 16, 2021

 have been a reviewer on Yelp for many years now. I have said the truth to the best of my ability and recall as to what happened good or bad to whatever experience I had! I have even been a member on Yelp Elite on one year which made me feel valued and heard! But recently since really starting to delve back into my childhood and share experiences on what the Government allowed to be covered up back in the 80's, I have been getting so much hate for speaking the truth which essentially only makes me more determinated than ever to prove myself even without the help of anybody because everyone is so scared of the Government but I am not!

I know that they are following me too and that's why they took off my update for what happened to me at the hospital when I have records or what I could collect since the hospital stopped helping me too! Yelp also allows and condones stalking behavior! I have repeatedly asked them to take certain people off following me and have tried myself! It's ironic because the very person I want off my account now is my twin sister who was taken from me when we were 1 by the system! They kept her safe and left me with a negligent mother as "Twin Testing" was a thing back then!

They want to know how babies adapt to different environments and they loved learning with twins because of how intriguing twin psychology is! I always felt i was a twin and the reason I say the hospital new was because I have the records where they messed up and wrote it a completely different date for a baby when on all the other records, it had my birthday! They kept me in the hospital for nearly a month on observation alone and then let me go saying we would be followed and watched supposedly just because my mom was mentally dull as they said!

If that was true then the first hundred times I went to the Er they could have removed me then but they kept letting me go back to her and only took me away when my main molester was caughtred-handed alone with me in his apartment! This is why I say the hospital knew and so did the government! Ever since trying to locate my sister, I have been befriended online by accounts with men wanting me to tell them personal stuff and many of them are with the military or security of some kind! I usually say very little and they go away and soon another is there and I am sick of it like they are trying to scare me but they won't!

They only prove to me their is something to hide! This complaint is mostly in relations to how Yelp treated me after I started making reviews of the Hospital I was born at! Apparently they got complaints ya probably from the government and hospital! Of course they aren't going to like what I say because they know it's the truth and they wish I would just drop it but I won't until everyone knows the truth! It isn't embellished or overly elaborate any more than what actually happened!

I can't help what they did to me but Yelp claims to be a fair and Just platform but when someone can send them a complaint to take it down and in two seconds without even checking the facts or hearing my side of what happened, they can just choose and take it down then thats NOT fair or Just!! And allowing someone to follow me when I repeatedly told you it's harassment, stalking and bullying so no, Yelp is NOT Fair, Just or anything but Discriminatory based on who they so choose to believe!

I thought they were decent until they proved to me they don't really care for the tough subjects! I call myself the Truth Seeker as a nickname! And I am, even the hard truth is important! And if they truly think so highly of themselves, maybe they should understand even the little people are important!!! And American L, stop following me or I will report you to whatever place I can that will find out who you are in real life and get a restraining order against you physically and online!! Leave me alone and my Reviews! It's my right.

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