  • Report:  #1121810

Complaint Review: YORK ENTERTAINMENT - SHERMAN OAKS California

Reported By:

4565 Sherman Oaks Ave CA 91403 SHERMAN OAKS, 91403 California, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

 I have spent years posting information on this collection of scam artists. I guess i should add my story. But before that, let me say that Tanya York's mentor Joe Guinan and i had a really interesting conversation about her. All i can say is, if Joe’s opinion of Tanya is that negative, there's an issue here.  So let's get one thing straight: York NEVER pays for anything. They twist words, they twist contracts, they kiss your behind while lying in your face. Since 2008, Tanya has avoided me at all costs. Last year, I finally got the globe trotting jet steer Tanya to respond to one of my 100 emails about my money. She asked what I wanted. Well, here it is for all to see.  WHAT I want Ms. York, are the quarterly reports required by our contracts with York. Since 2008, I have received exactly TWO reports for CODE BLACK. No information for DEMONS RISING HAS been provided. If that is not illegal, it is certainly unethical.  In addition, our contract with York on CODE BLACK is nearly up if not over. The rights to the film are to be returned to Cinema Lexzikon the minute the contract term expires. I have a film broker who has outlets that will actually provide me income, as opposed to costing me money as seems to be the case with you. He is also well known in the indie film world, and quite adept and getting film rights returned to the copyright holder. I hope we can settle this issue quickly and amicably without having to go there.  Also tell your trusty assistant Kerri that his continued emails about “missing deliverables” are ludicrous. We followed his checklist and provided all that was required. If he is missing anything, that is a problem on your end. It doesn't seem to be affecting York's ability to sell the film in the UK, south Africa, Germany and now, Russia—another issue I will deal with momentarily.  In addition, when I first started my "relationship" with York back in 2008, Marty Poole assured me your company would keep me in the loop about release dates and territories my films are being sold in. But Marty is now gone, so I guess that about says it all. The ball was dropped, and never picked up. The only time I hear from York is when you are hawking your “book” or sending us encouraging letters about how hard you are “Working” to sell our film at Cannes, for which we are billed $3000 each year for this “selling”. ON ONE OCCASION, YOU SIMULTANEOUSLY BILLED ME YOUR $3000 "REPRESENTATION FEE" BUT POSTED ON  FACEBOOK THAT YOU WERE NOWHERE NEAR CANNES, BUT ON VACATION elsewhere IN THE WORLD. REALLY? IF YOU'RE GOING TO SCAM PEOPLE. KEEP YOUR GAME TIGHT baby!   H***, who cares. You got my films, why do I deserve common courtesy and business etiquette? Again, the only way I know what is going on is when I Google the film title and discover the various markets and outlets my films are showing up at. I even found several pirate sites which are offering the film for free download. Bottom line is, after almost seven years, I have zero to show for my efforts. By the way, Mister Joe Guinan and I had an interesting conversation a while ago about you and your operation. I found it enlightening to say the least, and really I shouldn't be surprised by the run around I am getting.  No, I did not expect York to make millions of dollars off my films, but seriously, it is quite hard for me to believe we have earned NOTHING during that time period. You can come up with all kinds of formulas and ways of explaining it, but it just don't add up.  The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results. There is no need to review anything, because I already know what your answer will be.   BUT If it makes you feel better, review anything you want, come up with any explanation you want.   It should be quite entertaining and informative.   With that said, if your band of conscientious employees actually has those stack of quarterly reports lying around collecting dust, you are encouraged mail them, certified mail, to ME:    That's all I need for now.   I sincerely hope you and your den of thieves rot in jail. To that end, I have filed a complaint with the Federal trade Commission. Good luck to you. You will need it.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


#2Author of original report

Tue, March 31, 2015

     Wow. Almost 3 pages on something totally off topic. You are have a bug up your butt regarding Joe Guinan, don’t you? This isn’t about the con man Joe Guinan, it’s about York Entertainment.

So why are you crapping in my pool? I am not the first one taken in by York Entertainment, nor will I be the last. So your pompous holier than thou attitude doesn't impress me one single bit.

The last person who lectured me, was my father and he’s long since gone from the world.

Therefore, your lecture is unwelcome and irrelevant in my view.  More importantly, why are you diverting the issue away from it's main subject: Tanya York? No one ever said Joe Guinan was an angel. What you fail to understand is my point! "game recognizes game".  

      My mention of Joe Guinan, was not so you could bathe in your own self edification, it was to relate my surprise that a rip off artist like Guinan would reveal such an insight about one of his proteges. However, regardless of your off topic rant, Tanya York and her crew of con men rip off filmmakers of all types.

After all, all of us are not  rich enough, or connected enough, or brown nosing enough, like your entitled arse to get big film deals at the press of a button! 

My God! Forgive me for being an dumb old unknown black filmmaker who does not have rump kissing buddies in Beverly hills! That silver spoon eluded me!

     Look, you can save the bantering for someone who gives a crap. I am a grown Black man with Master's degree in film. How dare you, you bigoted clown.

    You don't know jack about what I do, or what I've been through and you certainly don't know who you're talking to. The bottom line is, Hollywood is full of scam artists, and Tanya York got me. She got a lot of people.

Do you troll everyone who got taken by York, or am I your "Special boy".

For the record, I made more money through my association with Mister Guinan.  Even without his knowledge.

But, just so you don't yell at me again, for the record, they’re all rats.   SMH.

Your condemnation of me may make you feel better, but it don't change a d**n thing. Instead of berating the victim, my not show some guts and take on these bums like me. Disparaging my character makes you no better than the rats who ripped me off!  

Good luck with that!


New Mexico,
United States of America

#3General Comment

Thu, March 05, 2015

I appreciate the earnesty in your complaint, but ultimately you have no one to blame except yourself.  

Now it all makes complete sense.  If Joe was truly Tanya's mentor , then obviously Joe is just jealous and outraged that his student was more successful than he.  This is a similar situation to the position he finds himself in again with another con artist and scammer named Erick Hansen. It must be so embarrassing and humiliating him for a man of Joe's stature, to have an even bugger scammer then he is take advantage of him and scam him.   

While I am no fan of the crappy B and C grade level movies Tonya is involved in, that you clearly have made one of, I am more than confident that you were the one who signed her contract. Therefore, it was your legal and professional responsibility to own up to your own shortcomings by not having your legal counsel present when you signed a document that was potentially exploitive to you.  

Regarding Joe Guinan, which can be verified many via many credible places, his felony previous drug charges, semi recent and presently UNPAID fine for securities fraud by the state of California, and outstanding arrest warrants California and New Mexico, are only the beginning with this guy.   When called on his own it reprehensible conduct towards others both personally and professionally, such inquiries are met with libelous defamation of character, homophobic attacks, and outright harassing, and psychotic unstable behavior.   

In short,  Joe Guinan is no saint, and makes even lower grade level "films" than Ms. York. The ultimate reality is that the apples do not fall too far from their trees.   If he trained her, then all you have to do is look at his ethics first and foremost.    Therefore if you were an intelligent consumer and motion picture producer, you would've properly done your research and homework before signing what you consider to be an unfair document without negotiation, or legal representation.    

I do not support or trust, for obvious reasons, any person that was mentored by JOE GUINAN. His methods are both unsound, oftentimes illegal, and are always met by psychologically disturbed response.   

The only person here who has done anything wrong is you.   You made a poor choice. If you're ever given the luxury, and not the expectation to make another film perhaps you will remember that if it sounds too good to be true, it always is.   

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