  • Report:  #641577

Complaint Review: zachary gonzalez - riverside California

Reported By:
Angel on Fire - corona, California, United States of America

zachary gonzalez
riverside, California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I am in a bad spot due to Pacific Loan Solutions and Zachary Gonzales. On 8/10/2009 I met with PLS who gau­ran­teed they would get me the mod­i­fi­ca­tion I needed in order to keep my home. At the time I was not behind on pay­ments. After pay­ing them $5,709.00 for their ser­vices they ver­bally instructed me to stop mak­ing pay­ments until the trial mod­i­fi­ca­tion was in place. Being an attor­ney and a firm that spe­cial­ized in the arena I fol­lowed instruc­tions and stopped mak­ing pay­ments. I was granted a fore­ber­ance by my mort­gage com­pany which lasted approx 6 months. After the 6th month I received a let­ter in the mail stat­ing I was declined for the mod­i­fi­ca­tion due to fail­ure to sub­mit requested doc­u­men­ta­tion. I attempted to track down PLS and found myself across the com­plex in the hands of SAM who informed me PLS was gone and that Zachary Gonzalez ful­filled his dutied by get­ting me the TRIAL mod­i­fi­ca­tion. (Why the hell would I have ever paid over $5,ooo for a TRIAL? I could have done that on my own) Anyway, I dont even recall how but I tracked down Zacharys office and left mes­sage after mes­sage for a week or two. I finally received a calll back from MARIAH. She had me come into the office, We met on 6/18/10 and she took all of my infor­ma­tion again, apol­o­gized for the wrong doing by PLS and Sam but promised me her and Zachary Gonzalez would fin­ish my mod­i­fi­ca­tion 100% this time but I owed a $1,500 MOD RESUBMISSION fee. I wrote them a check and trusted things would be taken care of. I con­tin­ued send­ing her updated infor­ma­tion. It had been 2 months and I had not heard from her, Zachary or my mort­gage com­pany. So I called my mort­gage com­pany and filed a dis­pute against their prior denial of my loan mod­i­fi­ca­tion. They sent me the mod­i­fi­ca­tion pack­age directly. Once I received I attempted to con­tact MARIAH and ZACHARY with­out any luck. I had 3 days to sub­mit the paper­work so I did it on my own. A few weeks later I received a cer­ti­fied let­ter that my home was in FORECLOSURE. I imme­di­ately called ZACHARY, no response so I got in my car and drove to his office. I went to his floor and spoke to Karena Lopez at the front desk who informed me he was shut down by the CA Bar. NOW WHAT? I have paid $7,200 in total and Zacharys name is on all the paper­work. I am a sin­gle mother with 3 kids. I can not lose my home. I make enough money to afford it but PLS and Zachary Gonzalez, due to their pro­fes­sional advice, have me in a HOLE owing almost $30,000 and now my home is in fore­clo­sure as of end of Aug 2010. I am try­ing to work with my mort­gage com­pany directly but have not had much luck. I will not take this lying down. I want to fight and fight hard. This is WRONG. I want to file a com­plaint evey­where pos­si­ble, I want to go to the MEDIA and I want to be a part of a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT. LETS UNITE AND PUT THESE F*&#$%S away.

All that being said, I fear for all of my infor­ma­tion they have and what they plan on doing with it. I feel very unse­cure at this point

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