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Zaken Company ripoff Information on Zakens Flyers Photo It's the real Tiran at work, working to scam another associate. Granada Hills California*UPDATE: Rip-off Report Investigation many complaints posted by a competitor, new policies in place, easy refund policy, excellent business opportunity - Consumers can feel confident and secure when doing business with Zaken Corp
Hello again Ex- Zaken Associates. I hope each one of you have the flyer of the get rich scam Mr. Tiran sent to you. Here is a picture of Tiran Zaken in his office you paid for. I don't think Mr. Tiran Zaken is who he says he is on the front of his flyer. I guess he felt he needed a better looking person or a picture of a real business man. Now, I am in hot water again. Showing the ex-associates the real Tiran Zaken. Lets see,I am getting sued for slander and now I suppose a slander picture of the real scum bag. Now who would you believe, Tiran or I. It's the real Tiran at work, working to scam another associate.