  • Report:  #67687

Complaint Review: Zero Plus Dialing - San Antonio Texas

Reported By:
- Galt, California,

Zero Plus Dialing
San Antonio, 78229 Texas, U.S.A.
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I had to make an emergency call home (long distance). So I made a collect call from my hotel room on 9/5/03 from Reno, NV. I followed the directions on the phone to make the collect call (ex. 1-800-xxxxxxxx) then said my name when the automated service ask for it, and my call went through. I was on the phone 12 minutes with my daughter.

I received my SBC bill today 9/26/03 and on the bill it states: Long Distance CUSTOM TELECONNECT 9-05 Federal Universal fund $2.78, the actual call for 12 minutes $29.25!! then the Tax for call .96. My complaint is I should not be charge $29.25 for the call. I called ZERO PLUS DIALING, INC and was told that was the charge and there is nothing I could about it. I call SBC and SBC agreed that the charge was outrageous and said I could refuse to pay the bill. I did just that.

I will pay for the call, but they need to adjust their charges. After investigating ZERO PLUS I see that I am not the only one that has been charge an outrageous price for a collect call. Something needs to done with companies like this!!


Galt, California

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