  • Report:  #1533561

Complaint Review: Swiss Chamber of Commerce - Internet

Reported By:
SCCN's latest Victim - United States

Swiss Chamber of Commerce
Internet, United States
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The Swiss Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands is a scam, and Bob Juchter van Bergen Quast (otherwise known as R.A.U. Juchter van Bergen Quast) is a con artist who has no training or experience in investments or running a Chamber of Commerce, let alone running a commercial enterprise.

Be very wary of signing contracts with this company or paying any fees.

Bob is a smooth talking con artist. Who will smile at you sincerely, and lie to you about a huge database of investors that he can introduce you and the large amount of investments he can get you, that he and the Chamber does not have. The whole Chamber and it's services are just an investment scam.

They took our money while introducing us to no real investor that matched our requirements, and then expected us to do all the admin for a $ 5000 initiation fee ? There is no follow up or customer care, and we feel that the Chamber is only interested in scamming people for their $ 5000 initiation fee. 

After some digging into the CEO's background, It is not surprising since Bob Juchter van Bergen Quast was debarred for the same type of scam when he was an advocate in the Netherlands. 


Summary of the links below: 

The Court of Discipline upheld the disbarment imposed by the Hague Disciplinary Board at first instance at the end of 2017. The investigation by the dean had revealed, among other things, abuse of legal aid fees, professional errors, incomplete files and insufficient aftercare for clients. The board considered the abuse of dozens of Light Advice Legal Aids alone – for which the lawyer, according to the dean and board, had hardly done any work – sufficient reason to disbar him.

The Disciplinary Court reversed the disbarment on 24 August 2020 and imposed a conditional suspension of 26 weeks. 


He also had legal work carried out by employees who were not qualified for this, but who did sign documents with his digital signature. In addition, cases were taken up by others without the consent or knowledge of clients, for example by a tax specialist. By passing on client data to this tax specialist, the duty of confidentiality was breached.

This firm stick behind the door is a conditional suspension of 26 weeks, with a probationary period of two years that will start at the moment that the ex-lawyer would register again on the roll. 

Juchter van Bergen Quast had himself deregistered in September 2016 – shortly before an emergency suspension – and in August 2018 he was given an unconditional suspension of three months, starting on the day he was to re-register as a lawyer. "




We also found that Bob Jucter van Bergen Quast also decided to start a personal injury law firm with zero experience or qualification in this field, but recieved massive backlash from personal injury lawyers across the Netherlands.

Summary from link below:

"Oddly enough, the NOL is not found in the trade register. Isn't that required for a commercial enterprise?


In short, the NOL is not a professional association, there are no specific training requirements in the field of personal injury, only 25% of a full-time working week has to be spent on injuries and there are no specific standards formulated for the quality of service. How does the NOL guarantee 'the high standards of the NOL' against this background?



We hope that by making this information available to the public, that you will not be scammed like we were by Bob Juchter van Bergen Quast and the Swiss Chambers of Commerce in the Netherlands.




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