  • Report:  #1490058


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In November 2018 i accepted job offer with Octavian Security Americas at a copper mine site in Sahuarita Arizona. The copper mine site is off on Pima mine road. The site Supervisor for Octavian is Dave Romero who hired me on the spot. The company paid $13 per hour at the gate, and it paid $15 per hour for the rover position.

Dave informed me that everyone starts at the gate then works their way to rover position. I met the new Rover Supervisor Adam Cole at the north gate guard shack in December 2018. I tried introducing myself and he completely ignored me. He didnt even acknowledge me in any way. I informed Site Supervisor Dave and he just blew that off saying Adam was just having a bad day.

(Turns out everyday the guy was around me for some reason he was having a bad day. His attitude towards me went from december 2018 to November 2019. But to anyone else he laughed, talked to, and on his off time he partied with certain subordinates. Which is against company policy. Its actually a breach of contract to be exact. He definitely had his favorites. and alot of the other guards noticed it as well).

I worked the north gate until I got promoted to rover position the last two weeks of april 2019. Dave was always happy with my work while i worked the gate. I was reliable, accurate on closing paperwork for the copper company. We did alot of paperwork for the copper company which includes valuable transactions such as weighing tickets, making, printing out delivery contracts for the haul trucks. Then documenting, entering paperwork in the system, scanning and making extra paper copies. I worked over time when they needed me. I never told them no.

So from the very first day Adam Cole the rover supervisor had been trying to fire me. He promised another guard my position as rover on my first week as a rover. That other guard happened to be his buddy that he parties with. That persons intials is T.C.

I believe I was kicked off the Rover position because of me doing my duty and reporting what was passdown to me. Another Guard had threatened to shoot everyone. One of the guards that heard him make the threat told me that he believe that guard was serious. Turns out that guard that made the threats got fired and police reoprt was made because I contacted my chain of command and informed them.

The other security company I came from had shot up a government office twice in two weeks in 2017 because the guard got offended and wanted to get revenge. So obviously i took that passdown serious and informed my chain of command of the shooting threat with this new company.

So about a week after the guard who got fired for making shooting threats. I was told to go in the office at the north gate. Both Dave and Adam were in the office. They told me to close the door. That is when Dave and Adam informed me I can no longer be a rover as per The copper mine and Octavian corporate management. And that I either quit or go back to the gates.

I was obviously mad. Adam and Dave made false claims. I explained that they both informed me to explore the mine site and get familiar with areas that are not in the security check list. They made other claims that I was gone for a few hours at a time.

I told them that was bs, and that my rover daily activity report matches all camera times of all the security check points. So my dar and the camera system matches. Not only did my dar and the camera system match. But so did the north gates andf south gates dar's match my dar's when activities happened.

I was so mad i demanded proof on what both of them were saying. Because my paperwork and the camera system show im doing my job and im not lying. Then Dave acted all powerful and mighty and started yelling " Oh so now i have to show you the proof.. you really want to got that route?" I then said yes.. your accusing me of not doing my job and you are demoting me for doing my job. I have witnesses and I have video and paper proof that I am in fact doing my job. So where is your proof?

He said hes does not have to prove nothing. He implied he can just fire me. I then said for what? Im doing my f*cking job.. you both are f*cking lying. Then Dave said you will either quit or go back to the gate. Which is it? I told them both this is not right. This is wrong. I busted my a*s to get this position. Its more money for me and my family.

Now because Adam never liked me, Im losing my pay and my position. My kids and I are going to struggle because of this. Then Dave said well you will just have to struggle. "I dont care", is what he told me. I told him thats f*cked up because I busted my a*s and now im getting reprimanded for nothing.

I told them I will go back to the gate because my family depends on me to provide for them. He then said good. But you must NEVER repeat a single word to anyone what was said in here. And you will Never say anything about what happened to anyone about this. Or you will be fired and you will be banned from the property forever. you will not work for Octavian or the copper mine ever.

He told me to keep my f*cking mouth shut. He said I talk to dam much. And I need to keep my mouth shut or else. I walked out so freaking pissed off. I wanted to report them but while i was at that mine site. I had to suck it up.

People found out what had happened. Because Dave was right. I dont keep my mouth shut. And turns out Dave and Adam have been doing this to other guards before and after me. It is now 01/07/2020 and these last four days a total of 7 guards just quit on Dave and Adam. Some of those guards had been with the company for 4 years. I found out a few of them were being told the same thing to not say anything or they will be fired and banned from the property.

I would love to sue Dave and Adam for defamation of character and press charges. But i dont have money for a lawyer.

It turns out that Octavian corporation and the management for the copper mine has no idea of what happened to me. And they did not request for me to be removed from my rover position. Dave and Adam where lying. And the reason they did not want me to say anything is because they did not want the truth to come out.

I am willing to take a polygraph test and willing to pay for theirs to prove they are lying. Afterwards I would like to move forward with a Defamation of character law suit. Im writting this report to warn people of Dave and Adam.






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