  • Report:  #1534241

Complaint Review: Eitay Bicer - Santa Clarita California

Reported By:
Melinda - Santa Clarita, California, United States

Eitay Bicer
25450 Summit Circle Santa Clarita, 91350 California, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Warning: Eitay Bicer: An individual by the name of Eitay Bicer, located in Santa Clarita, CA. is continues to wreak havoc in the community of Southern California.

This so-called lawyer, Eitay Bicer is a little man (All 5 feet of him, if even that much) and a big scammer.

He currently conducts a youtube channel and podcast, with his partner in crime, Navid Rahimian (A known financial scammer, as well) in which he attempts to manipulate his tiny audience (His mother, father and a few other family members who do favors by being the pretend audience) with his musings about Air BNB rentals and whatever else he can tell tales about just to hear himself talk. However, what he fails to mention are the very many scams and financial fraud schemes by which he has victimized many gullible, naive families, emptied their savings, and left them destitute. And that is not all. He also deceives even more people with his phony, alleged positive reviews on Avvo. By now everyone knows or at least should know that Avvo is a site that is biased toward attorneys and almost never allows negative reviews (The only truthful experiences of clients). Avvo has been sued and continue to be sued repeatedly for disallowing and deleting negative revies & real client experiences with corrupt attorneys such as Eitay Bicer. Also beware that Eitay Bicer, who also conducts business under the name Bicer Properties LLC (An LLC formed in Nevada for anonymity reasons, expressly to circumvent law suits and to escape responsibility and the many judgements already issued against him by various judges in various law suits against him).

To further hide his assets, he also hides his name. For example, Bicer Properties LLC has a signer by the name of Elad Bicer. Elad Bicer and Asaf Bicer act as so-called managing members, which is another term for beards. This means that Eitay Bicer can hide behind Elad Bicer And Asaf Bicer, so that when he continually scams thousands of unsuspecting victims out of millions of dollars, he can effectively steal their money and life savings and place it all in this crooked business called Bicer Properties LLC. And if the day ever comes that any of the victims' attorneys manage to pierce this sham business, then he'll simply use more of Mommy's and Daddy's money (And the cash of his many victims) to quickly form a different business entity behind which to hide.

A scammer and con artist, a narcissist, a schemer, an entirely dishonest, underhanded individual. Where there's smoke, there's always flames and fire, especially in the case of Little Guy Eitay Bicer.

As if all of the foregoing facts were not disturbing enough (Which they most certainly are), then also beware that Eitay Bicer likes to install illegal secret cameras in all of his Air BNB properties--All the better to watch and stare at and gain personal and intimate gratification from the unclothed bodies of little boys and girls and other guests.

Eitay Bicer can identify most closely with little boys. Little people. He is little, in stature and in other aspects. And so he loves the young, prepubescent children. And there is also the fact that small, tiny children cannot defend themselves.

(But their parents can. And it is for those reasons that Little Guy Eitay Bicer has been the frequent target of black eyes, broken body parts and so forth). As for criminal prosecution, well Little Guy Eitay Bicer is not completely dumb. He has taken out insurance policies, namely relationships with certain male, powerful judicial officers in various courts. These judicial officers, in exchange for lunchtime under the table activities (Little Guy Eitay Bicer fits nicely under tables and thus can position himself wonderfully for some lunchtime slurping). Thus, he has been able to escape those times when his illegal and extremely disturbing conduct has been reported by angry, grieving parents whose children have been so badly violated. This is a country in which criminals commit heinous crimes daily and get away without being prosecuted. The Good Ole Boys Club is alive and thriving.

However, his conduct will eventually catch up with him The law of averages always wins.

As for his skills and ethics as an attorney, he possesses neither nor. Eitay Bicer is one of the most unethical, dishonest, immoral lawyers. He cares nothing for the law or for facts. He believes in a scorched earth approach. And then there are his buddies, the judges who he munches and slurps on, who help ensure an easy path, because one hand scratches (Or vigorously rubs) the other (Appendage). What Eitay Bicer lacks in integrity, skills, intelligence, he makes up for with his mouth and hands and so forth.

And he is quite snide and smug about it all.

His facial expressions in court sessions are very obvious. His smug facial expressions advertise his assurance that he can "win" in a case, only because has already relieved the corresponding judicial officer.

However, even his colleagues know and will state, in secret, that when Eitay Bicer is not under the table blowing a judge, then he is losing another case. His lack of skills, phony allegations, faking tactics, and other poor approaches to the law preclude him from an honest win.

His phony reviews on Avvo make it clear that he has amassed these fake 5-star testimonies on Avvo in order to mislead, deceive, and manipulate people into hiring him. But what you do not see on Avvo are the real and actual reviews--The thousands of 1-star reviews and complaints that many clients have posted about him and which he has had Avvo remove and delete. Avvo is a site created by an attorney expressly for the benefit of attorneys and for the benefit of no one else. Be highly aware that you might see, at some point, some random person come here and post a rebuttal, a denial of these facts. But that should surprise nobody. Of course a scammer (Eitay Bicer) will attempt to deny his heinous behaviors, as much money is on the line. But do disregard any such denials and/or rebuttals. Any individual with common sense and just a bit of wisdom can instantly discern the truth and very clearly and easily see that this Little Guy Eitay Bicer is a criminal in lawyer's clothing.  

  •   Testimony Of A Victim of his from Last Year:   I know Eitay Bicer. He cheated and scammed me in a real estate "deal" approximately one year ago.

    He presented me with allegedly verified documents and even went so far as to have a notary present to sign, verify, emboss and stamp the paperwork.

    But it turned out that, even though the man was an actual notary public, he was in on the scam and a friend of his.I lost all of my millions in savings and investments to this sham, tis criminal named Eitay Bicer.

    If any of you ever encounter this fraud, Eitay Bicer, run fast and run far. Do not engage with him in any manner. He will commit fraud against you, too, as he has done to so many others.


  •   Testimony Of A Former Client:   Not at all ironically and quite fittingly, this con artist, Eitay Bicer, also formed and owned another LLC by the name of Essential Fertilizer Products LLC.

    I cannot make this up. Truth is stranger than fiction (Fiction being the life of lies that "attorney" Eitay Bicer has built for himself).

    He used (And continues to use) that LLC to push fertilizer on people, as part of his daily scams, cons, real estate fraud, and other schemes.

    Too bad none of that fertilizer made him grow a few more inches.


  •   Testimony Of A Recent Victim: In fact, he has many terminated but also current LLC's. He's constantly morphing into new LLC's because he stupidly thinks he's avoiding detection while springing his newest scams on his latest victims.

    His "podcast" is a joke.

    It's simply another avenue for him to gain attention for his bruised ego due to his Little Guy Eitay Bicer syndrome. And it's just another way to manipulate people, gain new supply of gullible victims and fleece them of their hard-earned money.

    It's amazing that Eitay Bicer outs himself and tells on his own self like that--But they always say that malignant narcissists and liars are always the first to tell on themselves.

    He is clearly a criminal but not a clever one, as he always reveals his real motives. One simply has to open his or her eyes and see everything out in the open to catch this unconscionable fraudster.

    A wolf in sheep's clothing?

    Definitely a scam artist in lawyer's clothing.


  •       Testimony By Another Victim and his Father:

    About 2 years ago he also scammed my father, too, in a real estate transaction and a separate Air BNB scheme.



    File Number:      201012610099

    Filing State:      California (CA)

    Filing Status:      Terminated

    Filing Date:      May 4, 2010

    .Registered Agent:

    .Eitay Bicer

    .17733 Merridy St

    Northridge, CA 91325

    Principal Address:

    7621 Tobias Ave

    Van Nuys, CA 91405

    Mailing :

    7621 Tobias Ave

    Van Nuys, CA 91405

    Expiration Date:      April 8, 2013

    Company Contacts


    .17733 Merridy St

    Northridge, CA 91325

    Note that although that particular LLC has been terminated, his addy (A residence of his, on Merridy) remains the same.

    And here is much more interesting information & evidence of his fraud:

    Another LLC of his, that was suspended.

    It was suspended because the FTB discovered his fraud scheme:

    Company Name:      BIZEGUYS INC.


    File Number:      2750188

    Filing State:      California (CA)

    .Filing Status:      Suspended - Ftb-Suspended-Suspended-Suspended--------------------------------------------

    Filing Date:      May 31, 2005

    Company Age:  19 Years, 2 Months

    .Registered Agent:

    .Eitay Bicer

    .17733 Merridy St

    .Northridge, CA 91325

    .Principal Addy

    .17733 Merridy St

    Northridge, CA 91325

    Expiration Date:      October 1, 2007

    Products/Services:      ONLINE RETAIL SALES

    Governing Agency:      California Secretary of State
  •   Testimony of an additional Victim: Eitay Bicer is a completely malignant individual.

    I deal with him last year on case in which he represented a tenant, a squatter and I represented my client, a landlord and homeowner.

    Eitay Bicer's client was a squatter who had literally broken into my client's home of over 40 years, while my client had been away from his home for only 2 days on a business trip.

    The squatter was shown, on video and other surveillance footage, breaking windows to get into my client's home.

    The squatter was then shown changing the locks.

    The squatter was also shown breaking in a second time, after my client got home and, in absence of the squatter (Who had left to go get lighters and flame fluid), changed the locks and bolted the doors and replaced the windows.

    Eitay Bicer lied to the court that my client (Who presented proof of over 40 years of property ownership, being a known pillar of the community, a local church member, business owner and more) was the criminal!

    Eitay Bicer's lack of skills, complete avoidance of facts, and pathological dishonesty means that he paints everyone as a "dangerous criminal."Needless to say, the judge threw out the squatter's case and ejected Eitay Bicer from the courtroom.


  • So-called lawyer, Eitay Bicer, is expected to represent clients, as lawyers do. However, he's extremely litigious on a personal level and he is in the habit of personally suing anyone & anything that he can, quite often, in order to make more money for himself.
  • Side gig of a sort.

    He is a vexatious litigant.

    Here is just one among his many, many personal law suits based on lies and other unsubstantiated allegations:

    His law suit against Chase Bank:

    Eitay Bicer v. Jpmorgan Chase Bank

    State Civil Lawsuit

    Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, Case No. BC616568.

    In 2017 his case was thrown out-With prejudice.

    Yes, with prejudice.

    For a case, brought forth by a lawyer, to be thrown out With Prejudice, by a judge, is a huge deal and says a lot, negatively, about said lawyer.

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