  • Report:  #1081513

Complaint Review: John Jubilee Transformations - Brentwood Tennessee

Reported By:
gjacmedic - Eagleville, Tennessee,

John Jubilee Transformations
205 Powell Place Brentwood, 37027 Tennessee, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

On July 22, I signed up for a weight loss program with Jubilee Transformations. I had heard great testimonies on the radio about the program and wanted to join. I signed a non disclosure agreement and paid money down for the program which was supposed to last 88 days. I arranged to have money debited from my checking account every month until the balance was paid in full. I was told by John Jubilee himself that he was personally going to upgrade me to the next level of the program but would not charge me any more money. I was so excited. I was given a booklet with the program information in it along with contact names and numbers.  I was to start the program on Saturday August 3rd at 8:30 am with what is called a Jump Start. We were supposed to meet, discuss the program, have a nice breakfast and find out just exactly what the program was all about.

The following week I received a voice mail call from a Michael and an Anna who both told me they were my "coaches" and that they would see me at the Jump Start and if I had any questions or concerns to call. I also received an e mail from Anna with directions to the loacation of the Jump Start. She stated that if I had trouble finding it to call Michael, as he would be onsite to assist. She listed his number. I also already had it in my phone since he had called me earlier. Her number was in the booklet I received, but I also had it in my phone as well since she had called me a week earlier. The booklet does NOT list a customer service number, only cell numbers of the individuals.

The morning of the Jump Start I woke up to a water crisis. I had none. I was not able to shower and was not going to show up for this meeting without a shower and full make up. I am an hour away from where the Jump Start was to be held and needed to leave by 7:30 am.  When I saw I was not going to get the water issue resolved in time, (by about 7:00 am) I called Michael and left him a voice message explaining what had happened and asking if I could reschedule my Jumpstart. I asked him to call me back ASAP.  After about an hour, when I had not heard from him, I called Anna and left her a voice message as well.  When neither of them had returned my call after about 2 hours I called Bridgett, who is  john's Personal assistant, at the number in the booklet. She did not call me either.

When no one had called me by Tuesday I went to work Tuesday night and e mailed Bridgett and Ann. I told them what had happened and that no one had called me to reschedule my jump start and that I was concerned. I asked someone to please call me. No one did.

The first payment for the program was supposed to be debited from my account on August 15th. I have attempted to contact 3 different people on 5 occasions using the only means I have available. No one had said Boo to me. Feeling I had no choice I contacted my bank and cancelled the debit card. On Thursday August 15th I received a voice mail from a nice lady named Lisa who expressed concern that the transaction had been declined. I did not call her back that day. On Friday the 16th she called me again. I called her back and told her what was going on. She was very nice and apologized to me. She said that she would have someone call me right away because that was not something she was equipped to handle. I was hoping to be able to resolve the situation. No one called me! I was mortified. If they could not be bothered to try to recover my business it must not matter to them was my thinking.

When Tuesday rolled around and no one had called me, I filed a complaint with the BBB. I called Lisa and left her a voice message telling her that no one had called me and that I had filed the complaint with the BBB. You can bet I started getting calls then. Bridgett called me first. She said that Michael had left the compan and they had had such tremendous response to their ad and everyone was trying to take up the slack for being short staffed and one excuse after another. I only wanted to know why no one had called me. She admitted that Lisa had told hher to call me the previous week but that she had just forgotten because Michael had left and they had had tremendous response to their ads. She kept telling me that. I was not made to feel like she cared I had concerns about their lack of customer service. She said I could reschedule the JumpStart. At this point that was the last thing I wanted. In fact, I wanted a refund of my down payment.

We hung up with nothing really resolved but she said that she would check with John on the refund. She made a point to tell me he had NEVER done for ANYONE what he was doing for me as far as the financial arrangements we had made.  At some point during the day John himself called me. He leaf a voice message that indicated he was very upset about the complaint I had filed with the BBB because it was going to keep many, many people from getting the help that they needed. I was terribly upset that he was making ME the bad guy. I felt it best not to try to talk to him in my current state. Also during this time I received a voice mail from Taylor Oconnor who I thought said he was my coach but who actually said he was part of the Digital team. I did not want to talk to any of them at this point so I did not him back. I work nights and needed to try to sleep.

I received another message from Bridgett who indicated a refund would be forthcoming. In the mean time Taylor responded to the BBB compliant and again attempted to make me out to ber the bad guy. I was upset again when I read it. He said I had not called him back which was true. I called him and let him a message as to what time I would have my phone on. I sleep from 9 am till 4 pm and I told him it wpuld have to be after that. He called me at 8 pm.

Taylor said he was returning my call and bascially that was all he wanted. I asked him if he had called me just to say he was returning my call. He said that we could talk. Then he started telling me that in the non disclosure agreement I had signed it stated that support and consulting were NOT part of the program that I had paid for. I was not after consulting and support, I was after some common courtesy. He said I did not have the right to expect someone to call me from a cell phone because those calls get shuffeled around and lost. I FLIPPED MY WIG!!! He said customer service was NOT in their policy. I could not believe what I was hearing. I am begging you people NOT to do business with this company. As of this date I still have not received a refund of my down payment. I would not take a fat dog to this company. They are rude and s****.>

No one had ever talked to me like these people did. No one running a business has EVER said that customer service was not their policy. That is just laughable. I am shocked and horrified at the amount f money these people charge for this program only to treat customers like this.  This may NEVER happen again, but once should be enough!!     

8 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Drama and Over reaction!

#2General Comment

Wed, September 07, 2022

All of y'all are rediculous! I get the initial peeve of no response, I do. But after the contact was made and a solution was to be worked toward, there was a continual wall up to where it appears no reasoning could be met at all.

The BBB report was totally out of line and uncalled for and the continued 'I don't want a solution-I just want to bi*ch' attitude is very apparent. in the meanwhile, there are those out there that could benefit from a program such as this, who may just give up because someone just wants to be spiteful and petty because their phone didn't ring when they decided it should.

Obesity, High Blood Pressure, Arterial and Liver fat, Diabetes, Cholesteral, etc...are all very serious issues. I would hate to know that someone didn't reach out to a program that could change their quality of life or even save their life, just because I had posted something so rediculous, petty, and negative that it would deter them from reaching out.

I am not in any way affiliated with any of these people. I was researching a program for my own health issues. I suggest to look at RESULTS. Go back to those that have came through the program and see what they have to say. Y'all be blessed! ~JJ


North Carolina,
The Health Dare and John Jubilee are not the same.

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, March 16, 2017

So I found out that the Health dare and Jublilee Transformations are not the same.  In fact, I tried to delete my previous post because the information I had was incorrect, but the Rip Off Report would not allow me to delete it.  In fact, I never meant to post my writing but somehow, without my knowing it, my post appeared.  Guess I pushed a button without knowing it.

Here is what I found out.  The Health Dare does not have anything to do with John Jubilee or Jubilee Transformation.  In all my dealings with The Health Dare personnel, I have found them to be professional and courteous.  I believe THD tried hard to help me and even assigned a top/senior health coach to my case.  THD is helping a lot of people.  Please don’t put The Health Dare in the same category as Jubilee Transformations.   


North Carolina,
Now they change their name

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, February 20, 2017

So I ran into these guy under the name The Health Dare.  Same discusting sales practice of partial disclosure.  I fell for! Shame on The Health Dare.  Take my money and only after the check has cleared  show me how the program works.  They sell the Weight Loss in the consultation and fat loss and hydration when you complain the program is not working.  So why do they not tell the whole story?  People that have nothing to hide--hide nothing.  The Health Dare hides the "special" exercise, supplements, green tea, and other critical information until your check cashes -- then good luck getting it back.


Your comment alone is reason no one should do business with John Jubilee

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, July 09, 2015


Your comment is deplorable. I heard an advertisement yesterday and thought I might check out the program, but this complaint and mainly your response stopped me in my tracks.

This lady (I am assuming here it's a lady making the comment) made numerous attempts to call about not being able to make her appointment. How many calls does it take? She called Michael... NO RESPONSE. She called Anna... NO RESPONSE. She then called John's assistant, Bridgett... NO RESPONSE. A second call to these people is not necessary. They should return their calls. If I did this in my business and did not return a customer's call, I would be fired! The next day she sent a written message, an email to Bridgett and Ann and asked for them to call.... Again, NO RESPONSE!!!

Are these people brain-dead? What in the hell is wrong with them? Why do they not return a customers call within a reasonable amount of time? I do no blame this lady one bit for doing what she did and cancel her credit card and then file a report with the BBB. It's the ONLY THING that got their attention and got them to call her back! This company deseved it from the deplorable service they gave to this woman. They should give her a full refund as she requested.

Get a clue. Learn something about customer service. It is the #1 thing that makes a company successful.


Apology From John Jubilee

#6UPDATE Employee

Wed, August 06, 2014

Unfortunately, this client had a bad experience with John Jubilee Transformations! I am Bridget, head of marketing and customer service. We have had over 6,000 people go through the John Jubilee 88 day transformation, and it seems as though this client had a difficult time. Each client should receive unlimited office visits, but at least a 4, 8, and 12 week evaluation. We also provide a "jumpstart" launch where we give each person their manual, workbook, and coach, and walk them through "a day in the life of a transformer." They also receive a daily video email from John Jubilee, a weekly call from their coach, and an online video library that can be accessed at any time. Somehow, this client did not receive the treatment they felt they deserved.. I would love to extend an apology to this client, and do my best to make it right! Please contact us at our 1-866-463-8806 to speak with our receptionist. I do remember this specific client calling me and telling me her water had been turned off by the city, so she was not able to attend the Jumpstart. We do have a jumpstart each week, which we have invited her to attend, but she declined. Many of our clients do have financial issues, and we understand this, so we even offered to freeze her account until she was able to do the transormation! We will GIVE her another transformation absolutely free of charge, and give her the chance to be personally coached by myself or even John Jubilee! When dealing with obesity, many clients feel challenged to complete the program. That is why we are here to provide accountability. Please forgive us for failing you, and allow us to help you change your life forever! Our heart is to help you transform from the inside out! We would love to help you any way we can. Looking forward to hearing from you!


John Jubilee Employee in this post is a douche bag

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, July 28, 2014

@ AUTHOR: Tyg - () - You are a d****e bag.  I agree that the original disgruntled person could have been more proactive in the way he handled the John Jubilee situation but your response confirms that this organization is shady.  I'm 100% sure you work for John Jubilee orgnanization.  RoR and/or anyone else can post his opinion of what happened to him.

He's not disclosing the program he is discussing his experience with your customer service people.  YOU ARE WRONG. YOUR TONE IS WRONG. THE WAY YOU ARE HANDLING THE RESPONSE IS WRONG.   I was looking into purchasing the program but just by reading the response from this doube bag that works for the John Jubillee company makes me reconsider. RoR keep exposing this organization for what they are: THEIVES.


Completely Uncalled For and more on the program

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, July 27, 2014

I heard John Jubilee on the radio this morning and decided to check into it. I myself am a 20 plus year veteran and business owner in the fitness industry with all the nationally NCCA accredited credentials to boot.

The things he was saying sounded good on some levels, i.e. it’s not about weight loss but fat loss. But then the next person he has on the air said he lost 70 pounds or 1lb of FAT not weight a day. This isn’t even scientifically possible. First red flag.

Then all the marketing gimmicky stuff like “change at the cellular level”. Everything we do affects us at the cellular level any program where you begin to eat better, exercise, etc. will affect you at the cellular level. Take a good deep breath, yep affected you at the cellular level. Pure gimmick. Nothing unique here just marketing.

The reason people are forced to sign Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA), something that I haven’t heard of in any fitness/fat loss/ transformation programs is because nothing he recommends is truly revolutionary. If these NDA’s weren’t in place all it would take was one person to describe the program even roughly without going into specific detail and everyone would go “oh that’s nothing special”. Eat healthier, drink more water, cut out liquid calories and sugar, move your body and get more sleep. Something you could get on the internet for free.

BUT… to charge what many have reported upwards of $5,000 you can’t have any of that information out as the public would catch on. And as you can see from the above post when someone with courage dares to speak out about a negative experience you see how the people who work there intimidate, and vehemently attack their character.

As far as there being legal basis to sue that just demonstrates their complete ignorance of the law. You cannot censor someone from speaking out about their personal experience using a product or service regardless of what they signed it wouldn’t hold up in court. However when people are intimidated and feel like they could be sued and lose it often silences the critics.

Otherwise wouldn’t every company in the world implement that same clause whenever you bought something? Disclosing the specific details of the program is different from sharing a bad experience. Certainly they share the “good” experiences on the radio all the time so that doesn’t violate their NDA.

John Jubilee says he used “real world experience”. What the heck does that mean? The rest of us aren’t living in the real world. He says this to cover that he has no credentials, no education relative to the information he is spouting. It’s just the same eat clean, cut out processed foods, drink water, sleep and move stuff you can get for free.

The reason it often works is this. When you pay so much money- upwards of $5,000 it’s been reported do you think you’ve going to stick with the program and do everything it tells you to versus if you just bought a $19.95 book on Amazon.com

It’s the same gimmick as that weight loss pill commercial for Leptoprin a few years back that starts off with. “When is a diet pill worth $153?” It’s not, but it’s a great marketing tactic. Because you change other behaviors since you’ve invested so much money. After buying these pills do you think most people will pull into a fast food restaurant for a double bacon cheeseburger…no. So it elicits behavior changes that eventually lead to the fat loss if maintained long enough.

Same thing with this program, nothing new, nothing unique and certainly nothing ground breaking as they call it. Just a huge financial investment so most people are fully compliant with common sense information again you could get for free in any health magazine or mainstream health website. Some would call the John Jubilee transformation program a scam due to these deceptive and secretive business practices that attempt to silence any criticism or bad experiences as documented above. They are very hard to find as many people out of fear or of belief the NDA truly does prohibit any expression of their experience.

You can find a few more reviews on Yelp here:


I seriously wouldn’t have written if it weren’t for this cowardly and ignorant attack on this poor person. That is what really got me mad. Seriously return a phone call they are the customer the onus is on you. They shouldn’t have to track you down and saying they didn’t call is obviously a lie on your part. So let me get this straight we’re all to believe this person goes through all the trouble to file with the BBB as well as this site but lied about actually making a 10 second phone call.

I’m seriously considering calling the state attorney general and whoever posted this above I would seriously make that your next step. The intimidation, insinuation of a possible lawsuit and harassment plus failure to return your money is unacceptable. And anyone else reading this if you have had a similar experience check out the TN State Attorney Generals website below.


Also their number is (615) 741-3491 if enough people complain they will need to look into this.

To the ignorant person above, keep up the ridiculous name calling and intimidation and you’re going to bring more bad attention to yourself and John Jubilee, very well the attorney general if enough people report the same experience. Next step if you keep this up I’m calling my friends at some of the local news networks I’m sure they would love to do a feature on the questionable and secretive business practices and many who watch the news would chime in on their own experiences. Best bet is to apologize and just leave this person alone!



You are....

#9General Comment

Wed, June 25, 2014

 Unfortunatly YOU ARE THE BAD GUY IN THIS SITUATION!!! YOU chose to miss the appointment. YOU DID NOT CONTACT THEM!!! Leaving a voice mail is NOT contacting them. Its like leaving a note and then hiding that note. If YOU were as TRULY CONCERNED as you claim, you would have continued to call until you reached a LIVE PERSON. No, you went the LAZY route. YOU left a voice mail. Then to add insult to the situation, YOU file a BBB report because YOU had not received a call. You do realize that they are a business and they have more then just YOU as a customer?? YOU could have contacted them instead of making the situation worse, but YOU DID NOT!!! THEY cannot be held accountable for the choices YOU make in YOUR life. This is the choice YOU made... I was not able to shower and was not going to show up for this meeting without a shower and full make up... So because YOU made this choice, they are the bad guys for NOT calling you? How does that work?? A cellphone MAKES calls as well as receives them. Get over it and move on, YOUR VANITY is what has caused this issue. Thankfully since you NOT ONLY signed a non-disclosure agreement, but you ALSO have made a FAKE report, AND you filed a FALSE REPORT with the BBB, the company that you have so spitefully slandered does have a legal remedy. Just from the information YOU have provided in THIS report is enough for them to know who you are. When you post in a PUBLIC FORUM such as RoR, you are under the same laws that printed publications MUST follow. This means that you CANNOT present YOUR OPINIONS as FACT. It also means that when you lie online while defaming a business, they get to go after YOU in civil court. And given that your post is FILLED with slanderous statements, im sure they will win ANY case against YOU. YOU are under some mis-impression that YOU are anonymous online. That's as far from the truth as your own post is. All it takes is a court order and they can PROVE it was YOU who wrote AND posted this pack of lies. And before YOU start...nope don't know them, never heard of them, not even in the same state as you or these people. But people like you need to learn that you cannot spread your lies like you spread your butter on toast. THIS ENTIRE SITUATION COULD HAVE BEEN RESOLVED IF YOU HAD GOTTEN OFF YOUR BACKSIDE AND CALLED THEM UNTIL YOU GOT A LIVE PERSON!!! No its MUCH easier to play the victim and put it all off on them. That way you can safely bash them online, thereby making yourself feel better. Its MUCH easier to place ALL of the blame on them then admit that you were just TOO LAZY ! Did you EVER think to just go down and talk with them face to face?? No im guessing not. I mean its NOT like your wont be awake and moving before they open. YOU could have stopped by right after work. Like I said, you put too much of this off on them. There was PLENTY of ways to "contact" them. I mean did you even pick up a phonebook?? You can go online, but cant take 3 mins. to look up their contact information on ANY of the 411 sites??

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