  • Report:  #1510905

Complaint Review: Kitchens2go2020 - Penticton British Columbia

Reported By:
Johnathan - Vernon, British Columbia, Canada

126 Gardner Ct, Penticton, V2A 8N6 British Columbia, Canada
587 899 0684
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Brian and Laurie were the contractors that did our kitchen renovation along with an installer that they hired. The price and availability of products was what drew us to this company. huge mistake! Our kitchen remains highly flawed with cabinets that do not fit the space, doors that will not open properly, colours that do not match between cabinets, poly fill unsanded and unpainted to repair shipping damage to some cabinets, kick plates that have huge gaps and you can move freely with your fingers, dove tails in drawers that are not glued together and need to be replaced as they are also chipped badly on a couple of them. Our kitchen that we wished for is a mess. It is paid in full and they will not return to fix it. 

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