  • Report:  #1508135

Complaint Review: Lake County Sheriff - Waukegan Illinois

Reported By:
Jose - Waukegan, IL, United States

Lake County Sheriff
1000 MLK Ave Waukegan, 60085 Illinois, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Ever since our experience with one of his deputies must say it is very negative. There is no way in hell these are good guys. Been stalked and followed for several months now over petty reasons. If these deputies can visit you anytime they want without a warrant or notice. They are thugs. The Democrats are terrible people here. All of us are fed up with the ongoing abuse by law enforcement and the courts. Tax payer money is constantly wasted. Writing the mayor, etc is useless. Idelburg and the mayor support BLM. Scary! Even the former sheriff said basically Idelburg is anti reform. Terrible guy to know.

The deputees can swerve on your side of the road in plain clothes and in their own cars. They can spy on you as you visit libraries, stores, etc , and they are the real criminals. What has happened to integrity. Only in Illinois is corruption like this allowed and no accountability. I've shared my concerns with many professionals about this. 

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Chicago Heights,
Just commenting

#2General Comment

Tue, January 10, 2023

 The gestures made by the surveillance defectives, is proof enough they harbor bitterness towards us citizens. Are they planning to kill, or kidnap any of us during their questionable investigations? Dark tinted windows of purple charger type cars, or blue trucks parked in parking lot next to you while you shop, etc. Blue trucks with dark tinted windows driving next to you. These are some of the behaviors of the corrupt activities by the defectives working under the double standard democrat, sheriff John Idelburg. From what we have learned in the past about employees working for sheriff departments, the ones doing the harassment are either gay or have a unhappy life. Some cops beat their wives. This we have heard lots of stories by friends that have family that were cops. Some cops just get the job so they can push their violent ego on others. Police have become a double standard in the quest for peace. George Floyd was not even the real issue. The real issue and question is "Are they really serving citizens?". So far it seems from all the real police victims stories we have read. Nothing shows the police are here to protect or serve us. Shame on them hustlers with badges!!


Round Lake,
United States
Memo: Abusive surveillance

#3General Comment

Fri, June 24, 2022

As survivor under domestic abusive surveillance by the Lake County Sheriff and feel the life is in immediate danger. They are trying to plot to kidnap, cause duress to things have not done, the head sheriff is a racist Marxist and supports domestic terrorist groups like BLM that have looted our cities and burned down businesses in last year race riots of 2021.

We in danger by the covert actions and abusive police power that is ongoing by their corrupt department and any other entities working with them to interfere with the daily rights and privacy abuses of the rights of citizens. Here is a list of the privacy and civil rights abuses of citizen's right to life and liberty in Lake and other counties...

Collecting data on departmental laptops of citizens emails and covert operations Intrusive visits to homes without warrants Bullying for a confession where no crime taken place Detectives/police stalking, use of intimidation on a daily basis Defectives use of road rage to cause fear in citizen Detectives running red lights to avoid being seen by citizen, and again driving as if to seem to cut you off Detectives, others seek to antagonize a citizen for purposes of profit and bullying.

After reviewing a lawyer website. It appears majority of of the events witnessed by the county sheriff , they have relentless and narcissist and sexist attitudes.


United States
Corrupt Idelburg supports BLM

#4Author of original report

Thu, May 20, 2021

 Sheriff Idelburg is a thug and many blacks on social media have exposed the democrats and BLM as domestic terrorists and don't represent the black community. Here's links to Sheriff with BLM ... https://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/lake-county-news-sun/ct-lns-blm-lake-office-st-0811-20200810-bxylqv7fgngn3f2vvcv3cd7xri-story.html

Also here is a link about BLM harassing police in the local news...


Here a link to opinion from protestors about abuse from police and why they can't fully be trusted...



United States
Additional truth about BLM

#5Author of original report

Wed, May 19, 2021


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