  • Report:  #1532577

Complaint Review: Omar Rivero - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
Chris - Fayetteville, United States

Omar Rivero
Los Angeles, California, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
Frisch V. Likeopedia Lawsuit Complaint
More discrepancies in accounting totals for Tribel
Screenshot of callout comment deleted by Wefunder
SEC Data Shows IPO Reports $ 1.4 Million
Instructions for Manipulating Liker Engagement

Per Representative Katie Porter's recent report on Scam PACs, I have come to realize that (in conjunction with all of the other information that I've been sharing with anyone who might help) Omar Rivero et al likely run one. Occupy Democrats speaks favorably of some progressive candidates, but they don't share their values at all. How do I know this? Because I was invited to mingle with the inner circle years ago and ended up at a related project called Liker, which has an abhorrently seedy history. I say all this to you because I am tired of banging on the door of agencies that may or may not take me seriously. Thanks to Open Secrets, I know that Occupy Democrats Election Fund is paying "vendors" who are actually longtime employees-- and members of his inner circle-- whose jobs have historically been generating much of the Occupy Democrats brand clickbait content that makes opulent profits for the owners. A Tribel Social employee (Peter Tapia) is also being paid from the same fund. Essentially, it appears political donations are being used as capital for Rivero's personal businesses with an ad-based revenue model. You can find some of the details of this model in my trove of supporting documents, particularly the complaint from Gouldman et al v. Rivero et al. The hidden history of this political brand is disheartening at least and sickening at best. And with their publications boasting White House correspondents, this needs to be handled at the highest levels of authority. In my humble opinion.

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I put in an SEC whistleblower tip a couple months ago against Rivero, because I have evidence of fraud and wrongdoing on his part regarding a recent crowdfunding campaign where he lied about his current staff by using pictures of old staff (including myself) who left on bad terms during his last social media project. You may be aware that the aforementioned first site, Liker, closed under mysterious and contested circumstances. I've been begging Wefunder to do something about it. But they seem to be covering up their own lack of supervision and possible collusion by deleting my account to wipe my posted evidence from this crowdfunding campaign. https://wefunder.com/tribel I even found that the links to the evidence in this question/comment were broken three different times and I had to replace them with tinyurl links. I'm a Wefunder investor in another company, Legion M. And I know that reporting this could risk my own portfolio's worth. However, it is a matter of public interest. So far, I've disclosed to Wefunder and the authorities through various reporting portals that Omar Rivero/Likeopedia LLC has a history of--

1) Defrauding end users and possibly investors in their first social media upstart Liker by paying staff (including myself) to essentially catfish users with fake accounts. This includes the use of a bot called SIMBA to assign inorganic engagement to posts.

2) Hiding lawsuits from collaborators and employees, including a Freelance Isn't Free Act lawsuit which is currently open in NY.  (Frisch V. Likeopedia LLC)

3) Refusing to report CSAM and KKK propaganda posts on Liker to the authorities while ordering employees to simply delete the evidence.

4) Evading questions about data mining on Liker's reboot project, Tribel

5) Again, most glaringly-- blatantly lying and misrepresenting their current personnel to Tribel investors by using the pictures and names of people who left Liker on bad terms, including myself and two women who sued the company for sexual harassment. They quietly removed the graphic after weeks of outcry from me without correcting the record. I also just found hosted on the SEC EDGAR portal a pitch document that clearly illustrates the fraudulent misrepresentation of myself and multiple people that I know from Liker as Tribel staff. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1994588/000167025423000893/document_2.pdf  Wefunder is directly complicit in this, which is why I've gone to FINRA about them.

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The final straw was when I noticed a discrepancy between the fact that they announced raising $2.8 million in a November 3rd post [ https://wefunder.com/updates/168329-final-14-hours-to-join-trible-don-t-miss-out ], only to let the official SEC accounting [ https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1994588/000167025424000068/xslC_X01/primary_doc.xml ] and final public tally reflect half of that. Calling this out is what got my account unfairly and unceremoniously deleted by Wefunder. I've been in touch with every regulator, federal and state, that would have jurisdiction. I know it's being reviewed by these authorities in Florida and possibly North Carolina. But people need to be made aware before more money can be raised to aid in a cover-up.  Again, I have well over a dozen files to back up these claims, as well as a corroborating witness who is a former insider of this organization. She has been harmed herself as one of the women who sued Likeopedia, and is willing to talk to anyone who can help bring some peace to this situation. Say the word and I'll send you everything I have. This includes evidence that the Riveros might have lied about the mysterious circumstances of the apparent payments to (R) John James.   

Report Attachments
Frisch V. Likeopedia Lawsuit Complaint
More discrepancies in accounting totals for Tribel
Screenshot of callout comment deleted by Wefunder
SEC Data Shows IPO Reports $ 1.4 Million
Instructions for Manipulating Liker Engagement

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