  • Report:  #1529973

Complaint Review: Readings by Nadia - west palm beach

Reported By:
Jon - Elberon, United States

Readings by Nadia
4025 Gem lake Dr west palm Beach Fl 33406 west palm beach, 33406 United States
4025 Gem lake Dr west palm Beach Fl 33406
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PYCHIC NADIA, aka sophie quick,

use to live in Queens NY

moved to west palm beach Fl


used me, blamed me, made a fool out of me and the police

family used me, they are rude, arragant, queens bred morans who took advantage of me and lied to me and made me feel awful and lied to my family.

names inclues are Nadia Miller

frankie miler, frankie quick

james demetro. michelle greene

dolly kaslov, from linden, NJ

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