  • Report:  #1522189

Complaint Review: Now Remodling - Spokane Washington

Reported By:
Earle Beason - Newman Lakes, Washington, United States

Now Remodling
921 N Nevada St Spokane, 99218 Washington, United States
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So two sales men (Shane & Grahm) tell me they can do windows in four to six week.  This is verbal and in writing. Company gets a contract and then tells me thay can not due it for a year.

Tries a resolution with the owner Ammon Powell, be he insist that he company did nothing worng and I should have the inside knowledge to know that his buisness could get windows for a year, despite his own sells men telling me 4 to 6 weeks.

The owner of now remodeling literally told me that he would not do ANYTHING to resolve our issue unless I promised in a NEW CONTRACT that I would leave him a scathingly BAD review.    (have email to words of that effect)

HE and his entire Company deserves a bad review they LIED about how quick they could do windows. THEN informed us after the contract was signed they COULD NOT do windows for a year.

Worse of all when you look at the "good" reviews you start to see that employees of the company write reviews for the company itself. Including both salesmen and the owner.

The owner of the company took approximatly 3600$ and will not do anything but his feelings got hurt.

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