  • Report:  #1534076

Complaint Review: Thunder Pools & Spas Charles Don Daye - Edmond Oklahoma

Reported By:
payyourdebts - Lynbrook, United States

Thunder Pools & Spas Charles Don Daye
201 Fretz Ave Edmond, OK Oklahoma, United States
(405) 205-4556
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I am writing to formally report a case of default and fraudulent behavior involving Thunder Pools and Spas, a business owned by Charles Don Daye, Located in Edmond, OK

The company has failed to uphold its financial obligations under a funding agreement with a small business funding provider. Despite numerous attempts by the funder to communicate and resolve the situation, Charles Don Daye has ignored all efforts and refused to settle the outstanding debt.

This deliberate avoidance of payment has forced the funder to initiate legal action to recover damages. A representative from the funder has described Daye’s actions as a severe breach of integrity, stating that his refusal to engage and his negligence have harmed both his business and his employees.

The legal representation for this case is Gene Rosen of The Gene Rosen Law Firm.



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