  • Report:  #1149888

Complaint Review: 420 Magazine - Hollywood California

Reported By:
Cammie Mckenzie - Sunrise, Florida,

420 Magazine
PO Box 4320 Hollywood, 90078 California, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

420 Magazine is a ruthless forum owned and operated by a consortium of fraudsters.  They pose as a cannabis advocacy website, but their true business is libel, defamation and fraud. 

But what is the definition of fraud?  "wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain."

I was deceived by 420 Magazine back in 2009.  I approached their organization and was offered a year of advertising for $1800.  I was told I could post on the forums, advertise our products, and contact moderators whenever someone was getting out of line to correct the problem.  But when it came time to do so, 420 Magazine quickly changed their stance. 

We were one of the first LED Grow Light sponsors on 420 Magazine, back when the technology was unproven and many companies made grossly exaggerated claims.  We were the first company to put our money where our mouth was, by giving away lights to moderators and users on 420 Magazine so they could show independent results that verified our claims.  The more our lights were proven, the more haters began to join in on discussions bashing me, my company, and our products.  Worst of all, over 90% of the negative comments (known as trolling on forums) came from persons who had never used our products!  And when we complained to 420 Magazine about how much we were being attacked on the forums, they told us "deal with it".  In fact they then began blaming us for the discourse on their site, despite our company being the victim of numerous unwarranted attacks. 

One day a customer posted a libelous thread on 420 Magazine stating that I abandoned my children, have been running from the police, and turned him in to the police.  Rather than allowing me to respond to the situation, Rob Griffin and Soniq banned me.  They refused to allow me to post my rebuttal to their forum, making sure that the only story told is one of libel and defamation against me - a paid sponsor.  But that's not the worst of it.  We still had 6 months of pre-paid advertising that Rob and Soniq stole after shutting down our ads.  No - they didn't return the money like honest businessmen.  They stole it and then defamed my name and company, trying to bankrupt my business!  They made it a personal vendetta to come after me, and they'll do the same to you!  The defrauded me for 6 months worth of advertising, and still to this day they are continuing their personal prejudiced vendetta against me. 

If you are considering advertising on 420 Magazine, be careful.  If Rob or Soniq ever have a problem with you, they will ban you without a second thought and steal your ad money.  After all they only let you pay in cash, so if you ever have a problem with them you have absolutely no recourse!  Only fraudulent businesses in 2014 (especially online businesses) take cash-only payments.  They want to be sure they can screw you over. 

Several years later I reached out to Rob, asking him to settle our differences.  I explained I had no idea what his problem was with me, or why he was so prejudiced towards me, but that I wanted to put everything in the past and start over.  Do you think he took the olive branch?  No - he slapped me in the face with it and told me our company would NEVER be allowed back on his forum - but of course lacked any reasoning. 

Rob Griffin is now under investigation for hate crimes against the LGBT community.  His co-workers who took part in the libel, defamation and hate crimes on his site are being included in the investigation.  It's just so sad that in 2014 people are still so prejudiced against transsexuals and lesbians...  And then they hide behind their hate like cowards, refusing to allow their victim a voice.  Good luck with the law boys - you're going to need it. 

3 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Rob Griffin – A Man With A Mission

#2UPDATE Employee

Tue, April 10, 2018

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." 

Margaret Mead, cultural anthropologist

When the history of Cannabis legalization comes to be written, there is one figure who will have a chapter of his own. If you are involved in the movement, even at a peripheral level, chances are that you will have heard of such warriors as activist Jack Herer, writer Jorge Cervantes and strain hunter Franco Loja.

You may never however have heard of Rob Griffin.

Yet few have done more to generate awareness of Cannabis as a medicinal, healing herb. Few have reached quite so many people with knowledge and information. He is part of the groundswell, the slow but relentless cultural shift in opinion, which is the fuel powering the fundamental attitude change that’s in progress, not only in North America, but across the world.

Just over the last 12 months, as Canada introduces medical legalization, when conservative Greece plans medical legislation, when right wing, senior politicians in the UK start to call for a change in the law, you can witness the results of Rob Griffin’s work - it’s a part of the invisible iceberg which sits below the public pronouncements.

Who is he and why has his influence been so pervasive?

In 1993 a regular Cannabis bust on a medical user kick-started the movement which now cannot be resisted. Little did the SWAT team realize when they held machine guns to the head of a prone figure and his family on the floor of his apartment, that what they were actually doing was starting something which would fundamentally change not only his life but change for the better the lives of millions across the world. 

When he walked out after a month in jail, Rob knew that things were going to change. The fierce passion and intelligence that he’d been blessed with had found its focus. Like a secular Billy Graham, with the same inner power and the same eloquence, Rob had found his own mission in life.

And so 420 Magazine was born.

The magazine, initially a print publication but soon to move to the nascent web, began with the same Mission Statement that even today, 25 years later, remains unchanged. It is worth quoting in full as it embodies the purpose, the focus and the character of Rob Griffin. These are not words crafted by a consultant or branding agency. These are Rob’s words. These are Rob’s beliefs.

420 Magazine exists to support the repeal of all Cannabis prohibition laws and penalties throughout the world. Not another person should suffer incarceration or stigma because of these unjust laws. 

420 Magazine believes Cannabis prohibition will end as more people become aware of the true benefits of the plant. 420 Magazine is the vehicle that provides you with the scientific and anecdotal advice of Cannabis experts in the areas of cultivation, medical, social and legal matters. Our community provides support to those bringing Cannabis awareness to the world.

We believe each human has the right to consume a plant in his or her own body, government should repeal all laws violating this right and those incarcerated for Cannabis offenses should be set free. 

Cannabis is a medically wondrous plant. It provides a safe alternative for pain relief, anti-nausea, appetite-inducement, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammation medication. Its properties have been demonstrated to fight cancer, and provide relief to the seriously ill and dying as well as those challenged with anxiety and depression. Millions of people have shared the medical benefits of Cannabis throughout the centuries. 

420 Magazine believes farmers shall have the right to grow and profit from Industrial Hemp--one of the strongest, environmentally friendly substances on the planet. Industrial Hemp is a natural fiber found in everything from rope to the finest clothing designs. It shows benefit as both a food form and as a health and beauty aid. Hemp is the environmental answer to the elimination of our dependence on earth-destroying fossil fuels. The Hemp bounty will end oil wars, deforestation, pollution, acid rain and global warming.

The Mission of 420 Magazine is to repeal Cannabis prohibition by promoting international Cannabis awareness to the masses.

This is no fly-by-night statement, and Rob is no fly-by-night individual. Over 25 years he has built 420 Magazine into one of the most well-known and respected Cannabis Hemp organizations in the world. Cannabis websites have come and gone. Copy-cat ventures have sprung up overnight and disappeared just as quickly. Why has 420 Magazine survived 

On a practical level, Rob has always stayed strictly within the law, allowing no trading, selling or swopping of cannabis related items. He has wisely stayed just behind legislation, whilst at the same time the content of 420 Magazine has been a leader in generating knowledge and awareness. It’s an incredibly deft trick, and it has served him and the world well.

Having first mover advantage on the internet got 420 Magazine off to a great start. Activists and growers in the 1990’s flocked to this new and unique resource for news, for medical and scientific information, for grow support and for a community of like-minded individuals. The switch from print to digital was an early indicator of the prescience of the magazine’s founder and CEO. This was a medium which could reach millions more, at far lower cost, than any print publication. Then, as now, Rob worked day and night, building his international organization.

However this practical approach would have been of little value had it not had the force of Rob’s personality behind it. "80 percent of success is just showing up" said Woody Allen. Rob has been showing up every single day for 25 years. This dedication to his cause is reminiscent of such business Titans as Steve Jobs and Richard Branson. And like them, his attention to detail never fails.

Working on the internet for 25 years takes some doing. Building and maintaining one of the world’s most respected, positive and friendly Cannabis Hemp magazines takes even more. Yet, despite the trolls, the shills and sock puppets out to steal the reputation that Rob has built, the man himself remains astonishingly open and positive. There is no hint of wear-out or bitterness to those who try and take his reputation. And there have been many, both individuals and groups, attempting, just because they can, or because of some perceived and mis-aligned personal grudge against success, to destroy the magazine or the reputation of its owner. Rob is clear in all his dealings, whether it be with members, partners or sponsors. Those amongst them who do not hold honesty in the same high esteem as he does will not last. Which is why he and 420 Magazine have. It’s why 420 Magazine members come and why the right ones stay – for its reputation for honesty, its constant positive vibe and its lack of trolls. They can trust 420 Magazine, and they can trust Rob Griffin. They trust him with their security and they trust him and the website for information and support. It has become a self-perpetuating, social networking community of activists, medical experts and growers where everyone is welcomed with positivity and open arms.

Rob’s attitude extends through his website to his members and his staff. He is fiercely protective of the worldwide, mature team of professionals who work for and with him. In his house, as long as you stick to his guidelines – professionalism and politeness – then, as his staff say, you will find no better or more supportive CEO anywhere. Cross him, with dishonesty in any form, and whether you are staff, sponsor or member, then you won’t last. Truth drives Rob, whether it’s in personal relationships, business dealings or in the virtual world. It is the truth about Cannabis and Hemp which drives his mission.

In a world with its head on straight, Rob Griffin would be lauded as a great humanitarian. By creating, populating and maintaining 420 Magazine for 25 years, he has spread Cannabis Hemp awareness and knowledge to millions, and in the process has brought more physical and mental relief from pain than any single doctor could in a lifetime.

A chapter in the history of cannabis legalization dedicated to Rob Griffin? Scratch that. The man deserves a book.


England / Hampshire,
United Kingdom
420 Magazine Is A Genuine Medical Forum & Rob Griffin Is One Of The Good Guys

#3UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Fri, February 02, 2018

This Report by Cammie is nonsense & unfair. It is simply a revenge act for being banned from a website for threatening innocent people who had bought her lights on trust, which was mercilessly betrayed. She is using her Transgender status as a weapon, just like she used the threat of law enforcement when a customer complained about faulty lights.

Rob Griffin is one of the most genuine and authentic people I have ever met. He is a sincere person, generous in spirit & sacrifices his life to his chosen cause.  He lives to help others, especially the sick and elderly people on his website who depend upon the help they receive to grow their own medicine.

Rob does not judge people on their race, gender or sexuality. He is a straight-up, factual person who judges a topic based on its merits and is open to every kind of discussion. He does not attack a person, but he does defend his principles of fairness and equality,  seeking only to protect those whom he deems to be within his sphere of responsibility. This includes the members of his website, many of whom suffer from various illnesses (Including Cancer, MS, Alzheimer's, ADHD, PTSD, etc.) and are seeking help to grow and prepare their own medicine. These people have been let down by the medical system and Rob offers a free service, paid for by sponsors, that sustains a thriving community of experienced advisors and enthusiastic cheerleaders supporting novice growers.

I was privy to some of the discussions behind the scenes, where many members had issues with Cammie's juvenile and threatening behaviour. Rob Griffin behaved as anyone in a position of trust and responsibility should act. He simply defended his members against a scammer and warned others of said scammer with documentation & examples of her behaviour towards her customers.

She is well known online as a scammer and many people have complained about her business practices. Here is one example from a different cannabis forum in 2010: thcfarmer.com/community/threads/fraud-cammie-mckenzie-fraud.26178/

There is also a Ripoff Report that was filled against Cammie, a couple of years before she filed this Report: ripoffreport.com/reports/hydro-grow-led-led-grow-lights/henderson-nevada-nv-89014/hydro-grow-led-led-grow-lights-cammie-mckenzie-hydro-grow-led-hydro-gro-ledgirl-led-955817

People have been complaining online about Cammie since 2003, when when Cammie McKenzie was Cameron Scott Wieldraayer of Night Szevyn Racing (car parts importer) and sold racing car parts under the name "Night7Racing" aka "NightXCZ77". Here are some links to various forums where customers have been scammed & complained because she stopped communicating:







Ex-Sponsor Problems - Cammie Cammie Mckenzie & Hydro-Grow LED / Magnum LED

#4UPDATE Employee

Fri, July 04, 2014

The staff of 420 Magazine wishes to advise its members and readers that we are again having trouble with Cammie McKenzie (formerly of Hydro-Grow LED and currently believed associated with Magnum LED)

Cammie and/or her associates are again posting falsehoods and innuendo around the net and while our preference is to handle these issues in private we will defend ourselves in public when necessary.

1) 420 Magazine, its owner(s), and staff are not anti-transgendered and honestly don't care about anyone's straight or LGBT status. The fact that some of us are being accused of bigotry toward the LGBT community is nothing more than a smear job without foundation, developed to ruin our reputation. Cammie was once a sponsor in good standing here, and this was reportedly during a very personal period in her life, where personal rumors and attacks were rampant. I personally scrubbed the site on more than one occasion to moderate for this injustice. We've had many LGBT people on our staff for years whom we love dearly; this is just pure nonsense.

2) The lights Cammie sold were of high quality. This was empirically true as evidenced by the awesome demonstration & competition thread put together by my old friend (Setting Sun). If you haven't seen this competition (which Cammie won), it's worth a read.


3) Cammie was banned and her Sponsorship terminated because she wouldn't stop disrupting the forum, arguing our policies in public, viscously attacked members, and in at least one instance threatened to call the Sheriff on a grower in an illegal state, over a disagreement about a returned good, unless he sent her $600. Any sponsor that threatens and/or attempts to blackmail members, doesn't practice fair trade, or otherwise acts disreputably is banned as a sponsor.


4) I personally spent hundreds of hours (not an exaggeration) scrubbing the site of problems, dealing with advisories to members that resulted from her abrasive nature, and working with Cammie trying to convince her to follow our rules. The ultimate ban and sponsorship termination only came after repeated warnings and our inability to affect a change in behavior. There was quite a bit of illogic in the discussions.

5) Some of her accusations are so far out there that I hesitate to even bother refuting them. For example no one from 420 Magazine ever said she abandoned her children or that she is running from the FBI.

420 Magazine, and I personally, wish Cammie the best of success in life and business but we would greatly appreciate it if she would just leave us alone. We simply do not want her name or her company's name being posted on our website anymore, because it always results in more drama and negative energy to clean up.

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