  • Report:  #1465082

Complaint Review: A3Trading - Limassol Vanuatu

Reported By:
Jeremias Jestores - Jalisco, Mexico

Agias Zonis 4 edificio Palatino Piso/oficina 202, 3027 Limassol, Vanuatu, Cyprus
507 (833) 6500
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

LA empresa llamada A3Trading propiedad de Comodius FX Limited con residencia en Vanuatu, chipre y en Londres Inglaterra.


Se anuncian en facebook como una oportunidad de generar ganancias seguras y cuando te enlazas comienzan a envolverte en sus artimañas para convencerte de los beneficios de invertir en Forex compra de moneda extranjera y lo seguro de la inversion ya que ellos duplican tu inversion y te guiaran y prometen enseñarte a que realices tus propios movimientos pero no lo hacen y te mantienen dependiendo de sus recomendaciones de inversion.


Una vez que te convencen de las ganancias y beneficios sugiriendo movimientos que aparentemente ves ganancias reflejados en la cuenta, te piden que inviertas mas para ganar mas rapidamente y subas de categoria, si intentas retirar dinero de tus ganacias te dicen que no es conveniente y en esos momentos para que tu cuenta se mantenga fuerte, y repentinamente sugieren movimientos que te llevan a perder tu inversion y te presionan emocionalmente para que inviertas mas y segun ellos recuperes lo que perdiste, y te van manejando psicologicamente presionando y engañando para que continues invirtiendo, ganando en ocasiones y perdiendo en la mayoria, los depositos se hacen via tarjeta de credito. y te convencen de que al fin de mes vas a tener lo suficiente para liquidar la tarjeta y te vas a quedar con utilidad en tu cuenta para continuar la inversion. Nunca logras retirar un centavo de tu cuenta, ni tu inversion ni tus aparentes ganancias.


Finalmente la cuenta aparece en ceros simulando que se perdio todo el capital, tanto el ganado como el invertido debido a las variaciones del mercado y segun ellos, tus malas decisiones, y te insisten que debes conseguir mas para invertir y recuperarte, que te van a apoyar y asesorar para que lo logres.


No cumplen con las reglas basicas de Forex de realizar tu inversion con cuidado no invirtiendo mas del 2% de tu capital en un solo movimiento, ellos te sugieren movimientos de riesgo precisamente para que tu capital se pierda, la sugerencia es todo en un solo movimiento y como te manipulan psicologicamente lo haces. 


Te dejan solo, no te asesoran y lo mas probable es que la plataforma es falsa y solo te estafan apoderandose de tu inversion y dejandote con la deuda en la tarjeta y psicologicamente derrotado, con la urgencia de conseguir mas dinero para pagar y con afectacion en la salud por el tremendo estres que esto genera.


Al reclamar a los bancos que de cierta forma estan promoviendo y solapando a estos delincuentes no encuentras el apoyo efectivo, necesitas levantar tu queja antes de que pasen 90 dias de cada operacion para que procedan a investigar, sin embargo, el personal de A3Trading tiene tomada la medida y para ganar tiempo ofrece reembolsarte una parte de tu inversion mencionando que el retorno tardara entre 20 y 60 dias habiles, lo que no cumple y solo elimina la oportunidad de que levantes tu queja en el banco.


Yo vi una oportunidad de salir de deudas y conseguir recursos para la educacion de mis hijos, sin embargo, todo ha sido contraproducente y mis deudas se incrementaron tanto con los bancos como con los conocidos a los que recurri para recuperar, mi salud se disminuyo, ahora tengo problemas con mi familia a los que he arrastrado a la bancarrota empujado por esta empresa estafadora cuyos empleados no tienen moral, ni etica, ni consideracion para sus victimas. 


Revisando en redes sociales he encontrado muchos comentarios sobre esta misma empresa de varias personas que han estafado en la misma forma.


Invito a los que deseen demandar a estos estafadores a que nos contactemos y hagamos presion mediante las paginas que denuncian estos delitos escudandose en la impunidad de no estar regulados, varias paginas como investing.com tienen una lista negra de brokers fraudulentos, pero no han recibido quejas de A3Trading, o Commodius FX Ltd o 70Trading. por eso no los han incluido en esa lista. otras paginas como Scambrokers.com o brokers recomendados ofrecen un espacio para levantar quejas y exponer los casos asi como esta pagina. hay que utilizarlos para dar a conocer a las personas que podrian ser nuevas victimas y asi reducir el mercado para estas empresas estafadoras.

Hay despachos de abogados que llevan demandas contra brokers, como mychargeback.com, que tambien son una buena alternativa para intentar recuperar algo del dinero defraudado.


The company called A3Trading owned by Comodius FX Limited with residence in Vanuatu, Cyprus and in London England.


They are advertised on Facebook as an opportunity to generate secure profits and when you link they begin to involve you in their tricks to convince you of the benefits of investing in Forex buying foreign currency and the insurance of the investment since they double your investment and will guide you and They promise to teach you to make your own movements but they do not and they keep you depending on your investment recommendations.


Once you are convinced of the profits and benefits suggesting movements that apparently see profits reflected in the account, they ask you to invest more to earn more quickly and raise of category, if you try to withdraw money from your earnings they tell you that it is not convenient and in those moments for your account to stay strong, and suddenly suggest movements that lead you to lose your investment and emotionally pressure you to invest more and according to them you recover what you lost, and you are driven psychologically by pressing and cheating so that you continue to invest, winning at times and losing in most, the deposits are made via credit card. and they convince you that at the end of the month you will have enough to liquidate the card and you will remain with utility in your account to continue the investment. You never manage to withdraw a penny from your account, neither your investment nor your apparent profits.


Finally the account appears in zeros simulating that all the capital was lost, both the livestock and the investment due to the market variations and according to them, your bad decisions, and they insist that you must get more to invest and recover, that they are going to Support and advise for you to achieve it.


They do not comply with the basic rules of Forex to make your investment carefully not investing more than 2% of your capital in a single movement, they suggest risk movements precisely so that your capital is lost, the suggestion is all in one movement and how they manipulate you psychologically you do it.


They leave you alone, they do not advise you and most likely the platform is false and they only cheat you of your investment and leaving you with the debt on the card and psychologically defeated, with the urgency of getting more money to pay and with affectation in health by the tremendous stress that this generates.


By claiming to the banks that in a certain way they are promoting and overlapping these criminals you do not find the effective support, you need to raise your complaint within 90 days of each operation so that they proceed to investigate, however, the A3Trading staff has taken the measure and to save time offers to reimburse a part of your investment mentioning that the return will take between 20 and 60 business days, which does not comply and only eliminates the opportunity to raise your complaint in the bank.


I saw an opportunity to get out of debt and get resources for the education of my children, however, everything has been counterproductive and my debts increased both with the banks and with the acquaintances I went to recover, my health decreased, Now I have problems with my family that I have dragged into bankruptcy pushed by this scam company whose employees have no morals, nor ethics, nor consideration for their victims.


Checking on social networks I have found many comments on this same company from several people who have cheated in the same way.


I invite those who wish to sue these scammers to contact us and make pressure through the pages that report these crimes by shielding themselves from the impunity of not being regulated, several pages like investing.com have a blacklist of fraudulent brokers, but have not received complaints from A3Trading, or Commodius FX Ltd or 70Trading. that's why they have not included them in that list. other pages such as Scambrokers.com or recommended brokers offer a space to raise complaints and expose cases as well as this page. they must be used to make people known who could be new victims and thus reduce the market for these scam companies.

There are law firms that bring lawsuits against brokers, such as mychargeback.com, which are also a good alternative to try to recover some of the money defrauded.


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