  • Report:  #1231215

Complaint Review: AAAA TV Electronics Vacum - Centennial CO

Reported By:
scammed@aaaatv - aurora, Colorado, USA

AAAA TV Electronics Vacum
8239 S Holly St Centennial CO, 80122 USA
(303) 770-6321
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
FYI: I should point out Fox 31 ran a story on AAAA TV and owner Muhammed Murib. Check out link!



After story aired well over 100 people called Arapahoe County Sherrif to complain. So many people called that AAAA TV was turned over to Colorado State Attorney for investigation.


BBB rating of D+


10/25/2015 - Dropped off a Halfler 9505 stereo amplifier for estimate/repair at  " AAAA Vacuum & Appliance" at 8239 S. Holly Street, Centennial Colo. To have the right channel fixed. Was told it should take 2 to 3 weeks and they would call me when they had a estimate of what was wrong with it and a price. Paid a $150 "diagnostic charge" was told that would apply towards any repair.


11/21/2015 - Called mid morning to inquire about it, was told someone would call me back with answers. No one called back.


11/24/2015 - Called back mid morning to inquire about it, was told someone would call me back with answers. No one called back.


11/25/2015 -  Called back mid morning to inquire about it, was told someone would call me back with answers. I told them I've called 2 previous times and no one called  me back, could they please check on it or get someone who could. Was told they were busy and they couldn't bother or interrupt a technician about it some would call me back. Turns out this is the same response every time you call if you press for an answer. I ask for the manager and they hung up on me! They get rude and nasty when ever you insist on an answer or dissagree with them. Or question the truth in what they are telling them.


11/25/2051 - Decided to go to AAAA in person since something seemed wrong. Arrived at 1:42 pm, asked for the manager. Manager " Omar " was sent to talk to me (wouldn't tell me his last name, as I didnt need to know it). I told him I wanted to pickup my amplifier, I didnt want any repairs done on it . I was told I couldn't have it, as they require 2 to 3 days notice to do so!


I had my paper work and ask where it says that on it (there was no such stipulation on it).  Omar pointed to a list of disclaimers in a plastic holder next to the register. I told him that wasnt there when I brought in my amp. He replied,  well that disclaimer was on our copy of paperwork we have that you signed. "YOU SHOULD HAVE READ IT BEFORE YOU SIGNED IT".  And he wouldnt let me see it. As I later found out it turns out that policy wasn't in effect until a couple of weeks after I brought in my amp.


I then asked to speak to the owner and what was his name was. I was told that was private information and I wasn't entitled to it. I demanded to see my amp to verify they actually had it, as it is a very expensive amp.  Omar disappeared into the back, came back without it and said they would have an answer for me later in the afternoon as to its required repair status. I told him if he didn't produce it I would call the police. He told me I had signed the 2 to 3 days notice and the police couldnt help me. I still kept insisting he let me physically see it to verify  they actually had it. He finally relented and carried to the other side of the counter, told me to not attempt anything and pointed to a camera. Im thinking what the hell is this all about. Then realizing this kind of B.S. must happen all the time here!



Omar then tells me that there are parts on order ( they will be there any day now) so they can determine whats wrong with my amp. In shock I say I havent authorized any repairs!!!! He tells me they need to put in those parts to determine whats wrong! And then goes on to tell me ( four times before I left ) if I dont authorize repairs he cant guarantee what kind of condition my amp will be returned to me in. Most likely not even as good as it was when I brought it in! 



I returned home at that point ( without my amp ) and about 20 minutes after I got home I received a call from AAAA (ABOUT 1 HOUR AFTER I LEFT). The repair person on the phone told me my parts arrived right after I left the store and it would be an additional $517.72 (in addition to the $150 I paid before). AMAZING how fast my parts got there! Once again Im told if I don’t authorize repairs there is no guaranty what kind of condition my amp will be returned to me. And they said for an additional $300 more they would tune it up.

I declined that offer as there is no such kind of operation that could be done on this amp .I told them I would call them back, I needed to think about it.



I was afraid of them sabotaging my amp if I didn't approve the repair, so I called them back and authorized it. But I told them I wanted the parts that were replaced and a detailed list of the work they performed. I was assured that would be done! I was told it should be ready  on 11/28/2015. 


11/28/2015 - Received a call from AAAA around 1pm was told my amp was ready to go. I told them again I needed the replaced parts and a detailed list of work that was done). I was assured they would have those 2 things for me. I arrived there around 2:30 pm. I had my wife come with me this time to be a witness and I had a voice recorder in my pocket to record everything ( I got Omar to confirm and discuss most of the issues from my previous visit ).


They didn't have the old parts and no list of the what was repaired. Omar said the techs had gone home already and thrown away the parts and forgot to do a list of the repairs. I insisted on a list of repairs performed and wouldn't pay until I received it!  Omar said he would see if he could reach the tech by phone and get me a list of repairs. He went into the back room and came out with a computer printed list of items with check marks in the boxes next to them of supposed work that was done.  There were items checked off for parts my amp doesn't even have in it and a statement at the bottom saying there was damage from a previous repair ( completely false and untrue) .



I paid the additional $517.72, got my amp and returned home.  When I got home I pulled off the cover to inspect it.  I should point out  I have an Associates degree in electronics, was a missile tech in the Navy and a test technician for Lockheed/Martin ( for 7 years ). I found bad and sloppy soldering had been performed on it and didn't really see the any of the repairs they claimed they had performed or parts that may have been replaced.  I hooked it up and checked it out . I now had a hum ( a buzzing sound )  from both channels that wasn't there before and after several hours the right channel will distort sometimes. The reason I took it in was for problems with the right channel.


12/05/2015 - Returned amp to AAAA to have it repaired again under warranty. Was told it would should be fixed in 10 to 14 days.


01/07/2015 - Called mid morning to inquire about it, was told someone would call me back with answers. No one called back.


01/08/2015 - Called back mid morning to inquire about it, was told someone would call me back with answers. No one called back.


01/09/2015 - Called back mid morning to inquire about it, was told someone would call me back with answers. Called back at 5 pm and ask for Omar. He told me parts were on order, should be fixed by 01/16/2015


01/19/2015 - Received a call from Doug at AAAA. He told me they couldn't get the parts to fix it but would give me credit for  $517.72 to buy anything in the store.  I told him I didn't  think they had anything equal to replace my amp with. I asked about a refund for the $517.72 since they couldnt fix it and we call it good with them keeping the first $150 fee. He said he couldn't do that. I needed to talk to Omar! I told him I would come into the store and discuss it with Omar.


01/31/2015 - Went into AAAA talked to Omar. I explained that I had checked on the parts situation and parts were available for my amp and they could be found to fix it.  Omar admitted to me that was probably true but the repairs were beyond the capability of his technician. I asked for a refund of the $517.72 since they couldnt fix it. He said would have to keep $125 of it and refund me $392.72.


I told him that the original $150 was more than fair since their attempted repairs were sloppy and now I had a buzz in both channels that wasn't there before. Therefore a refund of $517.72 was only fair. Omar asked if there was anything their store might want and he would credit $517.72 towards it. I said no there wasn't anything I wanted from AAAA TV I called Omar back and told him I just wanted a full refund of $517.72 as that was what I feel is fair. He said no.


On 02/12/2015 I filed a dispute with my credit card based on the deception and fraud by AAAA TV & Eletronics. They credited back $517.72 back to my card. But my bank/card gave it back to AAAA TV on 04/15/2015 citing AAAA TV receipts/invoices claiming no refunds, all sales are final.


On 05/02/2015 called Omar and asked for the refund of $392.72 he had promised and printed on my last receipt. He said he couldnt now since I had filed a credit card dispute. Even though they had the money credited back to them. 


He said I had to ask AAAA TV Corperation for that refund as he (the manager) couldnt do it any more. Told me I needed to send them a letter asking for refund with a signature. Faxed letter to AAAA TV Corp on 05/08/2015 called Omar to confirm fax was received and he said he would take care of it. 


On 05/15/2015 called Omar and asked for status. Claimed no knowledge of fax what number did I send it to? So I said I would email copy of it. Emailed it immediatly, called Omar he confirmed they had it.


On 05/20/2015 called to check on status. Omar again denied receiving it, what was the email address I sent it to?  When I attempted to question him on it he got very nasty, rude and hung up on me. 


The BBB customer complaints confirm these same tactics, behavior and rude treatment. AAAA TV didnt show up for aranged meetings!!


Filed a reveiw about AAAA TV on Google reveiws. It dissapeared!!!!! I did not swear, rant or rave. Simply stated facts like I did here!  Alot of 5 star reveiws, must be fake. A few 1 stars, all are similar to each other and me. Am curious how many bad reveiws they have censured!


Filed a reveiw on Yelp. Almost immediately it was moved to their "Not Recommended" back page.  Their main reveiw line claims only 27 reveiws with a 4 star rating topping the list.  Although their back page "Not Recommended" reveiws number 150 reveiws and I would guess 90% are 1 star!


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