  • Report:  #446633

Complaint Review: AAFES - Army Air Force Exchange - Fort Rucker Alabama

Reported By:
- Seattle, Washington,

AAFES - Army Air Force Exchange
Andrews Avenue Fort Rucker, Alabama, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
As a current Aafes employee going through a tough job situation, and then reading many of your comments about the services pros and cons, I will put my two cents in for your opinion: I was hired SR Store Associate with Aafes, the hiring manager said I was chosen because of my "personable and bubbly personality, I was exactly what they were looking for."

I was told at the interview that the current associate was getting complaints about her "attitude towards the customers." So I was hired on. As this same employee was to train me in the ways of "Customer Servival"(eventhough I have 10+ years under my belt)she half-trained me and so on...

As I took control of the counter, I learned more through trial and error,mostly error, they promoted said employee(yep the same one with the BAD attitude)to a managers position!!! Anywho, not knowing the past acts of these two working the automotive counter(for now, let's just call these two co-horts Plus and Minus). In the past Plus/Minus played games of tattle-tale on each other making the automotive very stressful for the customers,one example being...missing workorders...misscheduling customers, etc.. (But both subjects managed to keep their jobs).

Then ms. mary sunshine(me)enters the scene,Mind you, Both have their own way of training me for the counter(yup you guessed it, I'm now in the middle of these two dunderheads in their personal war on eachother). So I tighten my boot straps and dive in. I noticed that 90% of the cutomers were rude while I trained with Plus and Minus, finding out that the one thing these two agree upon is that they both share the same genes in the "WHATEVER" Dept.

I totally dig my new job,(with much prayer) the attitudes of my customers change and they now order tires for all their vehicles!!! Meanwhile, Plus/Minus are plotting my downfall to the Manager who in their words..have done their face time with the customers, and now have cushy offices in back to have eating parties, personal gossip sessions with their "click" members, while others work the front lines. I am the hot topic of the day as usual,(mind you now, I learned this job through trial and error ad reporting my errors to the boss whenever I make them, asking for help in fixing it an receiving a resounding anwer of "Can't you make your own decisions?" Whoa...you mean a new-hire can make a major decision now, get real!!!

To make this soap opera short, during my time here,several jobs in my true field were available, after applying for many I was denied an interview and my name was skipped over several times, you see I found out rather quickly that this AAFES works under the Buddy-Buddy System, all the major players at this particular one are friends and watch out for eachother. During my time here, I noticed the Hard Working employees were treated like crap and the ones in the "click" walked around joking and playing with no fear of writeups from management.

Minus on the otherhand, sits in the breakroom watching tv between customers, and every weekend of work, brings in dvd movies to watch while telling walk-ins "we are booked for the day," meanwhile ms. mary sunshine getting customer feedback cards on what a good service and care is given the soldiers,their wives and retirees, now thanks to Plus/Minus instead of the cards going into my folder, I was told that they would be put in file cabined #13(which is the trash can/shredder).Meanwhile, Plus is a manager(yes the same one with the bad attitude)yelling at the customers/cashiers/ cats/dogs etc... whatever your species you get the same treatment.

Now, mind you, I was told I would get Plus' job as Reg Parttime, BUT the head manager decided not to post it, but for me to remain Intermittent with no benefits, no nothing. Another job is posted in my true field, I apply for it, skipped over again, this time the COMPUTER is at fault!! The computer RANDOMLY picks the applications,and IT skipped over my name(HUH? you say?) yep, it's the computer's fault now. Minus has been BUSTED to working only 4 hours a day because Minus can't get to work on time, then calls in sick when denied a requested day off, to play the Wii (Minus just has to get past this stage or the Universe will callapse on itself).

All this time ms. mary sunshine is getting orders for tires (over 52) at one time, because the customers like her personality and respect shown to them,

more cards are passed in, and ends up in file cabinet #13. Manager has a meeting with Minus and Marysunshine, it's at Plus' request, because mary is getting too much attention from the single soldiers on the base!!!


Marysunshine has a family member with a heart condition and it is convenient for her being on first shift, that way, she can be near her sibling the afternoon and evenings in case something happened(thank GOD it hasn't) So one day marysunshine made a mistake on an order and went to the 2nd asst. supervisor to acknowledeg it and ask for help in fixing it, manager agrees and helps her saying"it's okay, we can fix it, I appreciate your honesty," then turns around and writes me up, and puts it into my file.

Oh yea Marysunshine is in deep do-do,and surrounded by ememies. Later on, it's coming up on EVALUATION for her, so Marysunshine asks other manager to see her file, on 13Apr09, the last thing written, was a job well done card from a customer(keep the previous statement in mind) then on 17Apr09, said folder is taken out, laid open on desk of manager and every employee that came into the office had an opportunity to read my file,Manager left it out and went to the back dock for 10 minutes!!(which is against Aafes' rules)tool

the top sheet home over the weekend and brought it back 20Apr09 with remarks added under a date that NEVER happened!!

Marysunshine overheard asst. manager tell Head manager because of the error that was made(month ago) I am gonna teach her a lesson, she will be moved from 1st shift to coming in 2nd shift putting Minus(who comes to work when he wants to)coming in on Marysunshines' shift. Asst. manager didn't tell marysunshine about the shift change until three days before she was to be on another shift. Marysunshine explined about the ill family member and was told by asst. manager that she can change the schedule anytime as long as it is done a week in advance. I was called into a meeting where the Asst.manager informed me that I was"being TOO NICE to the customers." To my amazement she was dead serious!! You tell me, isn't that what Customer Service is???? How can you be "TOO NICE?" After that statement...

I was threatened by the Head manager that my hours would be cut from 37 to 20 if I did not do Minus' job of stocking the shelves, Every mistake I made and was honest about it, Because I was to take over Plus' shift and job(I worked the shift and hours for 4 months without the pay of the job) asst. manager cut my hours to 25-30 hours per week,I was fast becoming unpopular with both Managers, eventhough automotive has had an increase of sales and appointment since Marysunshine has come on board.

Marysunshine went to Head manager with problem, Head manager smiled and repeated what asst. manager said. Now, Marysunshine who lives a good distance away in the next town has to be at work during the crucial times she is needed with ill family member, But management doesnt care. Minus still continues to call in sick, and nothing is done, Plus watches Marysunshine like a starving vulture, Asst. manager is now bragging about how many customer response cards she is getting now(these are not placed in file #13) because everytime Minus calls insick asst. manager has to work in Minus' place, Also...newsflash...Minus often goes over to Asst. Managers' house to play video games, that's why nothing is done whenever Minus calls in sick.

Is there anything that can be done about this situation? I am still being denied Full Time and Reg Part-time jobs on this particular Military base, I've gone to AAFES HR, But nothing has changed.

(sorry my complaint was so long)




Seattle, Washington


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