  • Report:  #1250478

Complaint Review: Active Web Group - Hauppauge Internet

Reported By:
Fred - Batton Rouge, Alabama, USA

Active Web Group
Oser Aveenus Hauppauge, Internet, USA
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Active Web Group


No direction from management; if you are not in the inner circle you are out


I may be slightly bitter as i was just recently let go... But I am going to tell it like it is. There is definite favoritism in that office.. The boss would literally stand behind my desk and say good morning to everyone by name except for me. I worked there 3.5 years and like the other reviewer NEVER had a raise. Everyone else in the office took several breaksthroughout the day, but I get fired because I take 10 seconds here and there to answer an important text message at my desk-checking in on my young child while continuing my work! I did it while something was loading on my computer or while I was clocked out! Meanwhile people are on their phones and facebook in that office ALL DAY and applying for other jobs- and they get raises and promotions! They treat certain people that work there so great and others awfully. It's really unfair. Recently they have laid off 3 young mothers. I know they need to let people go because the company itself is not doing well, but they make it very clear that moms with young children are not welcome. The company is on a downward spiral. It has been progressively getting worse since I started. There is A LOT of turnover which is never a good sign for a job. The job description might seem good and great, but give it a year or two and you will realize there is no room for growth and enhancement.

Leadership is very lacking, no communication, no respect for employees, building atmosphere is disgusting and dirty. "Favorites" have it made - get promotions and raises. If you are not a favorite, your time there will be limited. You can tell when they are getting ready to let you go once coworkers and managers stop interacting with you and stop answering your emails. You can prove that you are a hard worker with proven results, but they will write you off for no reason at all. No chance for advancement; you are not even reviewed in order to see where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Turnover is constant - deli next door even comments how many people come and go in such a short period of time! Don't waste your time with this company - it's a joke!




Salaries are low. Raises are only given when you beg for them and you can expect to get only a small one every 2-3 years or so- if you're lucky. Benefits are awful- expect to pay a lot and get nothing covered. Management definitely favorites a select few people... those people can come and go as they please, do and say whatever they want, while those of us who really do work hard get the shaft. They choose to see only your faults. There is no training offered, no set standards and practices- very unprofessional when it comes to dealing with employee relations. People get fired over silly office gossip. You really have to walk on eggshells. So much turnover- 9 people have been let go over the last few months in all different departments- most for absolutely ridiculous reasons. Taking credit for things to make themselves look better (for example the image of "corporate social responsibility" was taken at a charity walk in which the company did not donate a cent.)

No leadership poor salaries it's like the high school of work environments and most importantly NO training what so ever. There is no "company way" its figure it out yourself. high turnover they don't value employees. Management never has the answers for you .... basically learning is Google If you trained employees on how you want things done as an organization and molded them to fit the company model they turnover would not be so high........ this is lazy and shows that this is a revolving door organization that is not willing to spend on the resources needed for growth. I have seen 25+ people come and go in less then a year don't be fooled by the positive comments, this is an internet company and they are starting to monitor the reviews.... for every negative review they put up a positive.......... you can see the trend


Met some nice people that sadly thought they were hired by a company that thinks they are a company! sorry we all had to learn the hard way! do not even take interviews with this company. they sugar coat everything and no one is a leader that is willing to back it up! biggest crap shoot ever. no professionalism at all. these positive responses are bogus, i was there and present when they mocked one up!


No one cares about your wellbeing. This company overcharges their clients and underpays their enployees just so the owner can live in one of the most wealthy areas on Long Island. Working here means struggling to make ends meet. They nickle and dime their emoloyees and their clients. They hire kids out of college because they can get away with underpaying them. But in a couple years when those kids' skills improve and they want raises, they will be lucky to get an extra dollar an hour! Working here is undervaluing yourself. You can do much better.



Wow, where do you begin! One of the biggest issues is being here for almost two years and not being reviewed ever! After a while, you start to feel like what's the point. What you do see is a select group of people being given special treatment including reviews, raises, promotions, etc. because of their status in the inner circle. One woman who's here less time than me just got a raise and a promotion. Also found out from her that she has special connections here and was also responsible for the elimination of three people in her department. So how nice that they hired you to do their dirty work and they rewarded you for it with a raise and promotion! What about the rest of us working our butts off for longer than her doing our JOBS and never being considered for a raise much less a promotion? DO believe the negative reviews because they are TRUE! There is no training here and the only learning you can do is to train yourself, good luck. There might be a nice person here and there but if you work here you better beware of everyone and don't trust anybody. You have to be a double agent here and not let anyone know what you're thinking. You have to always look over your shoulder here especially with all the firings that have been going on. As soon as they know you're one up on them you are next on the firing list for sure!


This company likes to play big brother on its employees. It's a very stressful work environment. I didn't realize how stressful until I left. And the salaries are horrible. That's not just your starting salary. Be prepared to stay locked in at that starting salary for 2,3, even 4 years! Ask for a raise- they might give you an extra dollar an hour after a few years. This is no exaggeration. Dedicated employees are treated like crap. the worst benefits ever. They decide to change their health insurance plan every year. And every year it gets more expensive and less covered. If you want to cover family members expect more than half your paycheck to be taken out. This office also has that group of snoody girls that talk trash about everyone else behind their backs and then go back and tell the boss everything they hear. Also forget putting your family first. The boss has a big problem with that. The communication level here is like the telephone game. Management will tell others to tell you rather than telling you themselves. They also lie and cheat their clients and expect everyone else who works there to just go along with it. Some very shady business practices. Finally, the turnover in this place should prove how awful it is. In my last 6 months there at least 15-20 employees were let go or quit, in a small office of under 40 employees. A company with a lot of turnover, especially a small company, is clearly unstable.



If you are not one of the above aforementioned, you are one of the following: a person who is great at your job and a fool, because with your talent you could work somewhere SO much better, a young person right out of college who doesn't know any better, or someone awaiting a better job because you are miserable in that place! If you are #3, your time is numbered. If you don't quit soon you will be fired. The place is a totally miserable place to work. The guys at the top don't care about the employees who actually do all the work. They put in years and years of dedication and get no promotion, no pay raise, no bonuses at holiday time, awful benefits. I am embarrassed I stayed there as long as I did.


COO is a glorified office manager. NO skills. Nobody uses the dated technology she swears by and she is rude! The only reason she has that job is because she has been there so long.


You reap what you sew. Your children will be in the workforce one day. Know what you do to people you will see it in your lifetime. It's not too late to stop being horrible to people. And know you don't have a leg to stand out outside of 30 Oser Avenue. NOBODY uses Response 9 and Sage. You're dated. Your websites suck and remember what you do - it'snot karma that will bite you. It's life. Try to be kind and treat people with humility and recognize that you're not C LEVEL. Your titles are a joke and the best is the Linked in Profiles. The CFO has on a SANTA hat and the CHIEF OPERATING OFFICE is in front of a Christmas tree. no stars but cannot remove the ratings**************


The turnover rate is grotesque. The management is dated. The building is gross. The technology is old. There is zero creativity. The CFO wore flip flops and piercings on the interview and was HIRED. Yet the staff gets spoken to about summer dress code. ARE YOU SERIOUS? The COO has no executive level experience and should change her title. It's actually funny. The owner is slightly perverted. They do not pay their bills or taxes. They are mean to people - so mean. Company is about size of 30 on a good day - stop holding people down. They sell websites to a lot of blue collar insect companies and they are suckered in. Sadly they get a dirt cheap price, for a cheesy quality site.



Absolutely no room for growth. The work atmosphere is so dead, I wasn't sure at times if it was an Internet Mraketing agency or a Funeral parlor. For an Internet Marketing agency there was no sense of fun or liveliness at all in the place. From the beginning, you are pretty much left to your own devices. No training whatsoever, no employee assessments, and hardly any rewards for good work performed, and/or results. The whole time I worked there, the owner maybe said Hello to me two or three times max, despite me always being polite and trying to engage in conversation. I'm quite disheartened to hear that they have let go many of ex co-workers, as they always gave their best and put in long hours.



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